Destined Martial God

Chapter 1603: Hunting down to the blood 宸 (make up)

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You Niu Shan, the peak!

Even Yu Haoran was unable to successfully lock the person hidden in the void, not to mention the fact that his strength was not as good as his Yuwen sky.

Therefore, after recovering the fruitless eyes, Yuwen Cangqiang could not help asking.

"Yu Dandi, who were you talking about just now?"

"Your friend, Lord of the Heavenly Palace of Yuxu Palace!" Yu Haoran replied without any concealment.


It is because Hao Ran's reply has just dropped, and the powerful momentum emanating from Gan Tianyu's body has increased several times in an instant, which also indicates that he has successfully promoted to the early stage of Emperor Wupin.

At the same time, several times ascension of Tianwei's mighty momentum directly upsets the void clouds and mists above, allowing the eyes to re-focus on the empty Yuwen sky, and faintly seeing a white figure flashing in the void.

The extremely familiar white figure made Yuwen Cangqiang shake his head in disappointment.

With Qian Tianyu's successful promotion to the second emperor of Wudi in the early stage, the speed of the powerful momentum climb has not diminished, which makes Yuwen Cangqiang's complexion gradually receding.

The second Emperor Wudi!

Emperor Wu second high season!

The second peak of Emperor Wudi!

When the repair of Gan Tianyu reached the peak of Emperor Wudi, Yu Haoran found that although the momentum emerging from him was still climbing, the thickness and intensity of the climb were far from enough to break through Emperor Wupin, and he already knew the limit of his ultimate breakthrough. .

"Master Yuwen, there is something for the juniors to leave first. Please give me a congratulations to the juniors for the juniors."

Knowing the limit of Qian Tianyu's ultimate breakthrough is the reason why he is willing to stay.

Now that the goal has been achieved, Yu Haoran wants to immediately rush to the peak where Ta Ling and Void Mirror Spirit are fighting to see the result of their final battle, so he commissions Yuwen Sky to send himself a blessing.

Subsequently, he did not give Yuwen the sky any chance to save, and it turned into a flash of lightning and disappeared into the void.

Looking at Yu Haoran who was quickly leaving Youniushan, Yuwen Sky could only close his mouth that he wanted to keep, and then continued to pay attention to the breakthrough of the Emperor Qiantian Yuwu.

As Yu Haoran predicted, when Qian Tianyu's repair reached the peak of the second emperor of Wudi, he planned to forcibly impact the realm of third emperor of Wudi, and the accumulation of exhaustion made him three consecutive bottlenecks.

In the end, Qian Tianyu gave up the idea of ​​continuing the shock, withdrew the powerful momentum from his body, and then slowly opened his eyes.

"Brother Tianyu, congratulations!"

In the end, Qian Tianyu did not break through the realm of Wudi Sanpin, and Yuwen Cangqiang couldn't help secretly breathing a sigh of relief, which meant that he still had the opportunity to catch up and surpass the other party in a short time.

So, after seeing Qian Tianyu slowly opening his eyes, Yuwen Cangqiang hurried forward to congratulate him.

"Where is Yu Haoran?" Qian Tianyu frowned slightly, ignoring Yu Wen's congratulations.

Gan Tianyu's contemptuous attitude made Yuwen Cangqiang feel a bit of dissatisfaction inside, but he explained with a constant smile.

"Yu Dandi has an urgent matter to deal with, so he will take a step ahead of time, and let me convey to him the congratulations of the brother Tianyu for successfully breaking through the realm of Wudi."

Nodded his head, Gan Tianyu took out a fourth-order inferior spirit directly, closed his eyes and began to consolidate the practice after the breakthrough.

In response, Yuwen Cangqiang flashed a venomous cold light in his eyes, arched his hand against Gan Tianyu, and then left the peak of Youniu Mountain.


After quickly leaving the peak of Youniu Mountain, Yu Haoran first used a rune to avoid several strong followers in the dark, and then used the fusion of the body and the avatar to quickly appear on Aotian's back.

Then, according to the coordinates left in the valley where the Nullus was bred, he directly tore the void in front of him, and instantly appeared on the peak where the Talings and the Void Realm were fighting.

"Taling, are you okay?"

Although the battle outside the mountain peak has ended, and there are no traces of the Void Realm spirit around, the towering spirit sat down on the mountainside with a faint expression, and the spirit body was slightly dim, but Yu Haoran immediately landed in front of him And then couldn't help but nervously questioned.

"Yu Haoran, I'm sorry, I didn't succeed in retaining the instrumental spirit of the void." He shook his head vigorously to shake himself out of the trance, and Ta Ling said apologetically after he got up.

"Ta Ling, as a congenital treasure born of chaos, is a powerful being that can reincarnate like you. I never expected that you could kill the spirit of the void, so I did n’t have any You do n’t need to apologize to me. "

After laughing and reassuring, Yu Haoran asked with concern.

"Taling, how are you now?"

"Through nearly half of the spirit body and one-third of the tower's original energy, it was repaired and fell back to Wusheng Yipin." Looking at his slightly faint hands, the towering spirit couldn't help but grin.

"Ta Ling, don't worry, anyway, the little spirit will not take the fruit of death and death in a short period of time, you can continue to restore the cultivation and strength with the breath of life and death of the soul." After hearing Ta Ling's reply, Yu Haoran took a sigh of relief and quickly reminded.

"I know."

It is precisely because of the existence of life and death in the tower, that he was willing to overdraw the soul and the origin of the tower so crazy when faced with the void of the imprint of the chaotic clock source, and finally succeeded in creating the void and retreating. Void spirits had to take the initiative to escape.

Thinking of his use of the ontology domain tower to break through the gaps of the void, thinking of the Void Realm's suspicious personality, Ta Ling immediately thought of a vital thing, and quickly reminded Yu Haoran.

"Yu Haoran, the spirit of the Void Realm is suspicious. He never easily believes in others. Now that the body and the spirit are under heavy damage, he will surely hide and heal, and will never return to the side of the blood.

"Ta Ling, what you mean!" The reminder from Ta Ling reminded Hao Ran immediately to follow his own blood to the puppet, and speculated with excitement in his eyes.

"Yes!" Talling nodded and confirmed.

"Ta Ling, then you take the time to use the breath of life and death to determine the soul and fruit to restore cultivation and strength!"

Even if there is no help from the Void Realm, Xue Xiangxun is also a mighty powerhouse in the third peak of Emperor Wu. It is not the existence he can provoke now. He can only rely on the towering spirit that can recover the demigod in a short time. Quickly reminded.

"Changing somewhere!" Looked at the vegetation that had begun to turn yellow around the mountain peak, and Ta Ling couldn't bear to propose.

In order to be able to restore the cultivation and strength of the Three Deities and Demigod Realms, he has used the secret method of deprivation to absorb nearly half of the vitality of countless thousands of kilometers of life.

If we continue to use the deprivation method, it will not only cause the death of countless ordinary creatures, but also attract the attention of the heavenly thoughts, and it will bring down the world's thunderbolt.

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