Destined Martial God

Chapter 1545: Deep affection (three more)

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Central Realm, Qianlong Fortress, in the stands!

Gently glanced at Wu Zhengjun, Zhong Lishuiqin explained solemnly.

"According to my previous observation, Yu Dandi, relying on the secret transformation, absorbed the endless thunderbolt's lightning energy to improve his practice, he must have found that he had a very serious hidden danger, which might affect him. Hopes that will hit a higher level in the future. "

"So, I speculate that he wanted to use the means of self-defeating Dantian, the spirit and the physical body, and then re-cultivate the process to eliminate the hidden dangers that are difficult to eradicate in the body."

After hearing Zhong Lishuiqin's explanations and speculations, countless spectators on the south stand couldn't help taking a sip of cool air, and their eyes showed an incredible look.

The cultivation of the top Wuzun Jiupin peak not only possesses a noble identity and power that affects the situation of the Tianxuan Continent, but also enjoys a long life span of 5,000 years.

Just because of its own hidden dangers, in the event of endless thunderstorms, it directly discarded everything it once had. The audience on the south side who was familiar with and understood Yu Haoran did not know whether he should praise him for his courage, It's time to ridicule his stupid ignorance.

"Brother, you will succeed!"

Watching Yu Haoran recovering his original shape and sitting on the ring with a bent knee, Wu Zhengjun was still anxious inside, but silently began to bless and pray for him.

"Horse, you can start again with confidence. If you die unfortunately under the endless thunder, then Ling Fei will come to accompany you immediately, and you will not be left alone."

Looking at Yu Haoran's resolute face, Qin Lingfei not only did not blame him for being too selfish at all, but was full of infinite tenderness and unprepared preparation to follow.

"Ling Fei, I'll go with your younger brother with you!" Stepped to Qin Ling Fei's side, and then clenched her left hand tightly, Jian Wuzhen said with the same tenderness and determination.

"No trace!"

Turning his head and glanced at the sword without trace, Qin Lingfei gave a slight whisper, and a cloud of mist appeared in his eyes.

Looking at Qin Lingfei and Jian Shou, who were standing side by side, remembering that they had just shown love for Hao Ran, and Zhong Li Shuiqin, who was so moved, couldn't help looking at Wu Zhengjun.

"If my brother survived the thunderstorm and agreed with you and me, I would treat you wholeheartedly."

Wu Zhengjun, who was also touched by Qin Lingfei and Jian Wuzhen, revealed his truest feelings for the first time in his life.

"Xiaojun!" Flashed himself beside Wu Zhengjun, then took the initiative to hold his palm, Zhong Lishuiqin shouted emotionally.

"It is self-defeating under endless thunderstorms. Even the gods in the realm of martial arts can't escape. You Yu Haoran will surely die this time."

As a mighty power in the realm of Emperor Wudi, the parents of the businessmen also guessed that it was because of the self-destruction.

Looking at the breath that had fallen to the realm of warriors, Yu Haoran, and then looked up at the thunderbolt and thunderbolt that was washed down like a waterfall, the business parents suddenly shouted excitedly.

The old and proud shouts of the business parents immediately ushered in a lot of strong complaints from Yu Haoran, as well as some strong men who looked at him unpleasantly.

"The Elder Shang was right, I think the surname Yu is too arrogant, so arrogant that he doesn't know the heights and heights, and finally makes a stupid act of seeking death."

"The surname Yu is a broom star that can die under the endless thunderstorm. It can also be regarded as an open sky and a quiet and peaceful spiritual environment in the Tianxuan continent."


Many strong men in the stands around, sarcastically determined that Hao Ran must die in the endless thunder robbery, and the towering spirit, who had been screaming and roaring, threatened while gnashing his teeth, while mobilizing the tower of the body domain to resist the endless thunder robbery.

"Small boy, I think you have hard wings, but you dare not discuss it with yourself and make a decision to self-defeate and re-cultivate."

"Boy, you wait for me, and after you've safely passed the endless thunderstorm, you'll have a taste of my Taling's torture method."

As the three souls and seven souls were brought back to the pagoda in time by the tower spirit, he complained and threatened his teeth just now, and Yu Haoran heard it clearly.

Can't help but fight a chill, and quickly adjust his mentality to restart cultivation, so that Tal Ling can reduce the time to resist the baptism of endless thunder, thunder, lightning, and weaken his inner dissatisfaction and anger.

Take a deep breath, and carefully sense the pulse and spirit that are placed in front of you.

In just one second, he successfully sensed the pure aura contained in the spirit vein, and then spent another two seconds to facilitate the successful introduction of the pure aura into the body by the destiny mind method.

The experience of the second re-cultivation, self-made far better than Taixuan Xinjing's destiny mentality, coupled with the blessing of the pure veins of the veins and the great Qianlong Qiyun, Yu Haoran's cultivation is like riding a rocket, and is rapidly and madly improving. .

In two minutes, he was successfully promoted to the warrior realm.

In five minutes, he was successfully promoted to martial arts.

In ten minutes, he reopened the sea of ​​knowledge, and after successfully consolidating the spirits, he was successfully promoted to the Wuzong realm.

In twenty minutes, he was successfully promoted to the level of Wuwang.

Forty minutes, he was successfully promoted to the realm of Wuhuang.

After one hour and twenty minutes, after re-understanding the power of the law of life and death, he was successfully promoted to the martial arts realm.

"Boy, for your sake, my Tallinn has lost his blood this time!"

Seeing that Yu Haoran's Xiu spent a total of two and a half hours in order to return to the realm of Wu Sheng, while Ta Ling was very relieved, he also had to complain a little bit angrily.

Because the Ontology Tower can withstand the baptism of endless thunder robbery for only three hours.

Next, Yu Haoran needs to continue to improve the realm of Wusheng Yipin to Jiupin. At the same time, it is even more necessary to impact the perfection of the Wusheng Shipin of Xiuwei and the physical grade. More than half an hour is definitely not enough.

Therefore, the towering spirit can only use the original energy of the tower of the ontology domain to gain more time for him to cultivate.

"Ta Ling, you don't need to use the original ability of the domain tower." Just when the spirit of the domain tower had just mobilized, the re-condensed spirit reminded him.

"Yu Haoran, if I don't use the original energy, I can only persist for half an hour at most." Tower Inspiration reminded me.

"Ta Ling, I will restore the ancestral witch's body next, and then use the ancestor-witch inheritance and engulfing Dafa to promote cultivation, so you only need to bear half of the power of thunderstorm for me." Body, Yu Haoran reminded confidently.

Just the initial cultivation of Wu Sheng Yi Pin, he dared to directly endure the endless thunder baptism of Wu Zun's realm. Yu Haoran had a confident reminder just now, so that Taling suddenly realized that he must be in the process of re-cultivation. With amazing results, I can't help but want to know the answer.

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