Destined Martial God

Chapter 1624: Rush into the city (one more)

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Outside Bone City!

In the previous life, when the ethereal rat broke through the level of respect, it not only attracted the dual advent of heavenly consciousness and the rules of heaven, but also relied on the strength before breaking through respectfulness, and it could easily destroy the giant palm transformed from heavenly consciousness.

When thinking of seeing the picture of the ethereal rat fighting the heavenly consciousness with the help of secret methods, Yu Haoran suddenly realized that the ethereal rat crawling on his shoulder might have a special existence like Qian Qian's luck.

This leads to being able to assist ordinary creatures to transform into human-shaped transformation grasses, which greatly reduces its effectiveness, and can only reach the level of utterance.

"Little spirit, as long as this transformation plant has a little use for you, then you can give it to me obediently."

When Hao Ran entered the space of consciousness and took out the transformational grass, Yu Haoran had a very strong feeling in his heart. He felt that it would not take long for him to leave his consciousness space with his body tower. .

Already accustomed to being around, and able to communicate anytime and anywhere, Yu Haoran wanted to use the empty rat to replace the towering spirit that was about to leave, and to use the transformational grass to make it speak as quickly as possible.


Pointing at his own small mouth, he patted his chest again, and the ethereal rat squeaked to indicate that as long as it can be upgraded to the level of the sacred state and successfully realized the power of the laws in the blood, it will be able to spit words. .

"Little spirit, your promotion is too slow, I can't wait that long!"

When the ethereal rat broke through the level of respect in the previous life, he could destroy the giant palm transformed from the consciousness of the heaven by relying on the extermination word of human words. How could Yu Haoran not know its ability.

However, since the reunion period, in order to improve the cultivation and strength of the ethereal rat as soon as possible, he has specially refined a total of 981 elixir from the fifth-order first-grade product to the second-order one-grade product.

The results of it!

It just makes the ethereal rat rise from the rank of the seventh peak of the imperial realm to the peak of the nine ranks of the royal realm.

I do n’t want to be a lonely friend who talks and discusses with me in the course of practice and practice, so when seeing the ethereal rat still planning to postpone, Yu Haoran quickly took out the transformational grass, and then forcibly fed it. In the mouth.

"Yu Haoran, do you know what Huaxing Cao means to the countless non-human beings in Tianxuan Continent?" Distressed Huaxing Cao could not help but yelled loudly.

"Little spirit, even if Huaxingcao is a panacea that can become an emperor and a god, it has been taken by you now, and it is useless to say that it is more." Facing the drinking of the ethereal rat, Yu Haoran stretched his hand and stroked his little head, while some Rogue replied.

"You ...!" Facing the roaring response, the ethereal mouse didn't know how to refute, and finally could only sigh and not speak.

Looking up at the ancient city covered with gloomy white bones, Yu Haoran who stood up and couldn't help but sighed, and then turned to leave White Bone City when a sudden whistling sound rang from the sky.

With the roar of the sky, countless sleepy white bones in the ancient city suddenly woke up, slowly stood up, and then creaked towards the center of the ancient city.

After seeing the countless gloomy bones in front of the city gate, after pushing open the heavy city gate, he also creaked into the ancient city, and a faint expression appeared in Yu Haoran's eyes.

"Little spirit, are you afraid!" He turned to the ethereal rat on his shoulder and asked.

"Don't be afraid!" He shook his head, and the ethereal rat replied easily.

"If that's the case, then we will continue to fight side by side in the previous life, and thoroughly examine the secrets of how earth-shattering the city is, which is known as one of the top ten forbidden places."

A question and answer with the empty spirit rat made Yu Haoran feel as if he was back to the previous life without fear of the earth and fear of the earth. The fearlessness that suddenly appeared in his heart made the flame of excitement gradually in his eyes.

At the same time, the estrangement from Ta Ling gradually began to no longer cause him too much trouble.

However, excitement turned to excitement. Yu Haoran's inner vigilance did not relax. He took out a positioning teleporter from the storage ring to ensure that he could quickly escape the danger when he encountered an irresistible danger, and then he began to be cautious. Close to Bone City.

When he arrived at the gate of the ancient city, he was not attacked in any way, and no ghostly bones guarding the gate were left in front of him.

Taking a deep breath, trying to converge on his own breath, Yu Haoran stepped through the gate to enter the ancient city.

"Creaky ...!"

Immediately after entering the ancient city through the city gate, the ears heard the harsh sound of numerous bones when they were rubbed.

Looking up, Yu Haoran found that more than 300 meters ahead, hundreds of spooky white bones were struggling to approach the center of the ancient city, but they were blocked by more white bones in front, so that they could only step in place.

Gaze back at the gloomy bones, glanced at the ancient city environment in his sight, a look of disappointment appeared in his eyes.

Because the environment and layout of the ancient city in sight are no different from ordinary cities.

Hundreds of spooky bones that re-directed their eyes forward, Yu Haoran's eyes flashed a little hesitation, but thinking of a distance of more than 300 meters, with the combination of the Law of Speed ​​and the Law of Shem, it was just a blink of an eye, and eventually The look of hesitation was replaced by firmness.

After whispering to the ethereal rat on his shoulder, Yu Haoran directly stimulated the ancestral witch's body, and then slowly approached a bone in front of him.


Just when he was standing behind the last white bone and was planning to observe the structure of the white bone carefully, the white bone suddenly stopped and moved, and the whole skull was twisted at 180 degrees, looking directly With Yu Haoran, only two meters away.

The unexpected twist of the white bone's head directly frightened Yu Haoran, watching the other two soul fires in the hollow eyes of the other side, and instinctively fisted the attack.

This bone, which fell to the end of countless spooky bones, was only taken by Wu Zong Yipin, and was directly bombarded into countless white powder in the boxing attack under the blessing of the ancestor and witch.

However, the two green soul fires in the hollow bones of the bones were not destroyed by the fist attack, but floated directly in front of him when the bones were completely shattered.

The horrifying feeling made Yu Haoran instinctively want to avoid the soul fire, but the ethereal rat standing on his shoulder, using the suddenly elongated tail, directly hooked the green soul fire to it, and then opened it. Mouth swallowed directly.

Knowing that the ethereal rat has the special ability to avoid evil and fortune-telling, and to discern strange treasures.

Therefore, in the face of its devouring soul fire, Yu Haoran did not take a risk to stop it, but waited until it had finished refining two soul fires and asked.

"Little spirit, how do you feel?"

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