Destined Martial God

Chapter 1498: Evenly matched (one more)

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Central Realm, Qianlong list, on the stage!

"Fist breaks the sky!"

Looking at the pressure of the million-character spells covering the entire platform, Yu Haoran didn't hesitate to hesitate. He recruited the thick mountains condensed by the ancestral and ancestral boxing techniques, and blasted to the pressure-defying magic spells.

The image of the broken spell in the imagination did not appear. The heavy mountains just touched the spell, and a large-character spell like a large net wrapped the mountains directly.

Immediately afterwards, the cyan light emitted by the Wanzi Mantra began to gradually suppress the mountain's body size.

Yu Haoran could not help but change his face slightly when he saw that the first boxing method inherited from Zu Wu fell for the first time.

Fortunately, his strong state of mind was cultivated to calm him down quickly, and then performed the second stroke of the ancestral and witch tradition.

"Fist breaks the sky!"

When the powerful tearing force just came into contact with the amulet, not only did it not directly tear up the amulet-sized mantra, but it was also quickly wrapped by the amulet, and was gradually compressed into a ball of energy by the cyan light emitted by the amulet.

Without the slightest hesitation, Yu Haoran successively performed the third and fourth strokes of the ancestral witches to inherit the boxing skills, trying to break the powerful defense and powerful sleepiness of the Mantra.

The third fist broke the galaxy, still unable to get rid of the fate of being wrapped by the mantra and compressed into an energy ball.

The fourth move is a ghost image of the gods, like a fish falling into a fishing net. Although desperately struggling, it still cannot escape the fate of being captured.

Looking at the unfavorable tradition of boxing, the first comprehensive fall in the downwind, not to mention that Yu Haoran was shocked. Even the countless spectators in the surrounding stands, thirty or so honorable men in the air, and more than four hundred under the stage. The players couldn't help but look slightly changed.

For those players who have personally experienced the power of inheriting boxing, their faces are as solemn as if they can drip water.

Although the ancestral ancestor's boxing techniques still have the fifth and sixth strokes, and the seventh stroke that can summon the ancestors' ancestors, Yu Haoran has not continued to consume the ancestral witch's physical power to perform the remaining three strokes.

Watching the curved knees sitting on the edge of the ring, he is still practicing the Buddha ’s martial arts. After taking a deep breath, Yu Haoran mobilized the laws of force and quantity to fulfill the realm of the realm. The character's Wuxing hopes to break the predicament in front of him.

Although Wu Xing's eyes were closed tightly, and a picture was devoted to the compassion of the Buddha's influence, but the power of the two-line rule was arbitrarily adjusted, and the hands with ten hands couldn't help trembling when he was preparing to perform the martial arts rule. After a few clicks, it also shows that he is also afraid of the rule martial arts created by the dual law of strength.

"Breaking new ground!"

With Yu Haoran's violent applause, when the brown axe agglomerated by the rule martial arts had just taken shape, the ten thousand-character mantra formed by the Buddha said cracks.

Along with the brown axe slowly slicing towards Wuxing, the ever-expanding fissure spells exploded one after another, and then turned into countless energy falling down the ring with the energy of peace.

Jin Suyuan, who is ranked 86th in the South Region list, is close to the position of Yantai, so after taking a risk to absorb a scattered amount of energy, he accidentally found that the energy of the explosion of the Wanzi Charm can greatly improve his mood. Because of this, he immediately sat down with a bent knee, and then absorbed the scattered energy with all his strength.

Jin Suyuan's move immediately caught the attention of many players in the ring, and they also tried to absorb the falling spell energy.

When I also found that the falling spell energy can improve my mood, like Jin Suyuan, I began to sit on my knees and crouched, grabbing not a lot of spell energy.

However, the demonic geniuses from the top of the rankings in various regions, and most of the players from the Western Regions, faced with the energy of spells falling in the air, not only retreating quickly, but also using Yuanli to expel the energy of spells falling in the air.

"The Mantra Charm, also known as the Incite Charm, is a secret method that can affect the mind of living beings. The scattered energy of the broken Mantra Charm also contains the effect of affecting the mind." Jiang Jingya, seeing a hint of movement in her eyes, Zhong Lishuiqin waved his hand to disperse all the energy of the spells floating towards them, and he solemnly reminded.

After hearing the reminder from Zhongli Shuiqin, and seeing that the top powerhouses in various regions had stepped back, Jiang Jingya could not help but asked a slight change in her complexion.

"Sister Shuiqin, what would happen if my mind was affected?"

"Become the baldest and most devout believer, willing to give his life for him." Reaching out to lift off his blue suit, Wu Xing, Zhong Lishuiqin flashed back in the cold light.

Jiang Jingya, who turned pale for an instant, showed a strong fear in the eyes of Wu Xing.

With the aura of the axe alone, he can directly smash his painstakingly condensed million characters, look at the slowly axe coming from the axe, and stop the Buddha ’s expression of Wuxing's face to instantly freeze.


After whispering the Buddha's horn a little, the head directly lifted the blue cyan suit, then threw the cyan suit to the ax, and closed his eyes again to continue the Buddha.

"Buddha said that everything has action, like a fantasy bubble, like dew, like electricity, should be viewed like this!"

"Buddha said that all things are born in chaos, everything is chaotic and extinct, chaos is in all things extinct, and chaos is everything in existence!"

"Buddha said ...!"

As Wuxing ’s Buddha said, one after another the Mantras quickly condensed and merged into the blue cyan suit thrown into the air, and the Tsing Yi robe gradually emitted a strong cyan light.

Immediately afterwards, the cyan navy with cyan light shrouded the axe that the law martial arts gathered directly.

The blue navy suit wanted to be like the boxing ancestors of the ancestral witches, and the axe was desperate to resist.

For a moment, Nayi and the axe fell into a tug of war between you and me!

Since the rule of martial arts created by the dual system of power rules can break through the Buddha's Dharma practice, Yu Haoran took a sigh of relief, and immediately took out the white stick that was promoted to the highest level of exaltation.

After taking a deep breath, his slightly bent legs kicked hard, and Yu Haoran rose straight into the sky.

Isn't Yu Haoran best at boxing?

Why did he take out the supreme white stick?

This is the doubt that emerged from the hearts of everyone at the scene when Yu Haoran rose into the sky.

When rushing to the Qianlong Fortress at a height of 10,000 meters, Yu Haoran mobilized the law of force and the law of quantity into the stick magic weapon to complete the realm of the stick, and enhanced the power of the stick magic with the power of the dual system rule.

"A stick in the sky!"

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