Destined Martial God

Chapter 1653: Not together

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At the entrance of Blue Moon Secret, in the valley!

After the three mages condensed into the immortal sword through three blood-red array flags, they had been pulled out of the sword body more than twenty centimeters and immediately separated from the scabbard.

Subsequently, the horrifying sharp sword erupting from the trapping fairy sword banged directly on the crack of the secret barrier.


Accompanied by the deafening roar, the fragile barrier cracks had been blasted directly.

Immediately afterwards, a pure and strong aura emerged from the hurricane barrier.

"set off!"

Through the blasted barriers, everyone at the scene can not only feel the pure heaven and earth aura emerging from the secret area, but also dimly see the scenery in the secret area.

Therefore, Zhou Youze, who was 100% sure of the passage, immediately waved his hands at the people behind him, and said excitedly.

In addition to Zhou Youze, six powerful emperors in the realm of Emperor Wu, and three array mages who are recovering their strength with the help of elixir, a total of 117 powerful men in the realm of Wu Sheng and Wu Zun rushed in with excitement. In the mysterious channel.



Just as dozens of strong men in the realm of Wu Sheng and Wu Zun had just rushed into the mysterious passage, the deafening explosion sound and the utterly miserable howling came from the end of the secret passage.

Zhou Youze, whose face was slightly changed, immediately commanded the powerful men in the early stage of the two Emperor Wuyi.

"Birthday, Qingmin, you immediately enter the mysterious passage and see what happened at the end of the mysterious passage."

Although there was a reluctant look in his eyes, Zhou Youze's strong order, Zhou Qingsheng and Zhou Qingmin did not dare to break into the secret passage quickly.

Immediately afterwards, at the end of the mysterious channel, more violent roar continued to be heard, as did Zhou Qingsheng's voice.

"Patriarch, at the end of the Mysterious Passage, Yu Haoran arranged a dozen attack formations in advance, and now there are seven Wu Zun and 27 clan members in the Wusheng Realm buried!"


After hearing the story from Zhou Qingsheng at the end of the mysterious passage, Zhou Youze couldn't help but roared to the sky, his eyes flushed red.

"Yu Haoran, Zhou Youze and the Zhou family don't share your hatred with you!"

"Patriarch, let me go!"

Although the consumed power recovered only less than 30%, but in the face of the attack formation set by Hao Ran, the emperor's strongest, only when the field formation was repaired to the strongest, he personally shot to be able to speed up while saving the lives of the people The speed of the attack formation was lifted, so Zhou Zhengyuan, who immediately got up, took the initiative to ask for battle.


Facing Zhou Zhengyuan's initiative, Zhou Youze immediately shook his head and refused, and explained.

"Zhengyuan, you and the two ancestors are the most important in the next plan, so we can all have trouble, but you and the two ancestors cannot."

Having said that, Zhou Youze turned to the other two powerful emperors in the middle of Yipin and ordered.

"Daowu, Zhiwei, you immediately help Qingsheng and Qingmin break the attack formation at the end of the channel."

"Yes, Patriarch!"

After Zhou Daowu and Zhou Zhiwei gave orders, they rushed into the passage of the secret place.


In the Blue Moon Secret!

After nearly ten minutes of searching, Yu Haoran obtained a total of nineteen four-colored empty fruits, eleven five-colored empty fruits, eight six-colored empty fruits, three seven-colored empty fruits, and one eight-colored Void Fruit.

As for the Nine-colored Void Fruit, due to the scattered and distant locations of each other's fall, he has not found a Nine-colored Void Fruit now.

Fortunately, he had already obtained a nine-colored void fruit in advance, and the first clone also successfully found another nine-colored void fruit. Yu Haoran didn't have much disappointment in his heart.

According to the use of divine beasts, the Void Beast locks in on the position where the Void Fruit fell. In front of this mountain about a few kilometers high, there seems to be a seven-color Void Fruit.

Therefore, Yu Haoran went straight up to the peak, and then used God's thought to search every corner of the entire mountain.



Just when his divine thought had just locked a seven-colored void fruit on the mountainside, a deafening roar and an extremely painful howl sounded suddenly throughout the secret area.

Immediately looking up to the direction of the mysterious barrier, Yu Haoran found that the dozens of arrays arranged by the first avatar were simultaneously stimulated.

After watching it for nearly ten seconds, in addition to the stronger roar and more miserable howls in the formation, none of the dozen attack formations have been destroyed.

This made Yu Haoran sincerely lament that while the second split formation was so powerful, he couldn't help wondering how long the dozen attack formations could be delayed.

"Ran, how much time can the ten-minute attack method last?"

"If the two powerful emperors at the peak of the three emperors do not take action and do not use the trapped fairy sword, they should be able to persist for about ten minutes."

Looking at the activated dozen attack patterns through the space of the sea, the second clone carefully observed for a while, and then gave two different time answers.

"If the powerful Emperor of the Third Emperor Wupin's realm cooperates with the Immortal Sword, it can only last for one to two minutes."

After hearing the time answer given by the second avatar, Yu Haoran didn't think about it at all, and turned directly to continue into the mystery to find the void fruit.

Because Zhou Youze has worked hard to open the secret channel, the purpose is not to compete for the fruit of the void, but to unravel the seal that the secret region exerted on the ancient demons.

Then, in order to have the strength to talk to the ancient demons, and also to protect himself in front of the ancient demons, he will definitely not let the mighty strongman of the peak state of the third emperor of the Emperor Warrior waste his strength in advance, and it is impossible to expose the trap in advance This card from Fairy Sword.

Therefore, with Zhou Youze's heroic character, he will definitely use the lives of Zhou Jiawu Sheng and Wu Zun to be a powerful player to dispel dozens of attacks.


After Zhou Daowu and Zhou Zhiwei entered the passage of the secret realm, although there was no screaming at the end of the passage, through the continuous roar, Zhou Youze knew that in a short time, it was difficult to completely break through the dozen attack arrays arranged in advance by Haoran. law.

Turning around, he looked at the two ancestors at the peak of Wudi Sanpin, and looked at the three Zhou Zhengyuan who regained their strength with the help of elixir. There was a hesitation in Zhou Youze's eyes.

Want to speed up the attack matrix cracking speed, either let the Emperor Wu Pin Sanpin peak realm shot, or let Zhou Zhengyuan who is proficient in the formation method shot.

But as Yu Haoran conjectured, the ancestors of the three emperors of the Emperor Wu and Zhou Zhengyuan were the key to the next face of the ancient demons. They must not make any mistakes.

Therefore, Zhou Youze finally sighed, and then slowly closed his eyes, allowing the clan to use his life to bomb the dozen attack methods at the end of the channel.

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