Destined Martial God

Chapter 1625: The soul fire that can directly devour (second more)

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Inside Bone City!

"Opportunity, the opportunity of the big one, the chance of being against the sky!"

The ethereal rat devouring two soul fires suddenly opened their tiny eyes and shouted at Yu Haoran in an excited expression.

"Little spirit, don't sell off, explain the situation in detail!" Reached out his little head, Yu Haoran reminded with a smile.

"Yu Haoran, the two soul fires that I just attracted contain very pure soul power, which can greatly enhance the level of the soul." Without continuing to sell the child, the ethereal rat replied with great excitement.

There was no surprise from Hao Ran's reply, and Yu Haoran looked up and glanced at the movement caused by the white bone he had just shot and killed. When he got the attention of another dozen spooky white bones, he retreated toward the city gate and opened his mouth. Questioned.

"Little spirit, through the spirituality of these bones, presumably there is a consciousness that belongs to the bones in the two soul fires. Do those consciousnesses not affect your own soul."

The cultivation of the soul is that as long as he is promoted to the Wuzong realm, he can condense his own soul.

The spirit and soul that the soul gathers have unique consciousness and memory that belong to the soul. These consciousness and memory are closely linked with the soul force, and it is difficult to separate the whole.

If you want to promote cultivation by devouring souls and souls, then you must bear the consequences of the impact of consciousness and memory in the other's soul power.

There are generally two situations in the end of this consequence. The mental state is chaotic and becomes a demon that is not controlled by one's consciousness. On the other hand, he went directly into the magic, and eventually the spirits died.

Even the full version of Devouring Dafa taught by Ta Ling cannot completely remove the remaining consciousness and memory in the soul power, and it is necessary to use a very special matrix method to barely eliminate the effects of consciousness and memory.

Therefore, even if it is a desperate madness, it is rarely promoted by devouring soul power.

"Yu Haoran, the soul fire condensed in the bones' eyes is completely different from the soul condensed by living beings."

Facing Hao Ran's questioning, the Null Rat still excitedly explained.

"Because the consciousness and soul power in the soul fire are not integrated in the bones of the bones, the effect of consciousness on soul power can be easily stripped."

Seeing that Yu Haoran's eyes were still full of doubts, the ethereal rat considered it for a while, and then explained it through an example.

"Yu Haoran, the soul fire in the bones of your bones is equivalent to you have eaten Yunxiang orange. The awareness of your bones is like the skin of Yunxiang orange, and the soul power is like the flesh of Yunxiang orange."

"As long as you peel the Yunxiang orange, you can enjoy Yunxiangjie's fruit."

I heard that the ethereal rat described the structure of the soul fire in the bones of his bones through the spirit fruit of Yunxiang Orange. Although Yu Haoran had understood it very well, there was still a hint of doubt in his heart, so he wanted to experiment with it himself. .

Seeing the thirteen spooky bones that had retreated to the gate of the city together, Yu Haoran didn't hesitate at all. The power of the law of speed combined with basic boxing, in one tenth of a second, he easily bombarded the thirteen spooky Bones.

Only two soul fires were left in one of the bones, and the remaining twenty-four soul fires were allowed to be swallowed and refined by the ethereal rat.

Mobilize the goddess of the top Wu Zun ten products to reach the peak of the realm, approach the soul fire little by little, and then check the soul fire little by little by pulling the cocoon.

Through careful inspection, Yu Haoran discovered that the fact that the two soul fires condensed in the bones of the bones, just like the ethereal rat said, is indeed like the Lingguo Yunxiang orange. Consciousness and soul power are not completely integrated.

Looking up at the countless gloomy bones behind him, Yu Haoran finally decided to use the full version of Dafa and try to devour the two soul fires in front of him.

The thirteen bones just bombarded just now are the same as the ones from the beginning of the bombardment, all of which are taken by Wu Zongyipin. The bones and souls in this state contain very little soul power.

Therefore, after quickly engulfing and refining the pure soul power contained in the two soul fires, although there was no improvement in one's own soul power, it confirmed what the ethereal rat said was against the sky.

"Little spirit, according to the division of labor in our previous lives, you are responsible for seducing those bones to leave the ancient city. I am responsible for killing the bones that left the ancient city outside the gate, and you will be divided into thirty to seven." The ethereal rat, Yu Haoran's eyes, sparked an excited proposal.

"Yu Haoran, now I am the cultivation of the pinnacle of the nine realms of the imperial realm. I urgently need a lot of pure soul power to impact the level of the holy realm, so you and me are divided into fifty five.

Facing Haoran's proposal, the ethereal rat immediately shook his head and refused, and re-proposed the distribution ratio.

"no problem!"

According to the area of ​​the ancient city and the number of white bones gathered in the city, even the pure soul power contained in the 50% soul fire is enough for him and the ethereal mouse to break through the realm.

Therefore, in the face of the distribution ratio re-proposed by the ethereal rat, Yu Haoran nodded in agreement.

Subsequently, the ethereal rat jumped off his shoulders directly, and then provoked and provoked those gloomy bones. Yu Haoran exited the city gate with the trend, intending to complete the accumulation of his own spiritual power outside the city.

Waiting time is not very long!

Accompanied by the sound of creaking bones, a total of seventy spooky white bones left the ancient city under the provocation and guidance of the ethereal rat.

The rule of speed combined with basic boxing techniques, within two seconds, Yu Haoran easily bombarded seventy bones that were repaired with only Wuzong Yipin.

One hundred and forty soul fires, according to a ratio of fifty-five percent, Yu Haoran and the ethereal rat each received seventy soul fires.

In order to cooperate with the engulfing Dafa, it took less than ten seconds to successfully devour and refine the soul power contained in the seventy soul fires.

The pure soul power contained in the seventy Wuzong Yipin soul fire finally made him faintly feel a slight improvement in the realm of soul power.

Waiting for about two minutes, the ethereal rat was successfully absorbed and refined from the pure soul power of the seventy soul fires, and then continued to challenge the gloomy bones in the city.

Considering that Yu Haoran was not only very powerful, but also the speed of attack was very fast, so the second time to challenge the boneless ethereal rat, he fully penetrated 210 ghostly bones and left the ancient city.

The power of the law of speed and the power of sheen combined with the basic boxing method, in less than five seconds, 210 spooky bones completely turned into a pile of white powder.

Fully two hundred and one hundred soul fires containing pure soul power allowed Yu Haoran to clearly feel the steady improvement of his soul power.

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