Destined Martial God

Chapter 1659: Protoss

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Xianyang City, in front of the barrier passage!

After a close search for nearly two minutes, the mighty powerhouse of the Protoss Emperor Jiupin's peak realm had to believe that it was the ambush that made more than 10,000 the Protoss in the Ancient God Proving Ground, and mistakenly thought it was Tianxuan. Thousands of armies gathered on the mainland.

In fact, it was just two humans at the top of the top Wu Zun and Jiu Pin. This made the Protoss strong smile and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

After all, when the gods in the realm of martial arts are temporarily unable to leave the ancient **** trial ground, the number of humans occupying an absolute advantage will definitely bring great trouble to the protoss army.

Subsequently, he immediately signaled to the other nine Emperor Wudi's realms to stand around the barrier passage to prevent someone from secretly attacking the passage of the secret barrier and destroying the plan for the advent of the nine gods and the protoss army.

After ensuring the passage of the secret barriers, the Protoss strong man knelt down on one knee, and shouted at the end of the passage with a frantic expression.

"His sublime flames, greet the descendants of the Temple of God to descend to the Tianxuan continent, lead my protoss to rule the world, and reappear ancient glory!"

With the blazing shouts of fiery flames, one by one the Protoss elites began to appear in the barrier passage.

a hundred!

A thousand!

Ten thousand!

After seeing more than 10,000 Protoss elites stepping out of the barrier passage, especially after nearly three hundred heroes far stronger than his Protoss Emperor Wudi Powerful, Yu Haoran seemed to learn that he could not prevent the birth of the ancient demons. The mood is exactly the same, that is powerless.

Afterwards, he immediately used God's mind to command to Yu Siqi.

"Sister, you quickly return to Luomafu, and then assist Ling Fei to drive the mansion to leave Xianyang City immediately."

Without any hesitation, Yu Siqi turned directly and flew back to the Luoma Mansion, and then the Luoma Mansion floating in the air began to move.

The departure of Yu Siqi and the movement of the horse-mansion did not attract the attention of the protoss of the Protoss. All the more than 10,000 protoss of the Protoss who left the barrier passage all bowed to the ground with one knee, looking eagerly at the barrier passage.

When a young man in a dark purple gown, with a fluttering spirit and a smile on his face, stepped out of the barrier aisle, the strong man of more than 10,000 on the site immediately bowed his head and shouted loudly.

"Welcome to the Temple of the Son of God descending to Tianxuan Continent, leading my protoss to rule the world and reappear ancient glory!"

The nine gods who walked out of the barrier passage took a deep breath of fresh air outside the secret territory, and signaled to the crowd with a touch of excitement.

"Let's all get up!"

"Thank Your Highness!"

With the rise of more than 10,000 Protoss, and quickly discharged from the battle formation, the fiery first step away from the barrier passage and walked in front of Jiu Shenzi, and then whispered the information he just collected.

After hearing the ambush that made him and the eight kings of the Wushen realm feel nervous, it turned out that the human youth from above his head, the gloomy instant replaced the excited nine **** son, and immediately rose into the air, his eyes filled with fierce murderous inquiries. .

"Boy, who are you?"

"It's him!"

Just as the ninth prince rose to the air and asked Yu Haoran, a protoss in the early days of the Emperor Wudi suddenly thought that the young man in a dark blue gown and slightly elegant temperament entered it exactly four months ago. In the testing ground of the ancient god, is that human who secretly killed the elite of the protoss!

Quickly walked to the blazing side, the protoss of the Emperor Wuyi in the early stage, quickly informed him in detail what Hao Ran had done.

"Gino, if you let him go head-to-head with him, would you be confident of defeating and capturing each other?"

After hearing the reports from his subordinates, he looked up fiercely and took a closer look at the young man in blue who was floating in the air, and gradually discovered the extraordinaryness of the young man in blue.

The cultivation of the top Wuzun nine-pin peak is the mental state of the first emperor of Wudi, the physical grade of the peak of the first emperor, and the power and soul of the early period of the second emperor.

For example, the talents and potentials displayed by the youth in blue at this moment, even among the ancient protoss who have been protected by the heavens and the earth, are among the top geniuses of evil spirits and will be fully trained by the protoss.

And such a top genius of evil spirits, and possessing such powerful strength, must be the young strong man who is famous in the heavens of the Xuantian Continent, which is a good sacrifice for the flag.

Therefore, as the Jiu Shenzi's deputy for the battle of Tianxuan Continent, he immediately felt the idea of ​​capturing the youth in blue clothes.

Considering the innumerable years of retreat from the world, the fighting blood belonging to the Protoss in the clan has long been cooled, and a close blood battle is needed to re-awaken the boiling heat in their bodies. Blazing immediately thought of the challenge that is most likely to ignite passion and blood.

Although the blue youth has only the top practice of the top Wu Zun and Jiu Pin, but the state of mind, body, vitality, and soul power make the other party surely possess the strength of the Emperor Wu.

Well, Gino, who had hatred of each other and had only the strength of the first emperor, was the best candidate to challenge the blue boy.

"If you can't defeat the opponent within three strokes, if you return to your master, then your subordinates will set fire to the Lord and the Soul immediately and thank the Lord!" After hearing the fierce interrogation, Gino patted his chest and promised an oath. .

"Okay!" After agreeing with Ginno's vow of death, he nodded fiercely and satisfiedly.

"Boy, who are you?" Yu Haoran, who quickly adjusted his mentality in the face of the young man in purple clothes, asked with the same fear.

"Boy, you look for death!"

He didn't obediently answer the question he had just asked, but instead questioned his history. Yu Haoran fiercely counterattacked, so that Jiu Shenzi's heart was killed and he immediately planned to start.

But at this moment, the fiery flames around him suddenly appeared, whispering everything that Hao Ran had done to the protoss, and the ideas he used to take the other's flag and challenge.

"Blazing general, before the flag is sacrificed, I will use the mystery of the demons to torture this **** inferior creature." While nodding in agreement with the blazing plan, the spirit of the nine gods was angered, and his teeth were ordered.

"Subordinates obey!" Just leave a breath to sacrifice the flag, so in the face of the orders of the nine gods, Blaze immediately and respectfully signaled.

"Boy, do you remember me!" After receiving the consent of Jiu Shenzi and Fiery, Gino flew into the air with a faint smile on his face, and gritted his teeth and asked.

As the person in charge of the security of the ancient God's Proving Ground, not only the tribe responsible for protection was killed, but even the murderer was not captured afterwards. This made Gino dismissed as the person in charge, and also became a mockery and a mockery for the tribe. Opponent.

Therefore, from the day when he learned that he could return to Tianxuan, Gino dreamed of finding the human who brought him shame.

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