Destined Martial God

Chapter 1585: Qin Lingfei's Love Theory (Part Two)

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Xianyang City, in the horse house!

"The old things in the heart of the wolf's heart and the lungs, but also delusional use of means to regain a new life, you dream!"

In the face of Leng Yun, he still wanted to use his father-daughter relationship with Lin Mengyao, coerced Yu Haoran to spare his spirit, and then used the means of soul and soul to continue to survive. He pulled out Qin Lingfei, the sword weapon in the imperial realm, and angrily rebuked Then, while using the sword of the imperial realm to pierce his eyebrow, he completely killed his spirit.

"Ling Fei, thank you!"

Regarding whether or not to bear the father's infamy Yu Haoran did not care at all, and was not afraid to be discussed behind, but the murder of her biological father in front of Lin Mengyao was full of guilt and guilt that he could not kill the killer.

And Qin Lingfei's initiative to take care of himself, and Leng Yun's spirits and souls disappeared, allowing him to fulfill his promise smoothly. At the same time, his inner self-blame and guilt finally disappeared, and the layer of shackles in his soul was completely broken.

But at the moment when the shackles of the mind were broken, the bottleneck of the state of mind repair that could not successfully break through the realm of Wu Emperor began to loosen. This made Yu Haoran happy, and could not help thanking Qin Lingfei.

"Horse horse, husband and wife are one, why do you need to see this way!" After drawing back the sword that pierced into Leng Yun's eyebrows, Qin Lingfei said as he sent the sword of Emperor Realm in front of Haoran.

"Ling Fei, you know that I can't use a sword. I will give you this top-grade sword weapon that can gather the power of the stars!" Shaking his head, Yu Haoran signaled with a smile.

Subsequently, the Dantian fire was mobilized to completely burn Leng Yun's body to ashes, and then started holding the mud to fill the pit.

Prepare the soil, make the grave, set up a monument, and inscription!

Looking at Lin Mengyao's name on the stele, Yu Haoran's eyes had no trace of sadness except for the tender feeling like water.

"Meng Yao, after my brother is busy with this period of time, he will go to Wei Tuofeng at the junction of the Central and Western Regions, and pick the most beautiful lotus flower in the world for himself."

Reaching out and stroking the inscription on the stone tablet, Yu Haoran left his promise and turned to walk in front of Jian Wujin.

"No trace, let me go somewhere!" Yu Haoran said emotionally, holding the sword's jade hand without a trace directly.

Suddenly, Yu Haoran gave the sword holding the jade hand no trace, his face brushed ashamed, but in the face of his emotional request, Jian Wu trace could not help but looked up at Qin Lingfei.

"Stupid girl, hurry up!"

Although Jian Wuhen was able to solicit his own opinions at this time, Qin Lingfei was quite satisfied and pleased, but in the face of emotions, she has been passive, and has the opportunity to actively express her feelings. If you do n’t immediately grasp them, I ’m afraid you do n’t know When will it be dragged.

Therefore, Qin Lingfei hurriedly reminded by using God's thought and sword without trace.


After being reminded by Qin Lingfei, the sword nodded shamelessly, and then left as soon as Yu Haoran rose into the sky, quickly left the horse house.

"Xunzi, who originally belonged to his own man, was split halfway by another equally outstanding woman, are you really willing?" Watching Qin Lingfei didn't take back his gaze for a long time, Zhong Lishuiqin went to her side, eyes Asked sympathetically.

"Sister Shuiqin, if I don't mind it at all, it's my self-deception."

Withdrawing the attention, Qin Lingfei said a complex look appeared.

"After all, I am also a woman, a woman who is selfish for love."

"Xunzi, then why do you have to contribute to the seamless combination of Dandi and Jian?" After hearing Qin Lingfei's statement, Zhong Lishuiqin asked immediately.

"Sister Qinqin, the horse is a good man, and a good man is certainly not just a woman."

Turning his head to look at Zhongli Shuiqin, Qin Lingfei explained with a grin.

"So, when I fell in love with the horse and was willing to be his wife, I was ready to accept other women."

"Xunzi, why should you be so wronged!" When she fell in love, she was ready to divide love. Zhong Lishuiqin really did not understand Qin Lingfei's thoughts.

"Love, wholehearted love!"

Qin Lingfei replied with a happy smile.

"Sister Shuiqin, compared to other outstanding men, Grandpa is actually a man with very specific emotions."

"In the two years since we met and fell in love, there are too many looks and talents that are not inferior to me, and even far better than my girls' love for him, but the horses either refused politely or deliberately alienated.

"Wuji is a woman who is tender and tender, a woman who is selfless in love, a woman who can sacrifice herself for a horse, and the only woman I can willingly accept."

Having said that, Qin Lingfei's gaze crossed Zhongli Shuiqin and looked at Wu Zhengjun, who was waiting on the other side of the stele, she quietly persuaded.

"Sister Shuiqin, as a woman, you must not be too selfish. You must give men some freedom and be good at consolidating their weight and status in men."

After hearing Qin Lingfei's reminder, she knew everything and knew Zhong Li Shuiqin for the first time.

Because her sudden Qin Lingfei's reminder was very reasonable, but where was the specific reason, she was very confused.

Regarding how to deal with husband and wife's emotional affairs, Qin Lingfei is also accustomed to the harem's mischief, a theory that she can understand by herself, whether it is suitable for Zhong Lishuiqin to treat Wu Zhengjun's feelings, she is not very clear.

So, seeing Zhong Lishuiqin in trouble, Qin Lingfei didn't explain too much, she could only expect that she could figure it out herself.

After nodding with Wu Zhengjun, Qin Lingfei turned and left the ancestral tomb.


Utilizing the method of tearing the void, Yu Haoran returned to Yuju Peak of Baichimen with no trace of the sword, found a cyan rock on the peak, and sat on the cyan rock holding her wild waist.

The swordless mark rested happily on his shoulder.

They didn't say anything to each other, they just looked at the white clouds in the distance quietly, looked at the familiar mountain peaks, and looked at the master lying on the wooden rattan chair in the middle of the mountain, enjoying the last time of his life.

"Master, the time for Master Feng is running out!"

After becoming a disciple of Yujue Feng, although Jian Wuchen has been practicing abroad for a long time, she has always paid homage to the master of Yujue Feng who has long been desperate to see the past.

Today, as a peerless powerhouse in the top martial arts realm, she can see the real situation of the master of Yufeng Feng at a glance, and can't help feeling sad.

"Nine months and a year, the owner still has years and months!"

For Yu Haoran, who is proficient in the art of Taoism, he is able to see the length of his final years from the little vitality remaining in the main body of Yujufeng Peak.

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