Destined Martial God

Chapter 1491: Betrayed Yu Haoran (four more)

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After hearing Yu Haoran's swearing, Xia Miancheng was in a state of disappointment, and his face immediately asked a little uncomfortably.

"Yu Didan, what exactly do you just mean?"

Because Yu Haoran is called the two hundred and fifty **** Danshi, it is Danxia Xiu who is the strongest in the Xia family and has Xia Wenhui who hopes to be promoted to Dandao Dandi.

And Xia Wenhui is not only his nephew, but also the confidence that the Xia family can ignore Haoran's grandeur.

"what happened!"

After hearing Xia Miancheng's question, Yu Haoran turned around and directly criticized him with his head and face covered.

"The third-order, first-ranking Blood Devil can allow users to have more than three times their own power in just three minutes. The side effect is that they cannot mobilize the slightest amount of vitality and soul power overnight. It can be restored as before. "

Having said that, Yu Haoran reached out and pointed at Summer Qi, who had fallen on the ring, and said angrily.

"And the third-order Nine-Pin Blood Demon Pill that Brother Xia just took was indiscriminately added with a second-order one-Pin Tianma flower containing highly toxic substances."

"Although this can increase the user's strength by more than five times, the medicinal power has been maintained for less than a minute."

"What's even more horrible is that the magical venom contained in the devil flower not only increases the power of the blood side effects by three to five times, but also hurts the soul of the user."

There was no slight anger because of the criticism that Yu Haoran split his head and covered his face, and Xia Miancheng immediately asked, looking nervous.

"Yu Dandi, what are the side effects of Gorefiend damaging the soul?"

The nervousness is because all the bloodline members of the Xia family have a blood monster that Xia Wenhui has personally refined, but the grades are different. The purpose is to enable the lineage people to save their lives at critical moments.

If the side effects of Xia Wenhui's refining Blood Devil Dan can threaten the spirits of the Dai people, then he must immediately notify the senior members of the family and promptly take back the Blood Devil that was handed to each Dai people.

Afterwards, Xia Wenhui should also be held accountable according to the harmfulness of the side effects caused by Xuemao Dan.

"At first, talent and understanding are weakened by one or two grades, and at most, they may become idiots directly." With a shrug of his shoulders, Yu Haoran replied with a very speechless look.

Even if Dan Dao Xiu was promoted to Dan Emperor's realm, even if he possessed the Nether Dan technique, he did not dare to easily change the Dan Fang that had been tried and tested, and still had the blood-devil Dan that had the side effect of counteracting.

The Dan master in the realm of Dan master, not only dares to change the Danfang of the Blood Devil, but also the members of the Xia family dare to take it. How can this not make him feel quite speechless.

"Really!" Xia Miancheng asked, unbelievably.

"Senior, I'm Yu Haoran, a master of Dan Dao's realm. He will never make fun of elixir."

Facing Xia Miancheng's doubts, Yu Haoran immediately retorted.

"Also, the means to test the side effects of Blood Devil Dan is very simple, just find a captive and try it for yourself."

"Yu Dandi, the old man should not question your achievements in Dan Dao, the old man apologizes to you seriously!"

Seeing the dissatisfaction on Yu Haoran's face, he forcibly suppressed the anger and sadness in Xia Miancheng, and immediately apologized to Yu Haoran solemnly.

"Forget it!"

The powerful and powerful Emperor of the Emperor Wudi's realm, the ancestor of the Xia family, can take the initiative to apologize to himself, even if there is much dissatisfaction in his heart, Yu Haoran can only forcibly disperse and accept the other's apology.

"Yu Dandi, Tianqi is the best child of our Xia clan's young generation in talent, potential, understanding and perseverance. Although it is impossible to take over the position of patriarch in the future, it is at least the core of the family."

Seeing that he was not angry at the question he had just made, Xia Miancheng secretly relieved, and stood up directly from the stone chair, then asked Yu Haoran with his fists in both hands.

"If Yu Dandi has a way to rescue Tianqi, no matter what excessive requests you make, my Xia family will do everything possible."

"Senior, even if you do not ask for me, I will do everything I can to treat Brother Xia."

He waved Xia Miancheng not to be polite. After Yu Haoran showed his attitude, he turned and began to re-examine Xia Qiqi's injury, and discussed the treatment with the towering spirit in the sea.

After nearly three minutes of inspection and discussion, Yu Haoran finally determined the treatment method, and then he stepped back a dozen steps and asked seriously while winking at Summer.

"Brother Xia, you still haven't given up, do you?"


Although he didn't know what Yu Haoran wanted to do, the clever Summer Qi immediately cooperated.

"If I use my family's hole cards, I still have a chance to defeat."

"In this case, in order to win the game and to increase the amount of Qianlong Qiyun blessing, I can only defeat you with Brother Xia when Brother Xia is injured."

After seeing Xia Qi being so perfectly suited to his plan, Yu Haoran gave him a reassuring look, and immediately made preparations to perform the martial arts rules.

"Come on!" Summer Qi, who stood up forcibly with the sword in his hand, signaled a gesture ready to fight.

"Yu Haoran, what do you want to do?"

Yu Haoran, who had promised to deal with it, suddenly turned his face to show the rules of martial arts, which made Xia Miancheng yell out loud in anger.

If it wasn't for the middle-aged woman who had just shot the destruction game, Qian Miancheng would like to rush directly to the ring, and then questioned Hao Ran's neck.

Peng Yanfei, who suddenly stood up, finally looked back with a reluctance to sit back, and looked at Yu Haoran with both fists.

The sudden change of face of Yu Haoran's betrayal made the crowd at the scene look at him immediately when questioning and abandoning his human affairs, watching whether he continued to use the law of martial arts and the law of martial arts.

However, after waiting for five minutes, Yu Haoran was still preparing to perform the rules and martial arts, which made everyone at the scene can't help but wonder.

Because no matter how ruthless the power of the rule of martial arts is, it takes up to five minutes of preparation time, so the created rule of martial arts is like a chicken rib.

Ten minutes later, everyone at the scene returned from Yu Haoran's rosy complexion and the ever-increasing breath, with a look of bitter smile in his eyes, and Xia Miancheng bowed his head in shame.

Peng Yanfei, sitting on the purple dragon chair, released his clenched fists and leaned on the dragon chair with a sigh.

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