Destined Martial God

Chapter 1661: Solicit

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Xianyang City, in front of the barrier passage!

"The ninth **** son under the emperor's knees, Shenjie!"

Now that he had decided to leave, Yu Haoran wasn't the kind of person who was dragging his feet, and his mind immediately contacted the first avatar who stayed in the practice room of Luoma Mansion in advance.

And just when he was going to leave the scene by the instant fusion of the body and the avatar, suddenly there was a voice of purple youth and self-introduction in his ear.

"The ninth disciple under Qingyun Fengfeng's seat, Yu Haoran!" The sudden change in the other's attitude immediately aroused Haoran's interest, temporarily stopped the means of integration of the ontology and the avatar, and responded indifferently.

"Yu Haoran, you are very good!" After receiving Hao Ran's response, Shenjie slowly lifted off, praised with a faint smile on his face.

Looking at the **** who slowly lifted up to the same position with himself, Yu Haoran's eyes appeared a little confused and looked at the other side, not understanding why the other side suddenly changed their attitude and praised themselves.

"Brother Yu, what do you think of the strength of my protoss?" Pointing at the more than 10,000 protoss elites in front of the barrier passage, Shenjie asked with a close smile.

"Very strong!" Yu Haoran replied truthfully.

"Brother Yu, compared to some of the top forces in your Tianxuan continent?" Shenjie continued to ask with a slight smile.

"The difference between clouds and mud!" Yu Haoran replied in a sincere tone.

In fact, the sincere tone just now is not all pretended.

Because he knows the top forces of the Tianxuan continent, it is nothing more than the four guardian families inherited from ancient times, the Zhongli family who has been eternal from the ancient times, the Xia family from the medieval times, and the mysterious Yuxu Palace.

But how strong are these inherited families and the Yuxu Palace, and how many sleepy and awakened Emperor Wudi are hidden in the dark, he is basically ignorant, far less than the more than 10,000 who appeared in front of him. The shock of the Protoss.

"Brother Yu, do you think that if Shenjie leads these elite elites of God's tribe in front of him, will he be able to unify the entire Tianxuan continent?" Yu Haoran's sincere and honest assessment made the smile on Shenjie's face brighter and his attitude more gentle. Asked.

The eyes swept over the 10,000 Protoss elites in front of the barriers, especially the 300 Protoss who far surpassed hiss. Although Yu Haoran did not respond directly, the bitter smile in his eyes showed that The real thought in his heart.

"Brother Yu, let me tell you the truth! The elites in front of you are actually the tip of the iceberg of the true strength of my Protoss."

The bitter smile in Yu Haoran's eyes made Shen Jie even happier, reminding him with a tone of pride.

"In the Ancient God Trial Field, there are not only a larger number of Protoss armies, but also the Valkyrie deities under cultivation and the supreme existence of the Supreme Realm."

In response to this, Yu Haoran did not give any response, but looked at Shenjie with doubts in his eyes, not understanding what he just wanted to do after asking and reminding him.

"Brother Yu, although the strength of my protoss is very strong, but due to the influence of the divine body, the number of tribes is not large. Even if we rule the entire Tianxuan continent, we have neither much energy nor sufficient manpower. To govern the whole world. "

Seeing the doubts in Yu Haoran's eyes, he felt that the flames were almost the same, and directly stated his true purpose.

"So, the Son of God intends to give you the title of Earl of the Bonn, who will be responsible for the management of all human beings on your Celestial Continent for the Son of God."

After expressing his thoughts, Shenjie raised his chin slightly, waiting for Hao Ran to bow in front of himself with excitement, and then thanked the proud expression of tears and gratitude.

The look of doubt in his eyes was quickly replaced by scorn, and Yu Haoran teased slightly.

"Shenjie, hasn't it been the seal of countless years that has made your mind completely amused, and there will be such an idiot thought that is so high!"

"Boy, what do you mean?" Yu Haoran's sarcasm made the smile on Shen Jie's face instantly replaced by gloom, and he asked with an abnormally cold look.

"Arrogant and ignorant idiot!"

She shook her head with disappointment in her eyes, and Yu Haoran left a sentence that made Shenjie and all the elite elites instantly fall into a rage, and then disappeared directly into the eyes of the ethnic protoss using the means of instantaneous fusion of the body and the avatar.

"His Royal Highness, his relatives and friends are in the mansion that can float and move, and his subordinates guess that the **** inferior creature should use the top rune to escape back to the mansion." Flashed to Shenjie The fiery flame in front of him reminded, pointing to the Lima Mansion, which had left thousands of miles away from Xianyang City.

"Blazing general, you are responsible for occupying this city and domesticating those lowly creatures in the city. The godson personally led a thousand protoss of the Protoss to destroy the mansion."

Even if there is no fierce active reminder, Shen Jie has locked Yu Haoran returning to Manma Mansion by using the spirit with the potential to impact the supreme realm.

Thinking of his good-hearted reward just now, but in exchange for such a vicious humiliation of the other party, the constant anger of his heart made Shen Jie intend to give birth to Hao himself, and then let him enjoy the ancient God and the devil's special means to punish sinner .

"Subordinates obey!"

After leaving the barrier passage of the Ancient God Trial Field, Blaze once used God's thoughts to thoroughly inspect the entire city of Xianyang, knowing that the city ’s cultivation is the highest human power, but it is just the initial cultivation of Wusheng Sanpin. There is no Any threat.

The mansion that could float and move gave him a vague sense of danger.

Therefore, after nodding his head, Zhilie directly arranged all the strong men at the peak of the seventy-six emperors to the gods to avoid accidents in the process of besieging the mansion.


Using the method of instantaneous fusion of the body and the avatar, Yu Haoran quickly returned to the Dingma Mansion, carefully checked the condition of the red beast, and determined that he still needed three to four hours to be awake, and immediately left the practice room. Then from the square in the front yard of the mansion.

The square in the forecourt of the mansion is the hub that controls all the formations of the entire Maoma mansion. The Qin Lingfei who manipulated the formation to control the movement of the mansion are all gathered under the white tiger statue in the square at this moment.

"Brother Yu!"

As Qin Lingfei's mind was integrated into the formation hub, temporarily unable to detect the arrival of Hao Ran, the swords that had shown each other's heart were not traced, and immediately greeted them with surprise.

After reaching out and embracing the sword, Yu Haoran signaled that she should not speak for the time being, walked directly in front of Zhongli Shuiqin, and then asked earnestly.

"Girl hydrophone, I now need to know the real reason for the racial war between the gods and demons in ancient times."

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