Destined Martial God

Chapter 1655: Powerless

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In the Blue Moon Secret!

After hearing the reminder of Zhou Luhao's use of divine thought, Zhou Youze took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed his strong hatred, and stared at Haoran severely.

Subsequently, he took out a dark gray copper coin from his sleeve.

Immediately after the copper coin was taken out, the copper coin immediately broke away from Zhou Youze's palm, and then went straight to the depths of the blue moon.


Giving a signal to the nine people behind him, Zhou Youze immediately broke out of the limit speed, following the copper coins and quickly entering the depths of the mystery.

"Well, why are they all gone?" Seeing Zhou Youze and others rushing into the depths of the mystery, and walking out of the poisonous mist, the red hated beast asked with doubts and regrets in his eyes.

After all, with his powerful body, he hid in the poisonous mist ahead of time. In addition to trying to sneak attack on the two powerful Emperors of the Zhou family, the third power of the Pinnacle of the Three Clan Emperors, he also wanted to take the opportunity to capture the trapped sword in Zhou Youze's hands.

Because of his special experience, he knew very well how the four swords in one, the sword sword immortal, possessed the power against the sky.

"They are planning to release a group of devil who does not blink, a group of monsters that can bring endless disaster to Tianxuan Continent."

Take out the turquoise gourd that was once harvested in the blue moon, and after all the spiritual fluid in the gourd has fallen, Yu Haoran gritted his teeth and explained to the red annoying beast, while extracting the water from the poisonous lake.

"Brother Yu, you already know!"

After hearing Yu Haoran's mention of the devil who didn't blink, a scary look flashed in the eyes of Chiyanbei, thinking of the predecessor hidden in the space where he knew the sea, the look returned to calm instantly.

Nodded, Yu Haoran continued to accelerate the speed of absorbing the blood of the blood lakes, striving to prevent the plan of Zhou Youze and others from lifting the seal as soon as possible.

However, thinking of the two powerful Emperors of the Three Emperors Wupin, and thinking of the terrifying power of Zhou Youze in the hands of the immortal sword, they also need the help of the beastly beast who also has the immortal sword, and asked sincerely.

"Brother Red, the ancient demons are cruel by nature, and they use slaughtering creatures for pleasure. If they break away from the seal that seals the mysterious realm, it will definitely bring endless disaster to the Tianxuan continent."

"So, I hereby plead with Brother Chi, who can help me to stop those people from lifting the seal."

Facing Haoran's sincere request, the red-nosed beast who put away the fairy sword asked with a bitter smile.

"Brother Yu, have you always wondered why I have only the rank of the eighth-ranked nine-ranked peak, why can I have the strength to enter the realm of Wudi!"

"Yes!" Yu Haoran nodded and motioned.

"That's because more than a hundred years ago, I once entered the sealed ancient deities cave house, and ...!"

Later, in the eyes of the Red-Beasted Beast, fortunately, occasionally, fear emerged from time to time, telling about every bit that happened between him and the ancient demons.

In fact, as early as more than 100 years ago, the seal formation and spells of the ancient demons had problems.

Although the ancient Demon power can't leave the sealed Dongfu temporarily, the Demon power in the Emperor's realm can use the divine mind to control and guide the strange beast in the secret realm and enter the Dongfu through the flaws of formation and spell. , And then they are either directly eaten or killed after cruel torture.

And the red hated beast was also penetrated into the sealed cave house by this means.

Maybe it is because of the venomous blood of Zhu Gan, which is very similar to the ancient Devil's bloodthirsty character, or it may be because the perseverance and toughness of the Red Giant are too strong.

After fortunately escaping the fate of being eaten, the red hated beast relied on tenacity, survived hundreds of inhuman tortures, and successfully escaped Dongfu by taking advantage of an internal fighting opportunity of the ancient demons.

It is precisely because of hundreds of cruel tortures of the ancient demons that made the body and state of mind of the red hated beast undergo countless transformations, giving him a real state of being able to continuously improve his strength without upgrading his own grade.

It is precisely because of the ten years of being trapped that he has secretly learned a lot of ancient demon clans, learned a lot of secrets from ancient times, let him know how to damage and destroy the rules of the mystery, and become a demon mystery. In the true name of the overlord.

"Brother Yu, after the end of the battle for the Void Fruit, the reason why I immediately took the poisonous brother out of the sealed magic realm, in addition to the secret rule to restore the peak state, will possess the terrifying power of the supreme realm, but also the final seal of the ancient demons The tribe's formations and spells will be completely useless. "

Speaking of this, there was a trace of fear in the eyes of the red hated beast.

"So, with or without the help of those people, the birth of the ancient demons is inevitable."


Yu Haoran couldn't help but sigh after hearing the revelations of the ancient Demon Clan and the seals of Dongfu.

It is not that he is unwilling to prevent the birth of the ancient demons, but it is too late to stop it!

"Brother Yu, taking advantage of the nine people's opportunity to lift the seal of Dongfu, you and I will collect the remaining void fruits as soon as possible, and then leave the sealed magic realm in time!"

The tragic inhuman torture of more than ten years has made the Chiren beast instinctively afraid of the ancient demons.

Therefore, until he has the ability to protect himself, he does not want to have any conflict with the ancient demons.

"Brother Chi, based on your understanding of the seals of ancient demons and caves, how long will it take for them to truly be born?"

The reminder of the scary beast full of fear is exactly what Yu Haoran thought, but the locations where hundreds of void fruits fell were too scattered, and it was impossible to collect all of them in a short time.

Therefore, he needs to know how long he can stay in the demon's mystery.

"Three days!"

Looking up at the mysterious void in the clear sky, the red beast said with a serious look.

"Yu brother, after three days, the rules of the mysterious state will pass through the period of weakness and officially enter the peak period of the supreme state."

"And at this time, the environment and terrain of the entire sealed secret area will change drastically, which will cause the formation and spells of the seal ancient demon cave mansion to be completely invalidated."

"So, after three days, we must leave the magic demon realm, otherwise, in the face of tens of thousands of Emperor Wu Zun, Emperor Wu and Emperor Demon Realm, facing the secret rule with supreme strength, you and I have only one way to go. . "

Considering that Zhou Youze, who possesses a trapped fairy sword, is likely to accelerate the speed of the seal hole mana formation and spells failing, Yu Haoran decided to reduce the time spent searching for the void fruit for one day to avoid unpredictable changes and dangers.

As for the proposal to reduce the day to find the fruit of the void, the red hated beast that wants to leave the sealed demon realm in advance will not object.

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