Destined Martial God

Chapter 1614: Conceal (one more)

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Inside the cave house, in the hut!

"Of the seven congenital treasures born of chaos, the highest grade, the most powerful, and the most respected chaos bell spirit!

The memories of the past, the friendship that fought side by side, touched the tenderness in the bottom of my heart, and untied Ta Ling's heart knot all night, so in the face of Hao Ran's interrogation, he did not evade the cover as before, but truthfully introduced .

"Ta Ling, this person should be you!" Yu Haoran asked with a smile, pointing to the front of the portrait crowd.

In the classics left in reality, there are very few records of chaotic clocks. As few as the entire Celestial Continent has not had many creatures to know the existence of chaotic clocks, and it is even impossible to know what the chaotic clock instruments spirits have done.

Therefore, I also do n’t know much about Hao Ran, who is the chaos bell spirit. Without the admiration from the heart when Ta Ling was introduced, there are not many ideas for further understanding. Instead, he is familiar with that of a dozen men and women. The back view is of interest.


While nodding to confirm, when Ta Ling wanted to further explain the story recorded in the portrait, he unexpectedly found that Yu Haoran's state at this moment was a bit out of place.

The slightly leaner figure was stronger, and there was a bit of domineering in the graceful temperament. At the same time, just after being promoted to the first physical grade of Wudi Yipin, he has now reached the peak of Wudi Yipin.

But this change happened when he was just in deep memory just now, how can this not make him confused.

So, looking directly at Hao Ran's eyes, Ta Ling asked with a frown.

"Yu Haoran, what just happened? Why did your physical rank suddenly advance to the peak of Wudi Yipin?"

"An epiphany by chance!" Yu Haoran responded vaguely.

With a distance of less than thirty meters from each other, Ta Ling didn't even know everything he had just experienced, which made him extremely shocked, and at the same time, he could vaguely guess the intention of Dijiang Cannian.

I'm afraid that Dijiang Cannian does not want Ta Ling to know everything he has just experienced. Perhaps it is said that he has an instinctual vigilance against the congenital treasure born of chaos.

Thinking of Dijiang Cannian's gift to him, and thinking that Ta Ling had concealed too many secrets from himself, Yu Haoran also emerged in his heart. In the end, he chose the same decision as Dijiang Cannian, which was temporary Conceal the opportunity you just gained.

Yu Haoran's ambiguous explanation made Talling frown and frown.

But thinking that he had deliberately concealed many secrets, after Ta Ling finally sighed, he did not continue to question, but began to tell the story recorded in the portrait.

The story recorded by the portrait is very simple, that is, the instrumental spirits of the innate instruments when the world was first opened, the oath meeting at the final decisive battle, and perhaps the last mobilization conference by the chaos bell instrumental spirit.

And personally depicting the picture of the oath of meeting at that time, it is the Qingling Porcelain Spirit that is good at Dan Qing's art.

"Yu Haoran, in fact, the owner of this cave house is not a **** of martial arts realm, but a green lotus of Qinglian Baose Banner, and a green lotus adopted by Qinglian in ancient times."

After telling the story in the portrait, Ta Ling reminded the back of a woman in a long blue dress and shawl standing behind him in the portrait.

"It was her!" Yu Haoran, who had learned of the origin of the Dongfu mansion from Dijiang Cannian, could only deliberately pretend to have a shocked expression in order to avoid suspicion of Ta Ling.

Withdrawing his finger pointing to the portrait, Tallinn turned to look at the stairs leading to the second floor of the hut, with a sad look in his eyes.

Then he took a deep breath, replaced his sadness with a calm look, and walked up the stairs into the second floor of the hut.

After Yu Haoran glanced at the portrait and the jade bed, he quickly speeded up and followed.

"this is!"

Since Ta Ling first entered the second floor of the hut, no reminder was given. Yu Haoran, who had no precautions, had just stepped into the second floor of the hut. The feeling of weightlessness made him suddenly fall into the abyss. .

Quickly mobilized Yuan Li and Soul Power to stabilize the falling body, and then was completely stunned by the scene in front of him.

Because the second floor of the hut is not a room or a bedroom at all, but an endless void that cannot see the margins.

In the endless void, a Shenlong with a body length of more than one million kilometers floats there quietly. At the position of the head of the dragon, there is a jade Jank, a Dan bottle, and a black paint bead.

And that black bead is exactly one of the twenty-four Zhenhai God beads.

"Yu Haoran, the warrior's cultivation is to be able to open up his own space in the flesh after being promoted to the level of Valkyrie. This is why the gods above the level of Valkyrie never use the storage weapon."

Seeing Yu Hao, who quickly stabilized his body, the towering spirit calmly introduced to him while flying to the position of the head of the dragon.

"At the same time, the strength of the martial arts realm can open up the size of the space, which has an inseparable relationship with its own cultivation and strength."

"Ta Ling, is this endless void, the space opened up by this dragon in front of you!" He flew to Ta Ling's side, and asked Yu Haoran, pointing at the body of the dragon over a million kilometers.


While nodding to confirm, Taling explained further.

"Because the spirit body introduces the existence between the virtual and the real, if the space is forcibly opened, there is a danger that the space and the soul will collapse, so the instruments and spirits of our instruments cannot create an independent space.

While nodding to indicate that he understood, Yu Haoran re-examined the endless void in which he asked, with a shocked expression in his eyes.

"Ta Ling, I don't know to what extent this dragon's grade has reached, how can he open up such endless space?"

"The limit of the peak of Valkyrie nine products!"

Looking at the body of the dragon with more than one million kilometers, a sad look appeared in Ta Ling's eyes.

"Also, it has the strength and opportunity to impact the supreme realm."

With the power to impact the supreme realm!

After hearing Ta Ling's introduction to the realm of Shenlong in front of her, Yu Haoran couldn't help taking a sip of cold air, and a little doubt appeared in her heart.

As a defense weapon in the innate spiritual treasure, Qinglian Baose Banner is a top-grade magic weapon in the realm of Godland, possessing a powerful defense infinitely close to the supreme level.

The dragon in front is the pinnacle of Wushen Jiupin, and it also has infinitely powerful attack power close to the supreme level.

The combination of Qinglian Baose Banner and Shenlong can be said to be the first Xeon combination in the supreme realm. Then who was killed by the spirit and dragon of Qinglian Baose Banner?

Who is it!

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