Destined Martial God

Chapter 1673: Seller seeking glory

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Qingyang City, Chamber of Commerce House!

Seeing Yun Xiang, who might be beheaded at any time, not only did not obey his instructions to escape, but also deliberately rescued himself, which made Bian Shengrui, who knew how dangerous the situation was, could not help but yell.

"Xiang, not only are the meridians in your body broken at the moment, but Dantian and Shihai are about to collapse. It can be said to be a waste that is about to die. What are you doing to save a waste!"

After hearing Bian Shengrui's outrage, Yun Xiang couldn't help but her eyes circles were slightly red, but her resentment towards family and the resentment against all the people in the chamber of commerce made her not only escape from the top using the top note, but took the front part A third-order first-order bloodthirsty explosive Dan obtained by time.

Bloodthirsty explosive Dan, a well-known elixir in the magic path, can obtain a corresponding increase in strength according to the level of Dan medicine.

The bloodthirsty explosive body Dan of the third-order first-grade product can allow Yunxiang in the early stage of Wuhuang to gain the powerful strength in the early stage of Wusheng first-grade.

However, after the effect of the bloodthirsty explosive Dan, the side effects produced by the Dan medicine will completely break the meridians in Yunxiang's body, Dantian and Shihai completely collapse, and become a waste that can never be cultivated.

"Yunxiang, although the courage to use the bloodthirsty body Dan is commendable, but there is a master to support you, you should not need to work so hard!"

Just when Yun Xiang was going to swallow the bloodthirsty explosive Dan for more cultivation and strength, when Bian Shengrui closed his eyes in despair and sorrow, a loud, ridiculous voice suddenly sounded in the living room.

"Master!" After hearing Hao Ran's ridiculous voice, he immediately put away Yun Xiang, the bloodthirsty explosive Dan, shouted in surprise.

Bian Shengrui, who had closed his eyes, was even more excited. In the eyes that quickly opened, an incredible ecstasy emerged.


Accompanied by Yu Haoran's ridiculous voice, the hall's specially made purple green black iron gate was directly smashed by a violent force.


The nine martial arts nine-pin peak strong men who were besieging Yunxiang fell to the ground in an instant without any breath.

With the sound of banging down, the five white-haired old men sitting on the knees in the hall suddenly stood up and watched the man who appeared in the hall. He was tall and powerful, and looked very ugly, holding a sword with a scabbard. A strange beast with a look of fear in his eyes.

However, when a handsome young man in a dark blue gown came into the hall with a faint sneer on his face, the faces of the five white-haired old men instantly paled.


Seeing Yu Haoran appearing in the lobby, Yun Xiang, who was full of complex emotions such as grievances, sadness, surprises, burst into his arms, crying and crying.

Seeing the disciples crying momentarily, she felt the power of her body that had completely dried up, and Yu Haoran patted her shoulder gently, giving her silent comfort.

At the same time, she also quietly shattered an elixir that was used to restore her strength and used the elixir to help her recover her power and soul.

"Who dares to mess around, I will take his life immediately!"

When using elixir to help Yunxiang recover the consumed power and soul power, Yu Haoran was keenly aware of a wave of soul power, and his eyes filled with frost looked indifferently in the hall, watching the siege of Yunxiang and Bi Shengrui More than thirty strong men threatened.

Yu Haoran's threatened voice made Yun Xiang quickly recover from the uncontrollable mood, and immediately thought of his life-threatening uncle, and quickly quit the embrace of the request.

"Master, save Uncle Bian, he will die soon!"

"do not worry!"

Reaching out for Yun Xiang to arrange the hair scattered in front of his forehead, Yu Haoran promised with a chuckle.

"Even if Elder Bien has now lost his soul, as long as his body is still there, your master and I will be able to rescue him again."

Although Yu Haoran pledged his promise, Yun Xiang, who was not completely at ease, still took his arm directly to Bian Shengrui.

"Elder Bien, what the **** is going on?" Yu Haoran asked a little puzzledly after taking out two top elixirs for restoring Dantian and Shihai.

Living in the elder's prominent position and decades of painstaking business, Bian Shengrui has basically controlled nearly half of the power and wealth of the Heavenly Chamber of Commerce.

The two separate auctions held in Guangling City and Youniu City, which are enough to enter the annals of history, not only allowed him to gain more support from the Chamber of Commerce, but also allowed him to surpass Wu Sicheng in popularity and power.

With such a clear advantage, with Bian Shengrui's shrewdness and prudence, it is not a problem to want to completely replace Wu Sicheng, how the end result can be so embarrassing. It even dragged down the safety of his disciples.

With the explosive power of the top elixir, the soon to collapse Dantian and Shihai are about to collapse. After finally keeping the hope of a future comeback, Bian Shengrui explained with strong hatred.

The seller seeking glory is the root cause of the original failure of Bian Shengrui, who had a great advantage.

It turned out that since the auction in Youniucheng was over, Bian Shengrui had already decided in his heart, which speeded up the pace of controlling the heavenly world chamber of commerce.

Feeling the crisis, Wu Sicheng, after knowing that he couldn't resist Bi Shengrui's step-by-step pressure, secretly contacted Tianxiang Pavilion, the enemy of the Heavenly Chamber of Commerce, and reached a surrender agreement with Yuxu Palace through Tianxiang Pavilion.

It was also because of the help of the powerful men in the Emperor Yuxugong's realm that Bian Shengrui finally lost so terribly.

"Elder Bien, as the richest chamber of commerce in the Tianxuan continent, has also been passed down for tens of thousands of years. Haven't you secretly cultivated the strong in the realm of Wu Zun and Emperor Wu?"

The four guardian families used to sneak attack on ancient gods and demons. Both were able to draw more than five hundred powerful emperors from the realm of Wudi in a short period of time. He did not believe that the heavenly human chamber of commerce with amazing wealth could not cultivate a few. Emperor Wu Zun, Zhun Wudi, and Emperor Wudi's realm.

"Seventeen top-class Wu Zun nine pinnacle peaks of the peerless powerhouse, nine one-to-three robbed Emperor Wudi realm, an ancestor of the Emperor Wu realm."

Nodded his head, Bian Shengrui introduced the details of the heavenly chamber of commerce.

"That being the case, why do you end up in such a daunting end?" Yu Haoran asked with frowns.

As long as you have the powerful Emperor of Emperor Wudi, even if you can't deal with the stronger Yuxu Palace, you can at least take him and Yunxiang smoothly to escape from Qingyang City, and then go directly to yourself.

"Poison, sneak attack!"

There was a trace of sadness and helplessness in his eyes, and he shook his head, Bian Shengru explained with a bitter smile.

"As the chairman of the chamber of commerce, Wu Sicheng has the right to enter the restricted area of ​​the chamber of commerce freely. He used the Tianxiang cartilage provided by Yuxu Palace to directly poison the emperor of the emperor who trusted me, and then allowed the emperor of Yuxu palace to embellish The strong can shoot. "

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