Destined Martial God

Chapter 1654: Poisonous lake

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At the entrance of Blue Moon Secret, in the valley!

Thirteen minutes!

After 13 minutes of continuous attacks, a total of 47 corpses of Wusheng and Wuzun realms were lost, and at the cost of serious injuries to Zhou Qingsheng and Zhou Qingmin two Emperor Wudi powerful men, they finally broke through the end of the channel. More than a dozen attack formations.

After repeatedly confirming the safety of Zhou Daowu and Zhou Zhiwei, Zhou Youze brought the two ancestors of the peak state of Wudi Sanpin and the three masters of Zhou Zhengyuan's peak state of formation into the blue moon secret realm.

"Separate a distance of hundreds of miles from each other, and then use the secret method to form a god-mind skynet and take me out of Yu Haoran!" Looked at the forty-seven corpses placed on the ground of the mysterious land, watching the wounded knees sitting and healing Zhou Qingsheng and Zhou Qingmin exhaled Zhou Youze, who was fierce and aggressive, and commanded his teeth.

"Patriarch Zhou, don't need to be so troublesome, I'm waiting for you here!"

Just as Zhou Youze ordered the voice to fall, Yu Haoran's provocative voice immediately came to his ears.

The red rocks are only a thousand miles away from the entrance of the mysterious land. With the cultivation and strength of Zhou Youze and others, you can find Yu Haoran standing in front of the poisonous mist and poisonous lake with a simple swipe of divine thought.

Enemies are jealous when they meet!

Divine thought after discovering Yu Hao thousands of miles away, Zhou Youze immediately instructed the remaining 68 martial saints and Wu Zun strong men in the Zhou family.

"Let me live in Haoran immediately, I want to let him know what life is better than death!"

Watching the loved ones die one after another in the formation attack, but they have no ability to rescue them, which filled the remaining sixty-eight members of the Zhou family with guilt and self-blame.

The culprit of guilt and self-blame is Yu Haoran, who laid the attack formation at the end of the secret passage.

Therefore, after hearing Zhou Youze's order to gnash his teeth, the sixty-eight Zhou Jiaqiangs who ignited endless anger instantly rushed to the red rock group and slammed Yu Haoran standing by the poisonous lake.

Seeing that the four powerful Emperors of Wu Emperor standing behind Zhou Youze did not shoot, Yu Haoran couldn't help but stunned.

At the end of the battle in the Five Dragons Qianlong Rankings, when facing the three robbers of the Emperor Wu of the Shang family and the Zhou family to join forces to besiege, he had already demonstrated his strength not to lose in the realm of Wu Emperor.

Then, why didn't Zhou Youze tell the Emperor Wudi behind him to take a shot!

Are these sixty-eight martial arts and martial arts powerhouses good at the combo technique that can enhance their strength!

However, rich combat experience only made him a little stunned, and then quickly entered the combat state.

"Ssangyong plays beads!"

When stimulating the physical power of Zuzu, and directly performing his inheritance of Zuwu, Yu Haoran unexpectedly used the poisonous lake water to blend in his martial arts skills to see if the power of the palm can be enhanced by the poisonous lake water.

Due to the integration of a large number of poisonous lake waters, the purple dragon that should have been condensed in the palm of his hand eventually turned into two black dragons with a length of 1,000 kilometers.

When the sixty-eight strongmen of the Zhou family were less than one hundred meters away from the two black dragons, the short-term fighting consciousness given by the palm method allowed the two black dragons to open their huge dragon mouths directly and eject two black jets. Poisonous lake water.

Facing the black lake that washes like a torrential rain, the sixty-eight Zhou Jiaqiang instinctively used elemental power and soul power to form a defensive cover.

But what they don't know is that the poisonous lake and water that had mutated during the promotion of the poison source grade, even Hao Ran, the strongest ancient ancestor and witch body and proficient in the poisonous path, dare not easily. Touching the water of the poisonous lake is enough to show how powerful the power of the poisonous lake is.

Therefore, the lake water that just fell into the defensive cover immediately turned into black snakes, which quickly corroded the defensive cover condensed by the elemental power and soul force, and then directly integrated into their bodies.


The strong man in the martial arts realm, after the little black snake was incorporated into the body, he could not even scream before he screamed, and it was completely turned into a pool of black water.

The peerless powerhouse in Wu Zun realm, although persisted for a little longer, finally only screamed a few times, and was similarly corroded into a pool of black water by the black snake.

Thirty-seven strong men in the martial arts realm and thirty-one martial arts in the realm of martial arts have all turned into a pool of black water with a foul smell in just three seconds.

Watching the 68 strong men carefully cultivated by the family annihilated in the blink of an eye, terror and fear appeared in the eyes of Zhou Youze and others, and an urge to turn away immediately.

The red hated beast hidden in the poisonous fog also flashed a horrible gaze in his eyes.

Although he was well aware of the terrifying power of the poisonous lake, he did not expect that Yu Hao could integrate the water of the poisonous lake into the palm of his hand, and finally let the power of the palm of his show reach the peak of Wudi Sanpin.

"Mr. Zhou, just a small meeting gift from your junior just now, disrespect, and I hope you can smile." Yu Haoran, who is more aware of the horror of poisonous lakes and lakes than the red hated beast, has nothing to do with the power of integrating into the blood lake lake No accidental arching hand continued to challenge Zhou Youze.

Facing the provocation that Haoran deceived too much, Zhou Youze couldn't wait to pull out the trapped fairy sword in his hand, and then chopped him into countless pieces.

But the torrents of black water that fell on the red rocks reminded him how terrible Yu Haoran was that he could use the water of the poisonous lake. In the end, he still suppressed his urge to shoot.

"Yu Haoran, if you have the courage, would you dare to fight against me in the void!"

Yu Haoran's move to extract poisonous lakes when he showed his palms just now makes Zhou Youze clear, so after suppressing his inner impulse, he immediately thought of a way to deal with Haoran.

"Zhou Youze, if you have the courage, would you dare to fight with me in front of the lake!"

Even the peerless powerhouses of the top Wuzun Jiupin peak can't resist the power of the poisonous lakes, how could Yu Haoran give up this powerful aid in front of him in vain!

What's more, Zhou Youze also has a fairy sword trapped in his hands, as well as a powerful man behind the peak state of the two Emperors and Three Pins.

Therefore, Yu Haoran's eyes showed a slight disdain, and he used the same tone and words to fight back.


Facing Hao Ran using the same tone and words to fight back, Zhou Youze was speechless.

"Patriarch, don't continue the entanglement with Yu Haoran, we now go immediately to find the place where the ancient demons were sealed."

Just as Zhou Youze was about to fall into rage, Zhou Luhao behind him immediately reminded him with a divine mind.

"As long as we can successfully establish an alliance with the ancient demons, it is entirely possible for the strong of the ancient demons to chase and kill Hao Ran."

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