Destined Martial God

Chapter 1613: Vigilance

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Inside the cave house, in the hut!

Bone removal is a bone replacement, which is equivalent to pulling out every bone in your body, and then replacing it with new bone.

It can be said that this bone extraction process can be said to be terrible, and the pain of bone formation is not what the soul can bear.

Therefore, even though Yu Haoran's perseverance is very tough, and his ability to bear pain is very strong. Under this terrible torture, the nerves have long been numb, and the mind has completely entered into the trance, and I have not heard the loss of Dijiang Cannian just Shout.

Soon after noticing that he was dysfunctional, Di Jiang Cannian, and quickly suppressed the excessive emotion of Cannian, first carefully observed Yu Haoran's state.

After discovering that Hao Ran was in a state of divine consciousness, after not paying attention to the internal conditions for the time being, Dijiang Cannian secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and a look of hesitation flashed in his eyes.

However, when he noticed that the towering spirit in the portrait was about to wake up from the memories, the hesitant look in his eyes was instantly determined.

Divine thought was separated from Hao Ran's flesh, and in front of him, a middle-aged man wearing a gray linen blouse with a blue-black complexion and a very burly body.

Looking at Yu Haoran's handsome appearance, after a flash of determination in the middle-aged man's eyes, he extended his finger and pressed it on his brow.

As the fingers slowly moved away from the brow, an imaginary axe-shaped instrument gradually emerged from the imagination.

Looking at the imaginary axe-shaped instrument floating in front of him, Dijiang's distorted middle-aged man showed a complex and changeable look of admiration, perseverance, resentment and expectation.

However, when he looked at Hao Ran's intellect gradually becoming sober, Di Jiang Cannian transformed the complex look in the eyes of the middle-aged man and was quickly replaced firmly.

Later, the middle-aged man with a distorted mind in Dijiang began to quickly imprint his ten fingers, and then directly merged into the unreal axe-shaped instrument floating in front of his eyes.

Whenever a mark made by him is incorporated into the axe-shaped instrument, the axe-shaped instrument will automatically approach Haoran's brow.

When the eighth mark of the middle-aged man from Dijiang Wannian turned into an axe-shaped magic weapon, the axe-shaped magic weapon has already clung to Yu Haoran's brow.

"Merging!" When the middle-aged man with a distorted mind in Dijiang took a deep breath and quickly incorporated the ninth mark just formed into the axe-shaped instrument, it seemed to be vocal, but in fact he screamed silently.

Along with the silent drinking of Dijiang Cannian, the axe-shaped instrument incorporated into the ninth mark was completely integrated into Hao Ran's eyebrow, and a faint axe pattern was left in the position of the eyebrow.

The action of condensing the mark just now seems to be a huge drain on Dijiang's thoughts. The middle-aged man is disillusioned to the point where he can no longer see his body, but his dark eyes reveal a look of relief.

When he saw that the puppet in Yu Haoran's eyes was completely replaced by Qingming, only a tiny bit of remnant disappeared quickly in the air.

"Senior, are you still there?"

The skeletal bones of the Supreme Realm replaced the original bones, so that Hao Ran was completely conscious and immediately felt the terrifying power contained in his body.

Although he really wanted to know the change of his strength after the bone was removed, but thinking of Di Jiang Cannian's kindness to him, and a question in his heart was not resolved, Yu Haoran forcibly suppressed his thought of wanting to feel the change of strength, and quickly interrogated. .

"Senior, I am still!"

It was because the voice of Haoran's interrogation had just dropped, and the sound of Di Jiang Cannian was extremely weak.

"Senior, thank you!" Yu Haoran thanked in a sincere tone.

"Seniors, I can only persist for a minute at a time, so you should hurry up for any problems!" Regardless of Yu Haoran's gratitude, Dijiang Cannian reminded him slightly.

For one minute, after hearing the reminder from Di Jiang Cannian, Yu Haoran didn't dare to continue to waste time and asked immediately.

"Senior, who made your bones into a bone bed?"

The corpse of the Supreme Realm, which cannot even be easily harmed by the heavenly thoughts and the rules of the heavens, who has the ability to make the Supreme corpse hard and hard to make a bone bed. This is Yu Haoran's heart emerged after learning the origin of the bone bed under his feet The biggest doubt.

"Eternal Evergreen Extreme!" Dijiang Cannian quickly responded.

"When did the Everlasting Supreme refining your bones into a bone bed?" Yu Haoran, who was shocked by the turbulent waves, immediately asked in his heart.

"Just as my bones were forcibly returned to the ancient continent, the everlasting supremacy of Eternal Ever took the initiative to help." Di Jiang, who was increasingly conscious, replied instinctively.

"Senior, who is the owner of this cave?"

Being able to feel the state of Dijiang's thoughts about to disappear, Yu Haoran forcibly suppressed the shock that appeared in her heart, and quickly asked another question that appeared in her heart.

"The instrumental spirit of Qinglian Baose Banner!"

After instinctively responding to Haoran's last question, Dijiang Cannian completely disappeared into the sky.

The complete disappearance of Dijiang's thoughts made Yu Haoran immediately feel a heartache, but the doubts formed by the shock in his heart made him only temporarily forget his inner sorrow and began to elaborate carefully.

According to Taling's introduction to the Everlasting Supreme, he should be the supreme strongman who preached in the Middle Ages, but the time when the twelve ancient ancestors and witches died together with their opponents was the period when the ancient beasts ruled the continent.

How could a supremely powerful sermon in the Middle Ages appear on the battlefield in ancient times!

Even if the Everlasting Supreme is the master of the power of time and space, he can use the ability of time and space to return to ancient times, but how dare he intervene in what was happening in ancient times.

Because returning to ancient times and intervening in what is happening in ancient times are two completely different concepts. The requirements for cultivation and strength are completely different.

Limited by his own practice and experience, Yu Haoran couldn't figure out the connection, and ultimately had to give up the conjecture and speculation that caused him a headache.

However, through the information revealed by Dijiang Cannian, he was extremely vigilant to the everlasting Supreme and the Zhongli family, and decided to maintain twelve points of vigilance and vigilance when dealing with the strong members of the Zhongli family in the future. .

Looking at the jade bed that had lost the echo between the blood of the ancestors and witches under his feet, but the jade bed still exists, Yu Haoran took a deep breath, got up and left the jade bed, and then walked to the towering spirit who was also awake from memories. Around.

"Ta Ling, who is this person in the portrait?" Yu Haoran asked the middle-aged man in the portrait wearing a dark gray robe, burly, and with a spirit of spirit on his face.

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