Destined Martial God

Chapter 1490: Shock brought by the martial arts of opening up the world (three)

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Central Realm, Qianlong Fortress, on the platform!

"Zi ...!"

Seeing the imaginary axe condensed by the martial arts of the dual system of power, with just a special breath, it can directly destroy the soldiers gathered in the summer using the ever-changing dual system of rules. The shock was so shocking that everyone at the scene couldn't help but take a breath.

"This, this, this groundbreaking rule of martial arts is too scary and too powerful."

A white-haired old man from the stand on the east side who was equally aware of the two-line rule, and successfully created the rule martial arts, repaired to reach the top of the top seven ranks of martial arts, sounded a little trembling and said to himself.

"Even if Zhou Mengling, Ji Wenlong, etc., who have many cards in hand, I am afraid they can't resist the power of martial arts that open up the world!"

"So, who can force the Emperor Dan to perform the law and martial arts of the major?"

Although everyone can now hear the voice of the white-haired old man talking to himself, but no one has responded to his question.

Because the crowd at the scene either was too shocked to think, or the level of thinking was too deep to be scornful to answer his questions.

Off the stage!

Looking at Yu Haoran's law martial arts, she easily defeated the summer martial arts law, and she lost her left arm in the eyes of Shang Baizhan. At the same time, she expressed endless despair.


Looking at the axe axe that the martial arts technique converges, Ji Wenlong clenched his fists couldn't help but cursed secretly.

Because of the few cards he had, only one of his father's cards could withstand the Axe of Shadow.

But this is just Hao Ran's temporary understanding of the law of martial arts created, if he used more major law of martial arts!


Watching the soldiers disappearing on the ring, Feng Tingting from the Feng's family, breathing gradually increased, while a strong sense of war was gradually emerging in his eyes.

"The strength is improving so fast, it seems that the family's attitude towards him should also be changed." Looking at Yu Haoran, who also showed a horrified look on his face, Zhou Mengling thought with a hint of cold light.

In the air!

Peng Yanfei, who quickly woke up from the shock, looked gloomy, and a look of worry flashed in his eyes.

Taking Wushu Jiupin's peak repair as an example, the use of dual system martial arts to open up the world can bring a dangerous feeling to himself.

Then, Yu Haoran repaired to break through the realm of Wu Zun!

Moreover, with the talent and understanding shown by Yu Haoran, as well as the ready-made strength, as long as he breaks through the realm of Wu Zun, he will be able to achieve the top Wu Zun peerless power.

At the same time, with the blessing of the huge Qianlong Qiyun, when he broke through the realm of Wu Zun, he could definitely improve himself to the top of Wu Zun, the top of Wu Pin, the top of Wu Zun, and even the top of Wu Zun. Seven Pinnacles.

If Yu Haoran used the top-level Wuzun Qipin as his cultivation practice, and used the power-strength dual-system principle to open up ground-breaking martial arts, I am afraid that it would not only be able to threaten himself, it would probably kill his life directly.

Thinking of this, he replaced the worried look of Peng Yanfei directly, and cast his eyes directly on the hateful business hundred battles, Ji Wenlong and Zhou Mengling who appeared chills in his eyes, and Feng Tingting, whose eyes were flashing with intense wariness.

On the stage!

"Brother Xia, flee the ring!"

As the martial arts technique was used for the first time, Yu Haoran did not expect that the power would be so horrible, which caused him to be a little stunned like everyone on the scene.

Because he was able to successfully create the martial arts of the dual system of power in less than a month, the blessing of Qianlong Qiyun was only an auxiliary, and the fundamental reason was the memory inheritance of the ancient twelve ancestors.

The ancient ancestors did not cultivate spirits and only focused on the practice of physical body and strength. This led to most of the ancestral witches being able to successfully perceive the law of force or the law of quantity when they were promoted to the level of martial arts. , And the law of dual power.

After tens of millions of years of research by ancestors and witches, the number of dual laws of power created has reached tens of thousands.

And he created the groundbreaking rule martial arts, which is the combination of dozens of ancestral witches created the essence of martial arts.

How powerful is the power of martial arts, the limits of the environment of the Ma Ma mansion, and the upcoming five-horse Qianlong competition, which leaves him no chance and time to experiment.

However, when he reacted from the God of God, he found that he could not use the power of the idea to remove the power of martial arts, and only shouted at Xia Qi who was also in the state of God of God.

After hearing Hao Ran's reminder, Xia Qi didn't hesitate, and immediately wanted to turn around and jump off the platform to avoid the sudden side effects of Blood Devil Dan, which prevented him from mobilizing the slightest amount of elemental power and soul power. Looking at the rule, martial arts condensed the virtual axe chopped to himself.

"Break me!"

Seeing that his face was pale as paper for a moment, and his breath was weak to the summer of Wuwang's realm, Yu Haoran immediately guessed that this was a side effect of the Blood Devil Dan.

In desperation, he could only bite the tip of his tongue and spit out a bit of fine blood, and then used his own blood as a guide, and forcibly destroyed the law and martial arts that broke the ground at the cost of bearing the backwash of the law and martial arts.

"Brother Yu, it's all Tianqi's fault. I shouldn't be so selfish!" Looking at Yu Haoran, whose face was as pale as snow, with blood constantly appearing on the corners of his mouth, his heart continued to be moved, so that the corners of Summer Qi's eyes were slightly moist. Road.

In order to save Xia Qi ’s life, Yu Haoran did not hesitate to accept the rule of martial arts to counterattack the mind, and forcibly broke the law of martial arts. At the same time, everyone on the scene was deeply shocked, and he also had a better understanding of his character.

A person like Yu Haoran is that you are good to him, then he will give you back ten times and hundred times.

If you are evil to him, then he will also avenge you ten times, a hundred times, or even a thousand times.

Therefore, if you treat a person like Haoran, either you will be friends with him, or a stranger who nods his head, and you must not be evil with him, otherwise, you cannot bear the price of evil.

While reaching out to wipe away the remaining blood stains on the corners of the mouth, he directly took two second-order first-order healing medicine Qibao, returning to the soul dynasty, and Yu Haoran drew himself beside Xia Qi, and then used God's thoughts to look carefully.

The more you look, the more solemn Yu Haoran's face is. Especially when I saw the slumped spirit in the sea of ​​summer wonders, I couldn't help yelling.

"In the end, it was the Blood Devil made by the 250 **** Dan Master."

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