Destined Martial God

Chapter 1697: Qiu Chuji and Nine Nether Fires

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Manma House, in the practice room!

"Knowing that the life-and-death-determined soul fruit possessed by the ethereal rat can greatly restore the injury of your spirit body, giving you more advantages to deal with the void, but you give up because of a momentary impulse, indicating your obscurity. "

The more severe the criticism, the more intense the inner anger, and Yu Haoran finally couldn't help screaming and questioning.

"Ta Ling, the instrumental spirit of the void has not only seen me, but also knows my identity as a rebirth, even if you do n’t want to involve me alone to face the void, the sky pot, and the yellow sword, and those who are not 100% sure of their identity. Hao Tianyin. "

"But have you really thought about it for me, in case your plan to intercept the void has failed, their four innate treasures will let me, the one who knows their secrets!"

"Yu Haoran, I'm sorry!"

Yu Haoran's criticism and questioning made Ta Ling more soberly aware of how serious his mistake was, and he apologized with guilt and guilt.

After a hoarse questioning, Ta Ling's solemn apology let Yu Haoran's inner anger gradually dissipate a lot, and after a sigh, he said with a long heart.

"Ta Ling, carrying the energy and vitality of the tomb of the devil's tomb, has been reborn. It has tightly linked the fate between you and me. It can be said that all glory and glory are all destiny, and all losses are lost. I hope you and I can be truly frank Treat each other. "

All glory is glorious, all is damaged!

Hearing Yu Haoran mentioned this time-honored famous saying, Ta Ling suddenly thought of the clock and chaos that bears countless pressures alone, but refused to reveal his thoughts to his brothers and sisters, which eventually led to the brothers 'centrifugation and the sisters' eyes turned to have to drag When the ontology that is devastating is far from endless void, the heart nodded with approval and made its own promise.

"Yu Haoran, rest assured! I will never hide any secrets now or in the future."

The promise given by Ta Ling completely eliminated the only trace of fire left in Yu Haoran's heart, and at the same time showed his sincerity.

"Tal Ling, as long as I can gather thirty-six marks of chaos, I will take the initiative to release the confession of Lord Ruyi Bell, so that the spirit of Chaos Bell can be reborn in this way."

The wishful bell that is willing to take out the defense of the treasure is not only to meet the wishes of the towering spirit, but also to improve the strength and the imperial corpse of the ancient ancestor Wudijiang. The subtle improvement of the physique has made him need for defensive magical tools. Getting weaker.

When the thirty-six marks of chaos are gathered, his cultivation must have been promoted to the level of martial arts, and the essence contained in the bones of Dijiang Supreme has been fully absorbed, and the defense of Ruyi Bell has become dispensable.

"Yu Haoran, thank you on behalf of Brother Chaos!" After receiving Hao Ran's willingness to take out Ruyi Zhong's promise, he sat on his knees and sat up in the sea and straightened up, bowing sixty degrees of gratitude.

"Ta Ling, I'm Yu Haoran, that's the same sentence. You and I don't need to be so kind."

After waving the towering spirit, Yu Haoran took out the slightly damaged jade Jank from the storage ring, two jade boxes containing psychedelic stones and turquoise leaves, as well as a cold storage dan bottle, all sent to Shihai Space In front of the towering spirit.

"Ta Ling, these four treasures were obtained by me in the secret library of the Heaven and Earth Chamber of Commerce. Please help me check them."

Nodded, Ta Ling reached out and sucked the slightly broken jade Jane. After glancing at it with powerful divine thoughts, he immediately put nine fingers into his jade and merged it into the jade Jane. Yu Haoran said.

"The hidden seal formation in Yujian has been lifted by me, and there is no danger in Yujian at the same time. You can now view the information in Yujian."

Holding on to the jade Jane floating in front of her eyes, the idea went directly into the space of Yu Jane, and then Hao Ran's body suddenly shook, and a surprised look appeared on her face.

"Yu Haoran, what exactly is recorded in Yujian?"

Originally, I wanted to check the treasures stored in the Dan bottle, but Yu Haoran's mood suddenly began to rise and fall suddenly, which immediately aroused the strong interest of Ta Ling.

"Hoo, ho, ho!"

After taking three deep breaths, barely suppressing the ecstatic mood, Yu Haoran still said with some excitement.

"Ta Ling, this jade book records a powerful man who has reached the peak of the art emperor.

The left hand clenching Dan Ping suddenly gave a strong grip, and Tarling immediately asked nervously.

"Yu Haoran, what kind of technique is recorded in Yujian recording the Emperor's Peak Power?"

"The combination of Fuxi gossip and Zhou Yi," Yu Haoran replied truthfully.

"It turned out to be the comprehension Yujian left by Qiu Chuji Qiu Zhenren!" After hearing Hao Ran's truthful reply, a sigh of enlightenment flashed in front of Ta Ling.

"Ta Ling, Qiu Chujiqiu is a real person!" Thinking carefully about the experiences of previous lives, Yu Haoran found that he had never been in contact with, nor heard of Qiu Chuji's prestige, and could not help asking.

"Qiu Chuji, the first strongest in Taoism in ancient times, is the only wizard who can fuse Fuxi gossip and Zhouyi Taoism, and is also the most peerless sword master who has the most hope to achieve the realm of martial arts.

Ta Ling thought back a little, and then introduced the origin and strength of Qiu Chuji.

Although ancient times are the closest period to the present, the information and inheritance are the least.

Therefore, even with the introduction of Ta Ling, Yu Haoran did not think of any earth-shattering deeds about Qiu Chuji, so he continued to learn without interest.

But neither Hao Ran nor Ta Ling noticed, or ignored, a very important issue, that is, the cultivation of famous strong people in ancient times.

Carefully put Yu Jian into the storage ring, Yu Haoran saw the Dan bottle held tightly by Ta Ling, thinking about the power of the treasure that Dan bottle might store, and quickly reminded.

"Ta Ling, watch out for the extreme chill from that treasure in the bottle."

Ta Ling, who has sufficient confidence in his cultivation and strength, did not take Yu Haoran's reminder just to his heart, and reached out to open the bottle cap of Dan bottle.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely cold air erupted from the inside of the Dan bottle, which not only sealed the towering spirit in an instant, but also completely frozen the entire sea-conscious space.

Fortunately, relying on his powerful strength, Ta Ling broke the ice seal of extreme cold hardly, and then mobilized the original energy of the tower of the main body to completely seal the cold air that broke out back to the Dan bottle.

"This is the Nine Nether Fire between different fires and creatures!" Just after all the cold air was sealed back to the Dan bottle, Ta Ling carefully recalled the origin of the cold air, and then shouted in shock.

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