Destined Martial God

Chapter 1672: Disciple in distress

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In the horse house!

After watching the crowds on the square have left, Zhong Li, who was originally sitting on the knees, got up, and asked Hao Ran solemnly.

"Brother Yu, next I want to take Xiaojun to a very important place and hope to get your consent."


The request to make Zhong Li Shuiqin so solemn indicates that the place she just mentioned is very important, and it is likely to be the Evergreen Supreme, or the cave heaven and secret place left by Zhong Li's family.

Wu Zhengjun could have such an opportunity, Yu Haoran would only be happy for him, how could he oppose it!

What's more, since the end of the five-horse Qianlong list competition, he found that Wu Zhengjun's cultivation and strength improvement began to slow down, and he knew that his quiet and quiet career in cultivation was not suitable for him.

Therefore, in response to Zhong Lishuiqin's request, Yu Haoran neither objected nor asked where she intended to go, but immediately nodded and agreed to take some of the top elixir from the storage ring to her.

"This is part of the elixir used to heal and promote repair, just in case it is needed!"

"Thank you Brother!"

Yu Haoran did not break the attitude of casserole questioning to the end, let Zhong Lishuiqin secretly relieved, and reached out to receive the elixir handed to her, she thanked her very much.

"be careful!"

When waving his hand to leave the square, Yu Haoran left his admonition and promise.

"If you encounter something that cannot be resolved, or suffer grievances, you can write to me, and I will definitely solve it for you."


Qingyang City, located in the core area of ​​the Central Region, is a very important city.

Qingyang City faces the Qingyang Plain in the east, the Qingyang River in the west, the Qingyang Mountains in the south, and the sweet-scented osmanthus forest in the west.

Qingyang City, with its excellent geographical location and convenient transportation, is not only one of the most prosperous cities in Tianxuan Continent, but also has the reputation of a city of desire.

There are many places such as blue buildings, casinos, gladiator fields, and restaurants in the city.

Originally just an ordinary city, Qingyang City, the reason why it can become the desire city of the reputation of Tianxuan mainland is the founder and controller of Qingyang City, which is one of the three major chambers of heaven in the heavenly world.

Yu Haoran, standing on a street, couldn't help frowning at the few guests in front of the dozens of green buildings and casinos in the city, and the slightly depressing atmosphere in the city.

In his previous life, running around and escaping his life, he has suffered a very depressing and irritable mood, and his spirit has always been in a state of extreme tension. Whenever he has free time, he will go to the casino and the gladiatorial court to vent well Fan.

Qingyang City, the capital of desire, has been here more than once in his previous life, and he has left spiritual stones and elixir without thousands of hardships, so he is not familiar with the prosperity and liveliness of Qingyang City. Already.

Such bleak scenes as the casino and the blue building in front of us can only illustrate two issues.

Either it is the poor management of the Chamber of Commerce in the heavens and earth, which leads to a significant reduction in the number of customers.

Either the heavenly world chamber of commerce suddenly encountered a change, and too many experts in casinos and green houses were transferred, resulting in no one to manage the business in Qingyang City.

Thinking of the contradictions and conflicts accumulated between the elder Bian Shengrui and the chairman Wu Sicheng when the auction was held in Youniucheng.

Thinking that during the battle for the Qianlong League in the Southern Region, from the confidant of the president's line, Yu Haoran was more inclined to encounter the change of power and profit for the Chamber of Heaven and Earth.

Thinking of this, Yu Haoran also ignored the offense and rudeness, and immediately mobilized the divine spirit of the peak state of the third emperor of Wu Emperor and swept the entire Qingyang city directly.

Soon, he found that in a huge mansion completely covered by the formation, Bian Shengrui and others were in danger.

When he saw his big disciple Yun Xiang, under the siege of the nine martial arts nine-pin peak strong, it is possible to kill his life at any time, the violent murderous spirit that emerged in his heart instantly made him whisper to the red beast Growled.

"Brother Red, kill me!"


Murder is the favorite sport of the red hated beast!

Especially after breaking through the six realms in succession, it is necessary to consolidate and become familiar with the realm after the breakthrough through the **** killing.

Therefore, after hearing Hao Ran's command, Chiyanju immediately responded excitedly.

Assisted by the power of the speed law, Yu Haoran and Chiyan Beast spent less than a minute before they came to the mansion completely covered by the formation law, which is also the headquarters of the Heaven and Earth Chamber of Commerce.

"Ran, break the defense of the mansion at the fastest speed." Thinking of Yun Xiang, who was besieged by the nine martial arts nine peaks, there is always a fatal crisis, Yu Haoran asked anxiously.

However, when the second avatar has not used the gods to check the origin and grade of the defensive formation method, the red hated beast directly waved the slayer sword with a scabbard and banged heavily on the defensive formation method of the residence.


With a deafening roar, not only was the defensive formation of the mansion directly broken, but nearly half of the buildings in the mansion were also directly knocked down and shattered.

"Brother Yu, I'm sorry, I don't have the power to control my shot."

Looking at the countless attic and courtyard collapsed in the mansion, a trace of apology appeared on the face of Chiyanju.

How can Yu Haoran care if he can directly destroy the defensive formation of the mansion so that he can quickly rescue his disciples!

What's more, the opponent has not yet come and consolidates the realm after the breakthrough, he was forcibly brought to Qingyang City by himself, and he didn't bother to blame the opponent's unfamiliar power.

Therefore, Yu Haoran waved as he rushed to the backyard of the mansion.

"Brother Chi, the absolute disadvantaged person is my disciple and friend, so it doesn't matter if you just demolish the entire residence."


Suffering a fatal blow, Bian Shengrui, who was unable to continue fighting, could only lean on the wall.

After seeing that Yun Xiang, which was only the first emperor of the Emperor, was completely forced into danger by the strongest of the nine peaks of the Emperor Wu Jiu, he looked anxiously.

"Xiang, leave Qingyang City with the top rune immediately and go to your master."

"Uncle Bian, Xiang'er's mother is dead, and the chairman and elders have betrayed the chamber of commerce."

Reach out to wipe off the blood that just came out of the corner of the mouth, and then use Yuanli to shake a few drops of blood into a mist of blood and push it directly to the opponent who besieged her.

Yun Xiang shook his head with tears in his eyes and refused to run away while the nine ghost martial arts were afraid of the ghostly soul eater in blood.

"Today, Xianger has only two loved ones, you and the master. I must not watch you accidentally."

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