Destined Martial God

Chapter 1499: Buddha relic (second more)

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Central Realm, Qianlong Fortress, mid-air!

"A stick in the sky!"

Accompanied by Hao Ran's violent drinking, the stick force martial arts that incorporates the law of force and the law of quantity, quickly formed a terrorist force, which makes the void across the stick appear waves, and also makes countless strong people in the stands around. Can't help but a sudden change of face.

Because only the aftermath of strength can cause waves in the void, which is enough to prove that the power of the stick method has reached the top seven martial arts.

"The only one among the ancient demons who can defeat the Buddha with the Emperor's realm to fight against the demigod realm without losing, the monkey tribe walker's inheritance stick method!"

Looking at the length and width without any changes, but giving the illusion of an infinitely large stick instrument, Zhong Lishuiqin's eyes appeared extremely shocked.

Then she looked at Wu Zhengjun with infinite expectations in her eyes and asked.

"Small army, did Yu Dandi get the inheritance of the 18-stick method of defeating the Buddha and surrendering magic?"

Faced with the interrogation expected by Zhong Lishuiqin, Wu Zhengjun shook his head with a frown.

"I don't know. Brother never told me."

"Sister Qinqin, the stick technique that the horse has just cast is obtained from a special instrument called My Heart Stick."

During the lingering period after marriage, the two were lying in the quilt and had talked about some past experiences of each other, so Qin Lingfei knew very well the origin of Yu Haoran's Monkey King Stick Method.

"Is it a stick instrument that emits dazzling golden light, can be big, small, thick and thin?" Zhong Lishuiqin asked more excitedly after hearing Qin Lingfei's explanation.

"That's right!" Thinking back a little, Qin Lingfei nodded and replied.


After receiving a positive answer from Qin Lingfei, Zhong Lishuiqin looked at Wu Zhengjun in excitement, and said with excitement.

"Small army, as long as Yu Dandi is willing to use the 18-stick method of surrendering magic to defeat the Buddha tradition as an engagement gift, then the combination between you and me will not be opposed by the family, and other people will certainly have nothing to say. "

"Sister Shuiqin, although I can't bear to spoil your good mood now, but I have to regret to tell you now that not only did you fail to get what you call the magic eighteen-stick magic trick, but even the magical instrument like my heart has long been Leave him. "Looking at Zhong Lishuiqin with an excited look, Qin Lingfei flashed an intolerable look in the eyes, and finally gritted her teeth to remind him cruelly.


After hearing Qin Lingfei's reminder, Zhong Li Shuiqin asked incredulously.

"With Dan's talents and methods, how could it not be possible to obtain the stick-mantra of the Buddha's victory over the Buddha, and how could the ancestor of the Buddha's victory over the Buddha escape?"

Faced with Zhong Lishuiqin's incredible questioning, Qin Lingfei wanted to explain in detail, but with Wu Xing's move on the ring, she immediately turned her attention to the ring.

At the same time, Zhong Li Shuiqin, who felt the fluctuation of special power, temporarily suppressed the thought of questioning, and also watched Wuxing on the ring.

Feeling that Hao Ran's attacking power contained in the sky and stick method has reached the peak of the top Wuzun Qipin, and the power is still improving rapidly, Wu Xing's eyes flashed a look of horror, and immediately his chest From the placket, take out beads that are the size of a fist and have pure white beads.

Seeing the white beads taken out by Wu Xing, a look of greed, indifference, unwillingness and resentment flashed in the eyes of the bald young man under the ring.

"This is the relic of the emperor's realm sitting, leaving some relics!" After watching Wuxing holding fist-sized white beads in his hands, Zhong Lishuiqin reminded Wu Zhengjun and others with a serious look.

"I don't know how many times this Buddha relic can be used!"

Looking at the pure white relic in his hand, after Wuxing's eyes showed a reluctant look, he bit his tongue and spit out a spit of blood to the relic.

Quickly reconciled into Wu Xing's relics that spit out blood, instantly emitting an extremely dazzling cyan light.

With the dazzling and rich blue light, the phantom of a middle-aged monk wearing a teal navy suit, with a stern look, hands folded, eyes closed, emerged slowly from the relic.

The middle-aged monk did not open his eyes, and continued to keep his right hand in a sloppy posture, while his left hand was pushed upward, and an invisible momentum instantly met the banging white stick.


As the invisible momentum confronted the white sticks, the sound of deafening roar suddenly appeared over the sky.

With the deafening roar, the invisible momentum of the middle-aged monk's swing was instantly broken, and the white club's unstoppable power blasted towards the middle-aged monk's phantom.

The moment the invisible momentum was crushed, the middle-aged monk frowned slightly.

Slowly opened his eyes and looked up at the white stick that was about to reach his head. After a sharp cold light flashed in his eyes, the left hand he had just pulled back up and held it up, and the palm of his hand, which was quickly enlarged, was directly with the stick.

Although the palm of the middle-aged monk successfully blocked the fatal blow of the white stick, from the height of which he sank directly several meters, he also knew that the blow just put him at a disadvantage.

But being at a disadvantage is not the end result that Yu Haoran wants.

Therefore, he immediately overdrawn a part of the ancestor's blood and continued to increase the power of the white stick attack.


Feeling that the power of white stick attacks can still be greatly improved. At the same time, the middle-aged monk's look changed slightly, and after reciting the Buddha's horn, he firmly clasped the relic in the hands of Wuxing, not flying directly in the volley under his control, then quickly Integrate into the body of a middle-aged monk.

Seeing that the essence of the Buddha contained in the relics can be used to resist the stick attack by Hao Ran, while Wu Xing's eyes appeared shocked, he couldn't help but regret it, and regretted that he was too arrogant and confident. Only then would the rebirth accelerate the destruction and make him lose the most powerful card in his hand.

The middle-aged monk who quickly integrated into the Buddha of Sariene and retained a part of the essence not only has a more solid body, but also has a stronger momentum.

Looking up at Yu Haoran, who continued to increase the power of the stick attack, his middle-aged monk with a strong murderous spirit flashed in his eyes, and began to buddha like Wu Xing.

"Buddha said: Buddha!"

A golden character radiating from the mouth, slowly condensed from the mouth of a middle-aged monk Buddha, and then turned into a giant Buddhist character about 100 meters high and about 60 meters wide. Hao Ran's east side.

"Buddha said: Dharma!"

The giant French word about 100 meters high and about 60 meters wide floats on the south side of Hao Ran.

"Buddha said: None"

The giant wordless, about 100 meters high and about 60 meters wide, floats on the west side of Hao Ran.

"Buddha said: Edge!"

The giant side characters about 100 meters high and about 60 meters wide are floating on the north side of Hao Ran.

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