Destined Martial God

Chapter 1602: Qian Yutian who broke through the realm of Wudi (fourth)

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"This is Shuang Niu Shan!"

By means of the instant fusion between the ontology and the clone, Yu Haoran, who successfully escaped from the formation of the boundary of Wujixinghuang Banner, looked up at the surrounding situation, and was surprised to find that the first clone came to Shuangniu Mountain.

Thinking of the Jianlou Jianbang at the peak of Youniu Mountain, and thinking of some feats he once did in Shuangniu Mountain, he suddenly felt an urge to revisit his place.

However, thinking of the towering spirit that was being torn down with the Nether Mirror, Yu Haoran forcibly suppressed the impulse emerging from his heart, and then turned to leave, a horrible momentum containing Tianwei, rising quickly from the peak of Youniushan.

"Someone is attacking the realm of Emperor Wu!"

Yu Haoran, who was successfully promoted to the realm of Emperor Wudi as a physical grade, immediately knew the real reason for the rise of Youniu Mountain's imposing Tianwei momentum.

Without the slightest hesitation, he summoned the first avatar and Aotian directly, Yu Haoran commanded.

"Brother Hao, immediately ride Aotian to the mountain where Taling is."


After nodding a response, the first clone immediately jumped onto Aotian's back, speeding up to the battlefield where Taling and Void Mirror spirit tore up.

At the same time, Yu Haoran rose directly into the air and headed straight for the peak of Youniushan.

"It really is him!"

After rushing to the peak of Youniu Mountain quickly, looking at the middle-aged man sitting on the boulder on the crooked knees, Yu Haoran's eyes revealed that he did not expect what I expected.

At the end of the battle for the Five Dragons Dragon List, the rules have been successfully put into a state of sleep, which is the ultimate power of Tianxuan mainland ’s top Wu Zun and the top of the nine pinnacles, and the three robbers of the Emperor Wudi Power who broke through the realm of Wu Di Good time.

Therefore, the breakthrough of Wu Di's realm was not the reason for Hao Ran to temporarily give up returning to the mountain where Ta Ling is located.

The real reason is because the Emperor Wu just rose when he broke through the realm and gave him a familiar atmosphere, much like Gan Tianyu who had invited him to take part in the Taishan Emperor's Battle.

As the very first strength to break through the realm of Emperor Wudi, but has been fully suppressing the breakthrough of the realm, is Qian Tianyu able to successfully break through Emperor Wudi's realm and finally be able to impact the Emperor Wudi's products with impulse? That is why Yu Haoran decided to stay and watch.

"Why is this young man in the blue gown so familiar?"

It was because Hao Ran slowly landed on a rock 50 meters away from Qian Tianyu, and immediately caught the attention of countless viewers who watched Qian Tianyu break through the realm of Emperor Wu hundreds of meters away.

After all, with the mighty power of Tianwei, the masters below the Wusheng realm cannot look up. The strongest in the Wusheng realm can only stand 500 meters away, and the peerless strongest in the top Wuzun nine-pin peak realm can barely be able to Stand about a hundred meters away.

And Yu Haoran's standing position is not only 50 meters away from Qian Tianyu who broke through the realm of Wu Di, but also a clear and clear look, which proves that he has the powerful strength to continue to approach, how can this not cause all around The audience's attention!

"I know who he is!" Five hundred meters away, a young man at the peak of Wusheng Bapin, shouted excitedly after seeing the side face of the young man in the blue gown through his moving position.

"Who is it!" A hundred-meter-wide realm, a white-haired old man with top Wuzun nine-pin peak, immediately turned his head and asked.

"The champion of the Five-Year Qianlong List battle, the only horseman in the Great Qin Empire, Dandao Dandi and Yu Haoran of Dana Dandi!" Facing the questioning of the peerless powers in Wuzun Realm, a dreadful youth appeared in his heart. Introduced immediately.

"It's him!"

After hearing the youth's introduction, everyone at the scene suddenly realized that they were full of scorching eyes and immediately turned to Yu Haoran.

Even in the minds of some young warriors, watching Qian Tianyu break through the realm of Wudi is far less important than admiring his idols.

"It seems that Qian Tianyu's accumulation is too strong. The initial revision of Wudi's first product is far from the limit he broke through this time!" After seeing Qian Tianyu's smooth promotion to Wudi's realm, the powerful momentum that emerged from his body not only did not have Weakened, but there is still a tendency to continue to climb, Yu Haoran's eyes revealed a trace of admiration.

"Yu Dandi is right!"

It was that Hao Ran said to himself that the sound of sighing had just fallen, and an echoing voice sounded.

Accompanied by the echoing voice, the heavenly demon Sovereign Yuwen sky appeared beside Haoran.

Looking at Qian Tianyu, who was successfully promoted to the middle of Wuyi's first grade, Yuwen Cangqiang said a look of envy and jealousy.

"Among the evil geniuses of our generation, Brother Tianyu's talent is not the best, but he has the courage to work hard and the determination to put himself back to death. Those of us with superior backgrounds are far better than Not up. "

Speaking of this, Yu Wenchangqiang suddenly thought that after the end of the battle for the Five Dragons Qianlong, Yu Haoran used the suppressed Jiuzai Jiuzongdan to cause endless thunderstorms, and under the endless thunderstorms, he was rehearsing himself, and his heart emerged. A strange thought.

That is, Yu Haoran and Qian Tianyu are the same people. They are both fierce men who dare to deal with themselves. They are both powerful opponents of the Taishan Emperor War three years later.

"Master Yuwen, now is the perfect time to break through cultivation. Why haven't you chosen to break through the realm of Emperor Wu?" Turning to look at the sky full of envy and envy in his eyes, Yu Haoran urged.

After all, Ta Ling has already been ready to intercept the demon souls, waiting for Yuwen Cangqiang to use the second-order and first-order Heaven Demon to attract souls to break through the realm of Emperor Wu.

"Ha ha!"

Facing Hao Ran's urging, Yuwen Cangqiang smiled slightly awkwardly, and then said vaguely.

"Recently I am preparing for a breakthrough in Wudi's realm."

In this regard, Yu Haoran just chuckled, and then re-focused on Qian Tianyu who had already hit the peak of Wudi Yipin.

But at this moment, he faintly felt that there was a sharp gaze in the sky above him, and he couldn't help looking up.

"It's him!"

Although the gaze that had just stared at him has disappeared, but through the sharp killings revealed in his eyes, and then combined with those who are interested in Gan Tianyu's breakthrough, Yu Haoran has already guessed who is paying attention to himself secretly.

"The highest-earning achievements of the mouse generations with hidden heads and tails are the peak limits of Emperor Wu Jiupin, or the pseudo-gods who have achieved the demigod state."

Thinking of that person who had the power to defeat and kill himself, but did not dare to show up because of various concerns, Yu Haoran couldn't help damaging that person's state of mind through verbal irony, delaying the other party's time to break through the realm of Emperor Wu.

Yu Haoran looked up at the void, and the scornful sarcasm full of disdain, also attracted the attention of Yuwen Sky, which made him immediately look up to observe.

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