Destined Martial God

Chapter 1584: Blood debt blood compensation (a)

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Xianyang City, in the horse house!

"Ling Fei, thank you!"

Although Qin Lingfei, who is gentle in nature, will certainly not refuse Lin Mengyao's request to enter the ancestor's grave, but was able to get her willing approval and support, Yu Haoran was very moved.

At the same time, he was grateful that he had enough to find such a kind and profound wife.

Reached out and patted Qin Lingfei gently, signaled that she temporarily left her arms, Yu Haoran got up and emptied nine meters, using the Feng Shui technique recorded in the Fuxi gossip chart, combined with Lin Mengyao's birthdate and death time, finally calculated that it was suitable for her burial s position.

Falling in the selected position, Yu Haoran took out an ordinary iron sword, without using the slightest element of force and soul power, he began to dig the pits little by little with his hands and the iron sword.

After seeing Hao Ran's move, Qin Lingfei also quickly took out an ordinary iron sword and used the same method to dig the soil.

An hour later, a burial pit two meters long, one meter wide and two meters deep was dug.

Retreat to the grave stone, and take out a crystal coffin from the tower that has just been refined by Tallinn to keep the corpse for ten thousand years.

She bent over and lifted Lin Mengyao, who was lying flat in front of the stone monument, and carefully put her into the crystal coffin. Qin Lingfei stepped forward to reorganize her appearance to keep her most beautiful appearance.

"Sister, Zhengjun, Wujin, and Water Qin, all come to Mengyao for the last trip!" Yu Haoran erected on the side of the crystal coffin, commanding Yu Siqi and others.

"If the sky is affectionate, the sky will grow old, and if the moon is full of hate, the moon will be full, if it is a long life, it will be relentless!"

Maybe it's because Tai Shang's unforgiving mentality is in the transformation of unforgiving and unforgiving realm. Yu Siqi is sometimes ruthless and indifferent, sometimes forgetful and indifferent, and sometimes treats others with affection.

Looking at Lin Mengyao with a happy smile on her face, but lying flat in the crystal coffin, Yu Siqi, who was in a state of relentlessness and forgetfulness, exclaimed a sigh of complex emotions.

Immediately afterwards, her complex feelings turned into oblivion, letting her turn directly away from her ancestral grave, and then return to her own retreat.

"Sister Mengyao, although you and I have only a few sides, but your chivalrous tenderness and heavy affection have always been admired by Wuxian, Wuxian hopes that you will forget all the sorrows and sorrows in the world from now on and be a forever No annoyed elf. "

She walked to the front of the crystal without a sword, and used a Yuanhua and soul power to gather a pimple flower on Lin Mengyao's chest, her eyes filled with pity farewell and a sincere blessing.

"Sister, go!"

Although during the period of the Blue Moon Secret Experience, Wu Zhengjun and Lin Mengyao got along for a period of time, but the two people with very different personalities did not have much intersection and communication, and did not know each other well.

Therefore, looking at Lin Mengyao in the crystal coffin, Wu Zhengjun really didn't know what to say, and could only send the simplest and most simple blessing.

"Blood Phoenix is ​​the supreme state, but why the thief breaks his future!"

Zhongli Shuiqin, who is following Wu Zhengjun standing in front of the crystal coffin, has already seen the blood and phoenix constitution she possessed with the slightest breath left on Lin Mengyao.

Thinking of the blood phoenix as the most mysterious and powerful existence of the Shenfeng family, Zhong Li Shuiqin deeply regrets and sends her the most simple blessing.

"Sister, go all the way!"

"Meng Yao, it's time to hit the road!"

Looking at Lin Mengyao lying peacefully in the crystal coffin, watching the happy smile on her face, and thinking about the wedding held by the Peak Tower, tears of sadness came to her eyes again.

Gently reached out to cover the crystal coffin, and carefully placed the crystal coffin into the burial pit. The sadness in Yu Haoran's eyes was instantly replaced by murderous anger.

Take out the sealed seal to know the spirit of the sea from the tower, and dispose of Leng Yun from Dan Tian. Yu Haoran kicked him in front of the burial pit.

After a period of suffocation, the cold cloud gradually waking up from depression and despair, and a desire to survive emerged in his heart, especially after he found that the spirit in the sea was only sealed and did not suffer any slight damage, and survived. The desire is even stronger.

Looking at Lin Mengyao calmly lying in a crystal coffin, wearing a white corset long dress, like a holy white lotus flower, Leng Yun with his heart on his head turned and looked at Yu Haoran.

"Yu Haoran, now that you are married to Mengyao Baitang, my Lengyun is your father-in-law of Mount Tai."

First, the temperature and temperature indicate the current relationship between each other, and then Leng Yun sternly asked.

"Yu Haoran, do you dare not eat your father?"


When hearing Leng Yun's questioning reasons, Qin Lingfei couldn't help cursing in anger.

Wu Zhengjun and Jian Wujin immediately took out the sword weapon, a move that was intended to kill Liao Yun as Yu Haoran shot.

As for Zhong Lishuiqin, she always looked at Yu Haoran, and her eyes showed a thoughtful look.

"Leng Yun, right from the moment you used the secret method of burning soul and blood to deal with Meng Yao, there is no so-called father-daughter relationship between you."

Facing Leng Yun's reason for shameless sophistry, Yu Haoran took out Leng's ancestor's imperial sword sword, and pointed his sword at Leng Yun's heart, sneerly refuting.

"So, now you are just a murderer, an enemy who is going to pay blood for blood."

"Yu Haoran, no matter what I did to Meng Yao, I gave her life, and there will always be my Leng Yun's blood flowing in her body, which can never be changed."

The cold and sharp sword tip made Leng Yun feel the death threat, but the thoughtful strategy made him continue to bite the blood relationship with Lin Mengyao.

Because he knew very well that this was his only chance to save his life.

"If you want to leave your father's notoriety forever and be ridiculed and satired in the future, then do it!"

Leng Yun was a rogue means, so Yu Haoran couldn't get the sword in his heart.

"Leng Yun, I'm just a woman, I don't know what Renlun Avenue is, and I don't care about notoriety, now I'll show you on the road!" Seeing Yu Haoran in a dilemma, he reached out and grabbed the sword of Emperor Qin Lingfei, while aggressively piercing his sword into Leng Yun's heart, said indifferently.


Always guarding against Hao Ran's Leng Yun, he forgot that the people around him would not care about his father-daughter relationship with Lin Mengyao.

Feeling the Emperor's might emanating from the sword weapon on the emperor's realm, when he began to destroy the internal organs of the body, he was still unwilling to die in this cold cloud, with a look of longing in his eyes.

"Yu Dandi, see if I am your father-in-law of Mount Tai, can you let go of my soul?"

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