Destined Martial God

Chapter 1586: Today I know who I am

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Baichimen, Yuju Peak, Peak!

Nine months a year!

Hearing Yu Haoran's prediction of the ultimate life of Master Yuju Fengfeng, I suddenly felt the impermanence of fateless swords. There was an unwillingness to wait for the waste of time, trying to seize the urge to belong to my own happiness. .

"Master, kiss me!" Looking up, looking at Yu Haoran full of scorching eyes, the sword demanded courage without a trace.

Taking the sword without a trace alone to return to Yujufeng of Baijimen, she just wanted to fulfill the promise she had given her in Qianlong Fortress in the Central Region, so in the face of her request for an active kiss, Yu Haoran did not hesitate to welcome it. Go up.

The next picture is indescribable.


Lying on the wooden rattan chair, the master of the animal beast peak, his eyes closed slightly enjoying the breeze, the leisure time of the sunset shower, but a peeping feeling suddenly raised in his heart, opened his eyes suddenly, his face flowing A look of doubt appeared.

"Yujufeng is the faction that is the least valued in the entire sect, and it is also a faction that does not receive any spiritual resources. It should not attract the attention of others."

"So why did I feel a peep just now!"

Close your eyes and use the spirit of Wuzong Jiupin's peak, the master of Yujufeng begins to carefully inspect the entire Yujufeng.

However, the spirit in Wuzong's realm not only extended the scope, but also could not find out that Hao Ran arbitrarily arranged the array to prevent being watched.

"It seems that as the deadline approaches, I am more and more suspicious!"

It took nearly five minutes to thoroughly inspect Yujufeng, and the result of nothing gained made Yuzhufeng the master could not help but sigh.

"On the beast peak, there is only one old man who is about to die. What else is there for others to watch?"

After sighing, Master Yuju Fengfeng lay back on the wooden rattan chair, closed his eyes and continued to enjoy the refreshing wind and the leisure time of the sunset shower.


For five minutes, the two people who hugged each other were regarded as separated.

The flushed sword had no trace, and when he saw Yu Haoran's satisfied smile, he couldn't help burying his head directly in his arms.


Having a completely different enjoyment from Qin Lingfei, Yu Haoran smiled very proudly, but when he saw the master of the beast on the mountainside wooden rattan chair, there was a grateful look in his eyes.

It is precisely because of the lack of feelings of the master of Yujue Fengfeng that Jian Jian has completely opened his shameful heart and released his strong feelings.

Mind took out a Shou Yuandan from the storage ring, which can extend life for thousands of years. Yuan Li wrapped Shou Yuandan and sent it to the master of Yuju Fengfeng. Yu Haoran used the divine idea to tell him.

"Master Zhang Feng, this is a Shou Yuandan that can extend life for a thousand years. It is an old meeting gift given to you by disciples Yu Haoran and Jian Wuzhen!"

Suddenly opened his eyes, watching Shou Yuandan floating in front of his eyes, echoed in the ears of Hao Ran's call to use God's thoughts, the uncontrollable look appeared in the master's eyes.

Because he did not expect that Yu Haoran and Jian Wuren, who had become superior, would return to Baichimen again.

What made him even more unexpected was that Jian Wujin did not forget his unqualified Fengzhu and her nominal master.

"Yu deputy master, no trace, thank you!" Took a deep breath, forcibly adjusted the inner shock like a raging sea. After the peak master of Yujufeng got up, he arched his hands and bowed to Shou Yuandan floating in front of him.

Without responding to the gratitude of the master of Yujue Feng, Yu Haoran controlled Shou Yuandan to fall behind the armrest of the wooden rattan chair, and left Yujuefeng, leaving Baijimen with a sword without any trace.


Not only did he not get any response, but Shou Yuandan voluntarily landed on the armrest of the wooden rattan chair, indicating that Yu Haoran and Jian Wuhen had left Yujufeng.

Looking at Shou Yuandan, who fell on the arm of the wooden rattan chair, Zhang Feng's eyes immediately showed an expression of surprise that was difficult to suppress.

Using Yuanli to inhale Shou Yuandan, swallow Shou Yuandan without hesitation.

Three seconds later, Shou Yuandan was experiencing the change in life expectancy, and Zhang Fengzhu could not help but change his face. He immediately sat down with his knees bent, and then ran the yellow-grade Aoki mental method.


With a dull, thunderous sound, Zhang Fengzhu's body immediately raised a powerful momentum formed when the realm broke through.

Warlord Realm!

Seeing the bottleneck in the realm that has troubled me for hundreds of years, even from the moment when his life was improved, he broke through the realm of Wu Wang smoothly. This made Zhang Feng very surprised, and his heart was grateful for Yu Haoran and Jian Wujin Love is getting stronger.

Taking a deep breath, taking out ten ninth-order first-grade spirit stones. When Master Zhang Feng was about to consolidate the breakthrough Wuwang realm, the innumerable cyan energy suddenly emerged from his body, allowing his cultivation to continue to rise without control at all.

First King of War, Second King of War ..., Peak of First King of War!

In just ten minutes, the cyan energy emerging from the body allowed Zhang Feng's master to reach the limit of Wu Pin Jiu Pin.

At the same time, you can only practice the Huangjie Aoki mentality of the peak state of Wu Jiupin, and have more mind content of Wuhuang, Wusheng, and Wuzun.

This also allows Master Zhang Feng, who has just read the mind, to be re-promoted to the realm of Emperor Wuhuang.

The first emperor of the Emperor, the second emperor of the Emperor ...

In just half an hour, Zhang Feng's master's practice directly climbed to the limit of Wuhuang Jiupin.

Although Xiu Wei's breakthrough is a good thing, this uncontrollable and weird breakthrough has made Master Zhang Feng extremely panic-stricken.

At this moment, he wanted to stop the cultivation immediately, to calm down the breakthrough realm, and then go to Luomafu in Xianyang City and ask Yu Haoran whether he had given himself Shou Yuandan who could prolong his life, or in legend. Nine-turn Jindan that can become immortal immediately.

But for some reason, the cyan energy constantly emerging in the body makes Master Zhang Feng unable to stop the operation of the Aoki Mind, and it is impossible to control the cultivation of Xiuwei.

Three minutes later, with another dull thunder from his body, Master Zhang Feng's repair was forced to advance to the martial arts realm.

At the same time, a breath of law like Tianwei has brought Zhang Fengzhu, who sits on the knees, with a breath, making him look down at the heavens of all living things, as well as disregard the rules of heaven that all living things have.

"Shou Yuan broke the barrier and unlocked the seal. Today I know who I am!"

After successfully comprehending the power of a rule like Tianwei, after being successfully upgraded to Wusheng Yipin, Zhang Fengzhu ’s rising realm breakthrough is considered to have subsided.

After sitting quietly for half an hour with the knees bent, Zhang Fengzhu suddenly opened his eyes. The panic in his eyes was replaced by surprise, and second-rate excited tears appeared in the corner of his eyes, and he looked up and cried excitedly at the sky.

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