Destined Martial God

Chapter 1550: Promises and promises (three)

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Central Realm, Qianlongbao, on the south side stand!


Looking at Yu Haoran, who was slowly falling on the south stand, Qin Lingfei, whose inner emotions had collapsed several times, did not care about the attention of tens of thousands of people at the scene, and rushed directly to the embarrassing lover.

"Ling Fei, I'm really sorry to worry you!"

For more than two years of acquaintance and love, couples have been with each other for months and nights. With one look and one action, he can know what Qin Lingfei thinks and thinks.

Being able to give up the girl's restraint under the watchful eyes and directly embrace her own arms, which shows that she has just endured the action of endless thunder and calamity, which brought her unimaginable psychological shock and pressure, which also made Hao Ran unbearable. Live an apology for feeling blame.

"Ma Ma, since the first day of meeting you, Ling Fei has known that you are a person who is obsessed with martial arts, and understands that you are willing to give up everything in order to pursue the peak of martial arts."

After hearing Yu Haoran's self-blame apology, she looked up at Qin Lingfei, her lover's resolute face, and said emotionally.

"So Ling Fei neither regrets her choice at first, but also respects and supports all your decisions. You don't have to apologize to Ling Fe now and in the future."

"Ling Fei!"

How to get a wife like this!

Faced with Qin Lingfei's sympathetic relief and support, Yu Haoran, who was touched by her heart, did not know what to say, and could only hug her more vigorously.


Although I was very envious of the strong feelings between Haoran and Qin Lingfei, when thinking of the next more important thing to say, Zhong Li Shuiqin could only remind the other party to restrain the exposed feelings with a light cough.

Zhong Lishuiqin's soft cough calmed Yu Haoran and Qin Lingfei from their emotional emotions, reached out and held Qin Lingfei's jade hand, then took her to Yu Siqi's face, and Yu Haoran apologized for the same blame.

"Sister, I'm sorry to worry you!"

In the face of endless thunderstorms, self-defeating repairs will not only cause shock and speculation at the scene, but also make relatives and friends very worried.

Therefore, in the process of self-defeating repairs, Yu Haoran once glanced at several relatives and friends in the south side stands, and knew that her sister wanted to rush into the endless thunderstorm to rescue herself, and was stopped by Zhong Lishuiqin in time.

Being able to die willingly under the influence of the stateless situation, Yu Haoran felt in her heart that her elder sister might be able to surpass the supreme supremacy of the Middle Ages and become the first person to break through the state of forgetfulness and thus advance to the state.

"Only once, this is not the case!" Gently glanced at Hao Ran, Yu Siqi reminded frostily.

In this regard, Yu Haoran smiled indifferently, and then led Qin Lingfei to the front of Jian Wuhen.

"No trace, while giving me some time to adjust, I will give you a satisfactory promise."

Looking at the infinite tenderness in his eyes, but abiding by his own sword without trace, Yu Haoran, who has just undergone transformation, has changed his sentiment.

But in order to truly accept the sword without marks, he still needs some time to adjust and adapt, so he can only give his promise temporarily.

Yu Haoran's promise seemed to Jian Wuhen to be the most wonderful and happiest thing in her life, so she nodded in her tenderness.

"Brother Yu, I will wait for your promise for generations to come."

Yu Haoran still did not dare to open the door to accept the invisible feelings of the sword, and the dissatisfied Qin Lingfei took the initiative to shake off his clenched hands, and then walked in front of the sword without a trace to persuade and guarantee something.

In response to this, Yu Haoran neither cared, nor thought of overhearing, turned around and walked in front of Wu Zhengjun and Zhong Lishuiqin.

"Shuiqin girl, now you must tell me the truth, do you like Zhengjun, or do you love Zhengjun?" He patted Wu Zhengjun's shoulder gently, motioned him not to speak for a while, and Yu Haoran put a smile on his face and faced him. Zhong Lishuiqin asked.

"Of course I love Xiaojun!" Without any hesitation, Zhong Lishuiqin replied immediately.

"That being the case, as the senior brother and elder brother of the army, I agree with you."

From Zhongli Shuiqin's attitude of answering without hesitation, Yu Haoran already knew her affection for Wu Zhengjun.

Now, having the strength to confront the strength of the Emperor Wudi powerfully, he can also confront the pressure brought by the Zhongli family and the guardian family.

Therefore, Yu Haoran not only nodded in agreement with their exchanges, but also took the initiative to make a commitment for Wu Zhengjun.

"At the same time, today, one year later, I will take Zhengjun to the house of the Zhongli family and officially propose to your father."

"Really!" Zhong Lishuiqin asked incredulously.

"I act in Hao Ran, and I believe in it, and I will do it!"

In a domineering response to Zhong Li Shuiqin's questioning, Yu Haoran's gaze turned to the red circles under his eyes, and Jiang Jingya's eyes dodged.

"Jingya, Manma House will always be your home, and Xinyuan Pavilion will always be your other house!"

"Brother Yu, I ...!"

After hearing the promise given by Hao Ran, Jiang Jingya who was a little stunned, followed by tears and wanted to say something, but in the end couldn't say anything.

"Jingya, in Brother Yu's heart, you will always be my younger sister that I need to protect."

Stepping up to Jiang Jingya's side, Yu Haoran arranged for her the final positioning of the future relationship while arranging a few bangs scattered in front of her forehead for her.

"Sister forever!"

Looking at Yu Haoran who turned away, Jiang Jingya, who was instantly replaced by bitterness in her eyes, suddenly felt frustrated and shook her head.

Then, using the means of mind-to-heart connection, she said to the wind-tailed fox on her shoulder.

"Xiaofeng, when things here are over, we immediately set off for the tomb of Fengling Cliff. The Emperor Wucheng will never leave the tomb."

"Squeak!" Reaching out Jiang Jingya's cheek with a small claw in his hand, Consolation of Windtail Fox's eyes filled with worry.

"Xiaofeng, I'm fine!" Jiang Jingya barely squeezed a smile as she stretched her fingers and touched the head of Fengwei.

"Master Yuwen, I don't know if the medicinal materials for refining the demon **** spirit Dan are ready?" After turning and leaving Jiang Jingya, Yu Haoran asked in front of Yuwen's sky at the top of the stand.

During the game, the promise to An Yufei has been completed, and there is no need to exchange alchemy materials for refining the troopers' flags.

At the same time, he also needs to follow Talling as quickly as possible to find the spar in the valley at the junction of the Eastern and Central Regions.

Therefore, he wanted to complete the agreement with Yuwen Chuangqi as soon as possible, and after asking himself about the whereabouts of a confidant, he immediately got up and left Qianlong Fortress in the central area.

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