Destined Martial God

Chapter 1660: Men can't help it

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Xianyang City, in front of the barrier passage!

"It's you!"

Looking at the expression with a hint of cricket, he gritted his teeth and asked his middle-aged strong protoss, Yu Haoran recalled a little, immediately thinking that when he left Qianlong Wonderland with the help of the broken bridge, he quickly came from the depths of the mystery. , And shot to attack his own protoss, Wudi Mighty Power.

"Boy, it's because of what you did in the first place that not only made me lose my position as a Snapdragon Captain, but also made me a joke about people talking."

Seeing that Yu Haoran finally remembered who he was, Gino's eyes filled with endless grievances and angry growls.

"Today, only the blood on you can wash away the shame on me."

"In the beginning, I was just a self-cultivation in the martial arts realm. You have nothing to do with me, now?"

Facing Gino's angry roar, Yu Haoran looked up and down, and a scornful irony appeared in his eyes.

"You still can't!"

"Boy, you're dead!"

After hearing Yu Haoran's scornful irony, he decided to start Gino immediately. His rich combat experience quickly calmed him down from his anger, and he began to perform the heavenly peak peak martial arts inherited by the Protoss.

"General Chi, this tribe's performance is good!" Nine gods praised Gino with satisfaction, seeing Gino being able to calm himself down from his anger quickly before deciding to move.

"His Royal Highness has won a prize, Gino ..."

Gino is his immediate subordinate, who can get the personal praise of Jiu Shenzi. While being very pleased, Zhi Ran intends to say a few words for Gino in order to allow him to resume the position of Snapdragon.

But at this moment, the voice of an apology from the young man in blue suddenly came to his ear, which made him want to be able to say what he wanted.

Seeing Gino quickly calming down, Yu Haoran frowned slightly.

Even if the Protoss has strength beyond their own realm, through some records of ancient gods and demons, and then combined with the Protoss youth who just killed the peak of Wusheng Jiupin, he is confident that he can defeat the early stage of repairing only Wudi. Protoss middle-aged strong.

But defeating the opponent was not what he wanted. What he really wanted was to kill the opponent directly, and then harvest the four pairs of white feather wings on the back of the opponent.

The two pairs of white feather wings of the peak state of Wu Sheng Jiu Pin can both enable his power and soul power to advance to the beginning of Wu Emperor Erpin.

Then, what kind of realm and strength change will be brought to him by the four pairs of white feathers in the early realm of Emperor Wuyi?

However, how can we successfully kill each other!

Only by letting the other party be completely engulfed in rage and letting the other party give up his defense because of the rage can he have the opportunity to directly kill the other party.

Therefore, he had to continue to take advantage of his speech, and then let the other party be completely enraged by ridicule and sarcasm.

"I'm sorry!" Putting down the scornful eyes, Yu Haoran apologized very sincerely.

Yu Haoran's inexplicable apology made Ji Nuo, who was ready to perform the Protoss Heavenly Order peak and inherit the martial arts, suddenly froze, looking at Yu Haoran full of doubts.

"For men, any kind of shame is acceptable, but it cannot be accepted!"

Seeing the sincere apology he had just pretends, he successfully attracted the strong attention of the other party. Yu Haoran continued to explain in a sincere manner.

"Because it's about men's abilities, men's faces, men's dignity, and their place in the hearts of women."

Explaining to this, Yu Haoran's eyes suddenly revealed a hint of doubt to himself.

"its not right!"

"It wasn't your strength that you didn't catch me at first, but it was just because the Ancient God Trial Zone was closed too early, which caused you to have no time to shoot."

"Accordingly, this is just a mistake in your work and should not be a joke for the people."

Speaking of this, Yu Haoran suddenly looked at Gino with wide eyes, and a shout of shock burst into his eyes.

"As a man of indomitable power, is it really impossible for you!"

Immediately afterwards, the look of shock was replaced by a touch of pity, and he shook his head with a sigh.


Yu Haoran's reversal in speech was too abrupt, causing Gino to have no response at all for a moment, but for those Protoss powerhouses in front of the barrier passage, it was immediately understood when it was not relevant.

Regardless of the strong male surname of the Protoss, or a few dozen Protoss beauties, their eyes subconsciously turned to Gino's Longyang, with speculative eyes in their eyes.

Gino, who quickly reacted, felt the endless anger that was instantly ignited in his heart after feeling the gaze of the clan people, especially the strange flashes in the eyes of the dozens of beautiful women, and completely plunged him into crazy fury.

The meticulous preparation of the heavenly peak peak inheritance martial arts was abandoned, and it was held directly in front of Hao Ran, holding the sword sword of Emperor Realm.

After seeing that the other party could not be ridiculed by his own words, and completely fell into anger, Yu Haoran flashed a beam of joy in his eyes, and immediately used the power of the dual system to successfully avoid the opponent's emptied sword. The ancestor-witches' traditional boxing skills, which have been prepared directly, are directly exposed to the flaws exposed by the opponent.

The opponent is not only a powerful man in the early days of Emperor Wudi, but also a protoss in ancient times, so Yu Haoran just used his full strength to perform the ancestral and witch traditions, and the power of boxing has reached the beginning of Emperor Wuyi.

In the case of completely abandoning the defense and being directly hit at the vital position, the mighty Emperor Wudi, the mighty and powerful tribe, was enthralled by Gino, and was finally blasted by Yu Haoran's fist. .

While the blood mist was spraying, Yu Haoran took advantage of the four pairs of white feather wings falling from the blood mist.

After watching Yu Haoran using his linguistic advantages to easily kill his proud subordinates, his fierce expression instantly gloomed.

But the nine princes standing in front of him flashed a look of surprise.

After collecting three pairs of white feathers, Yu Haoran glanced at the Protoss powerhouse, who was tense at once, and a thought of leaving immediately flashed in his mind.

Like using the advantage of words just now, you can only use the method of direct beheading while the other party ’s consciousness is insane.

Moreover, according to his knowledge of ancient protoss, and they are good at conspiracy and trickery, they will arrange to challenge their opponents next time. I am afraid that it is not the initial cultivation of Wudi Yipin, it is likely that it is the early period of Wudi Yipin, or the peak of Wudi Erpin. .

In the face of the Emperor's Prodigy at the peak of the Emperor Wupin's second product, even if he used the method of overdrawing the blood of the ancestors and witches, he was probably not an opponent of the other party.

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