Destined Martial God

Chapter 1546: Slap face (four more)

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Central Realm, Qianlong Fortress, on the platform!

"Reborn, rebuilt!"

He did not reply to Ta Ling's interrogation in detail. After sighing, Yu Haoran motioned to Ta Ling to release half of the thunderstorm.


After seeing Yu Haoran, who had reintroduced the transformation of the ancestor and witch, and the flesh began to absorb the thunder and lightning energy of endless thunderstorms, Zhong Lishuiqin gave a cheering surprise, and quickly explained to Wu Zhengjun and Qin Lingfei.

"Although Yu Dandi ’s practice was only re-trained to the beginning of Wusheng Yipin, the special transformation he exhibited was able to absorb thunder and thunder and lightning. This shows that during the process of re-training, he not only eliminated the hidden dangers in his body, but also had unimaginable strength Amazing changes. "

"So, not only does he not have any danger now, but he has great hopes to survive the endless thunderstorm and completely complete the rebirth of the Phoenix Pantheon."

"No trace, did you just hear it! The horse is safe!" After hearing Zhong Lishuiqin's explanation, Qin Lingfei, who was endlessly joyous, suddenly shook the arm with no trace of the sword, crying in tears.

"Well, I heard it!"

A sword with no intention of joy appeared in my heart, nodded heavily, and then quietly wiped away the two tears of happiness that had just flowed out of my eyes because of too much excitement and joy.

Yu Siqi, who had been holding the sword in the emperor's realm all the time, secretly relieved, and immediately exuded a breath more indifferent than ruthless.

Jiang Jingya, who stood behind the crowd, silently shed tears of remorse.

Because after Zhong Lishuiqin explained and inferred Yu Haoran's behavior in detail, the thoughts that came out of her heart turned out to be blameful for Haoran's behavior, which was too selfish and did not take into account the thoughts and feelings of others no matter what.

Because of her strong dissatisfaction, when Qin Lingfei and Jian Wujin made a willing expression of affection, she finally chose to retreat silently.

Now, as Yu Haoran has passed through the most dangerous situation, she knows that she has followed Hao Ran, an irreversible rift has formed between Qin Lingfei and Jian Wuhen, and in the future, she will not be able to return to the intimate relationship.

"Shang Jinlin, do you feel a pain in your face now?" Looking at Yu Haoran, who has become a giant again, began to successfully absorb the thunder and thunder and lightning, and sat on the stone chair at the top of the stand, with a weird smile. Asked.

"Yuwen Sovereign, what do you mean by that?" Old business man Jinlin, a gloomy business parent, didn't hear the meaning of Yuwen Cangqiang's words at all, and asked with respect.


Seeing that Shang Jinlin didn't notice the ironic meaning in his tone just now, a slight scornful explanation appeared in Yuwen's eyes.

"Yu Haoran, you say that you must die, will not only be safe and sound, but you will be able to return to the ranks of the top powerhouses. Isn't this a slap?"

"Is your skin thick enough to be like a city wall? A face of this level has no effect on you."

Yu Haoran just risked self-cultivation and then re-cultivated, which made Yuwen the sky very worried because he hadn't completed the refining of the second-order and first-order Tianmo demon spirit.

At this time, Shang Jinlin vowed that Ju Haoran would surely die under the endless thunder, making him even more irritable.

Therefore, only after Hao Ran passed through the most dangerous stage safely, he deliberately ridiculed.

"Yuwen Sky, do you want to declare war with my Shang clan!" Such a straightforward explanation, immediately threatened by the humiliating Shang Jinlin.


As he stood up and shook his neck, Yuwen said with a smirk.

"But before the official declaration of war, the Lord of Lords can first unscrew your Shang Jinlin's head."

"Mr. Yu Wen, Elder Shang, if you don't want to suffer the same blessing of endless thunderstorms, it's better to sit back." Elder Yuxu Palace, who has a secret alliance with the Shang family, is too reluctant to see Allies hurriedly reminded solemnly.

"Yuwen sky, after the endless thunder robbery, if there is something, you should not leave Qianlong Fortress in advance." The elder of Yuxu Palace reminded him, making Shang Jinlin more provocative and fearless.

"Rest assured, the demon master also needs to help the alchemy with Dandi. He will not leave Qianlong Fortress in advance, but will also have to weigh Shang Hongyu's weight to see if he has the qualifications to be on an equal footing with us." Duan While sitting back on the stone chair, Yuwen Cangqiang even more aggressively attacked Shang Jinlin's provocation.

"Break me!"

Qianlong's blessing of blessing, coupled with the absorption of thunder, thunder, and lightning by Shen Rongqi Tai and Devouring Dafa, Yu Haoran only spent less than an hour, repaired and restored to the limit of Wusheng Jiupin.

Later, according to the self-destructive repair, before checking his own status, he got the insight of breaking through the perfect state of Wu Sheng and Wu Zun ten grades, and began to attack the peak of Wu Sheng's nine grades and the physical grade at the same time.

After three uninterrupted shocks, accompanied by the broken bottleneck of Xiu Wei and the physical realm, he was finally promoted to the perfect state of Wu Sheng 10.

At the same time, there is a slight tendency to break through the state of mind repair of the Emperor Wudi.

Just resisting half of the thunderbolt and thunderbolt attacks, so that while Tallinn can persist for a longer time, he can also devote more energy to paying attention to Haoran Xiu's breakthrough situation.

After seeing Yu Haoran's successful promotion to the perfect realm of Wu Sheng Shipin, the tower was inspired by a great surprise, at the same time, he immediately used the ultimate thoughts to check how Hao Ran had been promoted to a new level.

But what inspired the tower to be very surprised was that the powerful divinity in the demigod realm could not enter his body. This situation shows that only Wu Haoran, who is in the perfect realm of Wusheng Shipin, already has the resistance to the demigod strong. Read about the power of peeping.

While the heart suddenly appeared as shocking as the stormy sea, Ta Ling couldn't help looking forward, hoping that Hao Ran could use the opportunity of the calamity of heaven and earth and the son of destiny to shock the real existence, but no one could shock the immortality of success.

"Taling, take back the tower of the domain!"

With the smooth promotion of Xiu Wei and the physical grade to the promotion of Wu Sheng 10th grade, half of the energy of thunder and thunder and lightning, some could not meet the speed of Xiu Wei's ascension, Yu Haoran hurriedly ordered to Ta Ling.


There was no hesitation in retrieving the domain tower, and then back to Yu Haoran's sea of ​​knowledge, and then the towering spirit stayed completely.

If Yu Haoran self-destructed and repaired the former Shihai, it is a sea of ​​oceans, then the current Shihai is like a continent.

Even if you use all the deities in the demigod realm, you cannot see the edge of the sea.

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