Destined Martial God

Chapter 1500: Crossing (three)

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Central area, above Qianlong Fortress!

"The Dharma is boundlessly surrendering its devil, and the Dharma is boundless!"

With the four hundred-meter-long giant characters of Buddha, Dharma, Wu, and Bian enclosing Yu Haoran, he quickly retracted the middle-aged monk who wrestled with the palm of his white stick. His ten fingers quickly gave birth to a holy lotus while yelling .

With the drunken sound of a middle-aged monk, while the holy lotus quickly resisted the white stick, the four giant characters of the infinite Dharma began to spin up quickly.

While rotating quickly, the four giant characters of the endless Dharma gradually create an independent space full of peace and calm.

At the same time, solemn voice suddenly came from Yu Haoran's ear.

"Let down the butcher knife and become a Buddha on the ground, there is no Amitabha!"

"The sea of ​​bitterness is endless, the shore is turned back, and there is no Amitabha in the south!"

Under the influence of solemn and solemn mu, Yu Haoran gradually loosened the palm of his white clench, and a look of longing appeared in his eyes.

"Yu Haoran, you must wake up with your perseverance!"

Looking at Yu Haoran who was gradually lost in the inciting voice, Ta Ling did not immediately help, but looked at him very nervously, silently praying and encouraging him for him.

Put down the weapon that represents killing in your hand, put aside the idea of ​​killing filled with hatred, and welcome a new life without oppression, without killing, without hatred!

The description of the new life constantly appeared in his mind, letting Yu Haoran completely release the white stick in his hand, and then with a serene smile on his face, he slowly opened his arms and planned to welcome the new life.

But at this moment, a hint of doubt in his heart made the peaceful smile on his face gradually recede, and his open arms slowly dropped.

You can let go of all your hatred, but what about your opponent who has hatred?

You can lay down the weapon representing killing yourself, so how do you ascend to the peak of martial arts for eternal life?

I am a person, a flesh-and-blood person, how can it be possible to abandon loved ones, lovers, and friends who live and die with themselves?

Continual doubts and doubts in his heart made him quickly wake up from the confusion.

Holding the released white stick quickly and lightningly, looking at the empty independent space, Yu Haoran's eyes showed a vigilant look.

"Yu Haoran, congratulations on going through the deepest level of inner demon, Wudi Realm has opened half a door to you."

Just when Hao Ran was wary of the deceiving means and power of the independent space, a sudden and reassuring voice of Ta Ling came from his mind.

"Ta Ling, what the **** is this?" Thinking back to the fact that he had just voluntarily given up the weapon that accompanied him to battle the peak of martial arts, Yu Haoran immediately asked with a panic.

"Yu Haoran, Buddhism and Taoism pay attention to cross-breeding, no matter whether you are a butcher with countless blood on your hands or an uncultivated beast vegetation, as long as you are a living being, as long as you have life and soul, you can be ascended to Buddha The bliss world built by Tao. "

As long as he can survive the confusion of the Buddha's tone and the Buddha's spirit, and eliminate the weakest demon in his heart, there is no means in the independent space that can threaten Yu Haoran, so Ta Ling took this opportunity to introduce him to the Buddha in detail.

At the beginning of the establishment of the ancient Buddhist Taoism, there were three ways to cross the world: flesh, soul, and peace of mind!

Fleshification means that the soul reaches the state of purity and innocence by not eating, drinking, or sleeping.

Soul extinction means that the soul reaches the state of epiphany and emptiness through the means of not thinking, not thinking.

Mindfulness is the removal of spiritual impurities through Buddhism and Buddhism, so that the soul reaches a state of desire and desire.

The three means of crossing the living creatures seem to be Bo Shi Ji Zhong, but they are actually insidious.

The spiritual body is the carrier of all forces, not to mention ordinary beings. Even if a successful military person does not die for a long time, he will not drink or sleep, the final result will not escape.

In life, how can the affection of seven emotions and six desires be thoughtless, not thoughtless, and how can there be nothing longing for in the heart, unless it is a dead person who has been unable to breathe.

Therefore, the so-called Buddhism crossing the world is actually a process of destruction from the physical body to the soul, which ultimately makes you lose the chance of reincarnation, which is also the fundamental reason why Buddhism was destroyed later.

However, just now he was affected by the Buddha's sound and spirit. He almost put down the butcher knife in his hand and chose to stand on the ground to become a Buddha, which was affected by the third means of transition.

However, it is also the reason that the state of mind has been transformed by Buddhism, which has completely eliminated the inner demon.

This will not only make his state of mind continue to make rapid progress, but also will not encounter the threat and distress of the demon when breaking through the realm of Wudi's power.

"Talling, how can you open up the space in front of you?"

Although the evil spirits and blessings eliminated the evil spirits and officially opened the half-door to the realm of Emperor Wu, but thinking of almost dying under the means of the Buddhist Buddhism of the other party, Yu Haoran suddenly appeared endless murderous spirit.

The endless murderous spirit is aimed at both the ghosts of middle-aged monks and the enlightenment on the ring.

"Yu Haoran, the independent space in front of him is the Buddha, using a part of the essence that was preserved during sitting during his lifetime, and condensed with the help of Buddhism. The solidity requires at least the power of the Emperor Wu to break.

While explaining the reason for the formation of the independent space, the Tallinn mobilized the energy of the tower in the ontology domain, intending to break the independent space in front of himself.

"So leave it to me!"

After hundreds of wheel battles, especially the top five players in the rankings, Peng Yanfei and Qianlong Qiyun did not stop when they used the complete emperor's tasting tools, which let Yu Haoran know how to act The skill of the player can also be considered as part of the player's own strength.

Since those players are able to use the instruments in the emperor's realm with instrumental spirits, why can't they get the help of the towering spirits who are also instrumental identities.

Therefore, in the face of Taling ’s decision to take his own shot, Yu Haoran nodded in agreement, and re-started the power of the dual power regulation into the stick, intending to be broken in an independent space, giving the middle-aged bald monk the illusion Fatal blow.

Outside the independent space!

"Sister Qinqin, there is no danger to the horse!"

Seeing that Yu Haoran was trapped in the independent space formed by the Dharma, it had been nearly three minutes before he had escaped, and Qin Lingfei, who gradually came to mind with bad ideas, could only turn to Zhongli Shuiqin, who understands the origin of the Buddha. Hope She can reassure herself.


It is because of the origins of Buddhism and Buddhism that it is clear that middle-aged monk Zhongli Shuiqin, who exerts the boundless power of Buddhism, does not know whether Yu Haoran can resist the power of Buddhism and sound in an independent space, and can finally break through successfully.

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