Destined Martial God

Chapter 1551: Gap (four more)

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Central Realm, Qianlong Fortress, in the stands!

"Already prepared!"

Seeing that even through the baptism of endless thunder robbery, Yu Haoran still has the strength not to lose, and still intends to complete the agreement with himself in the first time.

This made Yuwen Cangqiang more convinced of each other as a person, at the same time, he immediately stood up and responded with a smile.

"Now that I'm ready, I'll open the furnace to make alchemy for you now!"

While nodding his head to signal his immediate fulfillment of the promise, Yu Haoran rose to the air and flew to the platform on the square.

"Yu Dandi, please wait a moment!"

Yu Haoran suddenly agreed to her relationship with Wu Zhengjun, and made a guarantee to visit her one year later, making Zhong Lishuiqin feel extremely excited and surprised, and she also forgot the important things she wanted to tell each other.

It wasn't until Haoran rose into the air and flew to the square's platform to prepare for Yuwen's sky to make the Demon Soul-Hunting Pill, and then she suddenly returned to her life and hurried out to save her way.

"Girl Shuiqin, what's wrong?" Yu Haoran turned to look at Zhong Li Shuiqin before returning to the stand.

"The two patriarchs of the Shang family and the Zhou family, as well as the five elders of the Three Emperor Zhunwu Emperor Realm, will arrive in about five minutes at most. You must now leave the Qianlong Fortress in the Central Region immediately. "Zhong Lishuiqin reminded solemnly.

The reminder from Zhongli Shuiqin made Yuwen Cangqi, who had also vacated the sky and intended to fly to the square platform, couldn't help but a look of hesitation.

"Come and come!"

After hearing the reminder from Zhongli Shuiqin, Yu Haoran replied calmly, strode to the platform of the square, and then watched the astronomical sky of Yuwen floating in the stands.

Next, without any chance, at most seven or eight months, he was able to smoothly advance to the realm of Emperor Wudi.

Therefore, his demand for the demon remnants of the Talisman's guidance and refining was not so strong.

If Yuwen Cangqiang didn't want to continue to make the second-order one-in-the-world Demon Soul Soul Pill, he would not have any opinion.

"Yu Dandi, you can be assured of refining the demon to attract souls. No matter what kind of trouble you encounter, I will take it upon myself.

After seeing Yu Haoran's calm gaze, Yuwen's sky suddenly felt a hint of shame.

As the lord of the Demon Sect, one of the top powers in the Tianxuan continent, how can he have the thoughts of fear and retreat when he hears several opponents in the realm of the Three Emperors Zhunwu? Confidence to fight for the Taishan feudal battle three years later.

A domineering and confident Yuwen sky appeared on the ring again in his heart. After taking out the previously agreed remuneration and refining the two medicinal materials needed for the demon **** spirit Dan, he patted his chest and promised.

"The merchants and the strong in the Zhou family came to me for the trouble of Yu Haoran, and then there was no need for Yuwen Sovereign to help." After receiving the rewards and medicinal materials from Yuwen Cangqiong, Yu Haoran replied indifferently.

Then, he sat directly on the ring with his knees bent, then closed his eyes and thought about the Danfang and the refining process of the second-order, one-pin demon enchantment dan, and quickly performed the imaginary condensate technique with ten fingers, condensing the independent space of danhu.

Perhaps it is because Xiuwei and the transformation of strength have also promoted the improvement of Nether Ning Danshu.

At this moment, the condensed Danhuo independent space can no longer see the space barrier of the independent space, as if a Dantian fire floated in the air independently.

After Danhuo's independent space was completely condensed and formed, Yu Haoran began to cast the medicinal materials one by one according to the Danfang records of the magical spirit Dan.

The refining process of the second-order, one-pin demon **** spirit Dan is simple and time-saving.

The only thing that is more troublesome is, or is the main reason why many Dan masters in the realm of Dan Dao's peak master can not be refined, and how to refine the reincarnation of the main medicine.

For Yu Haoran, who realizes the dual laws of life and death, there is no difference between refining samsara fruits and purifying ordinary herbs.

In just two minutes and forty-three seconds, all nine medicinal materials needed for refining the second-order and one-item Tianmo Yinhun Dan have been refined.

Without any delay, the ten fingers produced the Ning Dan technique in the Ning Ning Dan surgery. After using the law of life and death to envelop the power of reincarnation in the reincarnation Qingguo Lingye, it took less than three minutes to complete it successfully. The process of Ning Dan.

Because the elixir extracted and condensed by the Void Essence of Elimination does not need to go through the process of warming up, it only pauses for one second, and Yu Haoran continues to use the method of dividing the elixir. Nine elixirs are successfully divided within twenty seconds .

Looking at the process of refining the alchemy, Yu Haoran was like a cloud of flowing water. For the first time, he saw the countless strong men in the process of refining the alchemy, all stunned there.

As a strong family of inherited families and top sects, the forces behind everyone will deliberately train some masters. Almost every force has a master in the realm of master Dao Dao.

And the Dan master in the realm of Dan Dao's peak master, even when refining the tenth-order first-class medicine of the lowest grade, not only cannot be understated like Yu Haoran, but the time of alchemy can not be as short as a few minutes .

What's more, it's the refining second-order and first-in-the-art demon to attract souls.

"Gap, this is the gap between Dan Tao's talent and perception!" The elder elder from the Sun family of the Eastern Region, Dan Dao Xiu, sighed with complex look, as Sun Hongzhi, who had approached the realm of Dan Emperor infinitely.

Hearing Sun Hongzhi's sigh in his ear, looking at Yu Haoran on the ring, a hint of hesitation appeared in Bai Liping's eyes.

Although there was no real contact with Yu Haoran, because of the pressure on Shen Haokong, the Baili family has always maintained a fairly friendly relationship with him.

Just now I heard Zhong Lishuiqin mentioned that the chiefs and elders of the two inheritance families from the Shang and Zhou dynasties came together, and the first reaction of Baili Pingcun was to stand idly by.

But at this moment, when seeing Hao Ran's alchemy abilities, when thinking of the warrior who was seriously injured in the sleep of the Baili family, Baili's thoughts of standing idly by have changed.

Because if the God of War of the Bristol family wants to wake up from a serious injury and sleep, and regain the power to compete for the world, it needs two very special top-notch elixir.

And these two kinds of special elixir, ordinary Dan Dao Dan Emperor can not be refining at all, only Dan Dao Qi, like Yu Haoran, who can only be refined for tens of thousands of years and rare in hundreds of thousands of years.

If you want Yu Haoran to make these two kinds of special elixir, it is definitely not possible to rely on lure alone. I am afraid that you need to show the sincerity of the family.

Thinking of this, Bai Liping's look instantly firmed up, and the volley flew to the side of Yantai, arching his hand to Yuwen's sky to explain his intention.

"Master Yuwen, don't get me wrong, Pingcun is just to protect the safety of Dandi."

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