Destined Martial God

Chapter 1552: The selfish and self-interesting Yuwen Sky (Five)

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Central Realm, Qianlong Fortress, on the platform!

"Elder Pingcun, have a heart!"

At first, he didn't take the initiative to stand up, only after Haoran showed his alchemy ability that was shocked even by himself. How could Yuwen Cangqiang be unable to guess the other party's thoughts.


Although the Baili Survival is only the practice of the second emperor Zhunwu emperor, but he has the blood of the ancestors of the Baili ancestors and can transform into a **** of war in a short time.

Therefore, facing the slight irony of Yuwen Cangqiang, he replied without fear.

With one more helper against merchants and Zhou Jiaqiang, he can relieve part of his pressure. Yuwen Cangqiang smiled indifferently to the hard-hitting counterattack of Bailiping.

As the Dan medicine in the Dantian independent space was successfully divided into nine Dan medicines, and the nine medicines began to gather and devour the magical energy scattered between heaven and earth through the force of traction, the temperature in the entire Qianlong Fortress suddenly dropped a lot.

At the same time, the slightest force full of temptation and disturbing mood began to affect the countless strong men in the surrounding stands.

"Static stillness, using the power to shield the invasion of the magical power, the mind will not be disturbed in any way." Sun Hongzhi, the master of Dan Daofeng's extreme master, carefully understood the power of the magical power, and shouted loudly to the surrounding stands. Reminded everyone.

Fortunately, the warriors who were repaired at the scene were the strongest in the martial arts realm.

Therefore, after hearing Sun Hongzhi's reminder, they immediately used their powerful strength to shield the magical power, and there was no abnormality or outrage on the scene.

"Yu Haoran, if you dare to kill the members of the Shang family, you will have to pay for your life."

At the scene, everyone was watching the nine gods in the independent space of Danhuo, and a deafening roar suddenly sounded.

Along with the deafening roar, a figure from far to near appeared like lightning above the central square of Qianlongpu.

"Retreat!" Yuwen sky suddenly lifted up a distance, sternly reprimanded.

"Brother Cangqiang, this is still a personal grudge between my Shang clan and Yu Haoran. I hope you can look at Shang's face and don't get involved."

Just as the sound of Yuwen Cangqiang's reprimand just dropped, several figures appeared lightning fast above the square.

Then, a man of about forty years old, wearing a nine-clawed purple and gold dragon robe, was an imposing and middle-aged man with a rather polite request.

"No!" Facing the request of the middle-aged man in the purple gold robe, Yuwen Cangqiang refused to even consider it.

"Brother of the sky, is it that you really want to declare war with our Shang clan!" Yuwen Cangqian refused flatly, threatening the middle-aged man in the purple gold robe instantly.

"And our Zhou family!"

Just as the threat of the middle-aged man in the purple gold robe just dropped, Zhou Youze also led two senior elders from the Zhou family who marched the quasi-empire Emperor Wu to appear above the square, and threatened with the middle-aged man in the purple robe of the Shang family .

"Brother Haoyang, Brother Youze, it is not because the sky does not give you the face of the Shang and Zhou families, but because Yu Dandi is refining a very important elixir for me at this moment, and must not be disturbed in any way."

If only facing the merchants alone, or the Zhou family, Yuwen Cangqiang really does not hesitate to threaten them through the family and the Zongmen declaration of war.

However, in the face of the joint of the two major families, the situation of Tian Mo Zong is suffering from the enemy, he really dare not ignore the threat of the other side.

In desperation, he could only put away his arrogant posture temporarily, and explained it politely.

Of course, if Shang Haoyang and Zhou Youze dare to destroy Yu Haoran's refining **** of heaven, then even if he declares war against the two inheritance families at the same time, he will not hesitate.

"The magical energy of the nine elixir gathering and attracting in the effervescent space will soon come to an end. In the maximum time of two to three minutes, the elixir will be successfully refined."

After hearing Yuwen Cangqiang's explanation, Zhou Youze, who is a little bit proficient in Dan Taoism, took a closer look at the nine elixir of Danhu's independent space, and then explained and proposed to Shang Haoyang.

"Brother Haoyang, we might as well give Brother Cang Qiong a face, and give the boy Hao Ran two or three minutes to live."


Yuwen Sky is not only the lord of the Demon Sect, but also one of the top powers in the Celestial Continent. If you want to deal with him, you need at least three to four elders from the kingdom of Zhunwu Emperor. Trapped him completely.

So, after a little consideration, Shang Haoyang nodded and agreed.

"Just as Brother Youze said."

"Thank you!"

Seeing Shang Haoyang and Shang Youze willing to give themselves face, agreed to wait until Haoran succeeded in alchemy before starting, Yuwen Cangqiang secretly relieved and thanked him.

"Sister Shuiqin, not only are you strong and powerful, but the family behind you is also mysterious and powerful. Ling Fei begged you to help the horse now, okay!"

Seeing Yuwen's sky that had been sworn before the alchemy, he sold Yu Haoran in an instant, which made Qin Lingfei hate the other side, and she had to turn her eyes to Zhongli Shuiqin for help.

"Ling Fei, it's not that I don't want to help, but that Yu Dandi used God's thoughts to warn before practicing alchemy. Not only did I not be allowed to interfere with his grievances with the merchant Zhou family, but also ordered me not to leave you half a step, otherwise , He would not be in charge of me and Xiaojun. "Faced with Qin Lingfei's request, Zhong Lishuiqin explained with a grin.

"What the **** is he trying to do?"

Not to let the strength be strong, the mysterious Zhongli Shuiqin came to help, Yu Haoran's arrangement left Qin Lingfei completely scratching his head.

"Don't let Zhongli Shuiqin intervene because the seven guys are not Xiaoran's opponents at all."

Perhaps because Tai Shangwei was about to be promoted to a new realm, Yu Siqi was barely affected by a trace of affection, so she finally could not help but explain to Qin Lingfei, who was at a loss.

"Don't let Zhongli Shuiqin leave the stands, because Xiaoran is worried about some bad-minded people and wants to threaten him by capturing you."

"Is the strength of Ma Ma already so strong!" Qin Lingfei asked incredulously after hearing Yu Siqi's explanation.

Today's Qin Lingfei is no longer the one who never left Xianyang City, but is only a young girl in the early days of Wu Sheng.

During the second battle of the Qianlong list, several secret experiences, and the period of incubation after the battle of the Qianlong list in the Southern Region, Qin Emperor ’s completely open Tibetan scripture pavilion let her truly know the entire Tianxuan continent. The situation is even clearer about the power and horror of the family.

Today, Yu Haoran already has the Shang family and the Zhou family that have been passed down from the Middle Ages. How can Qin Lingfei be shocked.

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