Destined Martial God

Chapter 1698: select

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Manma House, in the practice room!

"Ta Ling, my original judgment was also Nine Nether Fire."

It is very understandable that Ta Ling was shocked and overwhelmed when he learned the true history of the treasures stored in the elixir. Yu Haoran also indirectly explained the reason for him to review the elixir.

"But Nine Nine Fires belong to the legendary peculiar flame creature, so I was not 100% sure at the beginning, and I was afraid to take advantage of Nine Nine Fires."

Taking a deep breath, Ta Ling slowly closed his eyes and began to think carefully about the use of Nine Nether Fire.

After thinking about it for nearly three minutes, he reopened the towering spirit and asked Yu Haoran.

"Yu Haoran, do you remember the two mysterious strong men you met in the auction in Youniu City?"

"The strong of the ancient Hades, of course I remember!"

While nodding, Yu Haoran took out a demon engraved with dorsal wings directly from the storage ring, exuding a token with strong soul power, said.

"This token that can be used to enhance the soul power was given to me by the young man."

Although Ta Ling had vowed to ensure that the demonic tokens had no problems and could be used to improve cultivation and strength, he had always kept a high degree of vigilance in Yu Haoran, and had never absorbed the pure soul power of token transformation.

But what he didn't know was that it was because of his over-cautious attitude that he had lost the chance to become emperor in a short time.

But it is also because of his cautious vigilance that he avoids becoming the puppet of the Hades prince in the future.

After Haoran sent the demon token into the sea-cognitive space, the towering spirit got up and returned to the realm's domain tower, and then mobilized the original energy of the domain tower to completely seal the connection between the demon token and the underage youth Check the overall structure of the demon token from end to end, as well as dozens of matrix methods portrayed in the token.

After confirming the specific structure of the demon token and the hidden matrix method, Ta Ling who returned to the sea space and said with a smile.

"Yu Haoran, I have two options for the use of Nine Nether Fires, and it is up to you to decide which one to use."

"Talling, you say!" Quickly put away the messy thoughts, Yu Haoran signaled in a correct attitude.

"The first option is to merge and refine the Demon Token and Nine Nether Fire, and then I will personally craft a defensive soft armor that can reach the top quality in the realm of God."

"The second option is to use the god-level level of the Shenming Xuansha array to divide the Jiuyou Fire into the body, reduce the power contained in the Jiuyou Fire, and then let the Lingyin Soul Fire in Ling Fei ’s body absorb and Refining and refining, with the help of Xuan Yin Soul Fire's grade promotion, promoted Ling Fei's cultivation and strength. "

"Ta Ling, if Xuanyin Soul Fire refines all the Nine Nether Fires in the flask, what grade will it eventually be upgraded to, and how much benefit will Ling Fei get from it?"

For Hao Ran's proposal to use Nine Nether Fire and Demon Tokens to make a soft armor for the defense of the gods, Yu Haoran rejected it without even thinking about it, and asked the effect of Nine Nether Fire on Qin Lingfei's final assistance.

"If all the Nine Nether Fires stored in the refining Dan bottle, then the Xuanyin Soul Fire can be upgraded to the god-level Xuanyin Spirit fire."

"And Ling Fei's girl also has a great chance to break through the realm of martial arts and achieve the immortality of immortality."

Without questioning the defensive power of Shangpin Soft Armor in Shenjing, instead, he directly asked Jiu Ning Fire's auxiliary effect on Qin Lingfei. Ta Ling already knew that Yu Haoran had made the final choice.

"Ta Ling, please trouble you to arrange the Shenming Xuansha array, and then divide the Nine Underworld Fire suitable for the absorption and refining of the Xuanyin Soul Fire."

There is a great chance to break through the realm of martial arts, achieve the immortality of the gods, and then stay with you forever.

Ta Ling's introduction to Jiuyou Fire made Yu Haoran feel ecstatic and hurriedly told.

"I know!"

After nodding his head, Taling sent the Dan bottle containing the Nine Nether Fire into the Pyramid, and then reached for the jade box containing the illusion stone.

Thinking of the sharp light contained in the magic stone, possessing the power to harm the demigod, Yu Haoran quickly reminded again.

"Ta Ling, the jade box contains the magic gold stone that contains the origin of gold. It can burst out the golden light that hurts the soul. You must be careful."

Pressing on the left hand of the jade box, he paused and looked at Yu Haoran through the barriers of the sea space, and the spirit of excitement gradually appeared in Ta Ling's eyes.

Obviously knowing the origin of the treasures stored in the jade box, but deliberately brought it to his own, how can he not know the meaning of Yu Haoran doing this.

Thinking that in the case of a complete break with each other, Yu Haoran still has not forgotten his original commitment to himself, and fully collected the energy of the five elements that can reshape the body.

Thinking of taking over the bodies of the plain Qinglian tribe, six Zhenhai Shenzhu, Juexian Sword and Shenlong for the sake of selfishness, the self-blame and guilt that finally disappeared came to mind again.

"Yu Haoran, thank you!"

Tightly holding the jade box containing the magic gold stone, Ta Ling thanked him as much as possible to control his emotional emotions, and then decided to use his skill to help Haoran improve his cultivation and strength as soon as possible.

"Okay, hurry up and check the treasures in the other jade box!" He waved his hands and hurriedly urged.

After the divine thought penetrated the defense of the jade box directly, and determined the source of gold contained in the magical gold stone in the jade box, which could meet the energy needed to reshape the flesh, after the towering spirit sent the jade box into the tower of the field, he directly opened the Green leaves of jade box.

"this is…!"

After seeing the turquoise leaves in the jade box, Ta Ling took a moment's pain, then asked Yu Haoran nervously.

"Yu Haoran, you haven't seen the girl in Zhongli Shuiqin for this leaf in the jade box!"

"No, Shuiqin girl left Zhengma Mansion with Zhengjun three days ago!"

After shaking his head to explain, Yu Haoran asked very puzzledly.

"Taling, what does this leaf have to do with the Water Girl?"

"Haha ...!"

After re-closing the jade box, Ta Ling first laughed proudly, and then explained with a hint of gloat in his tone.

"Yu Haoran, this leaf is the ancestor of the Zhongli family, one of the few leaves on the Evergreen Supreme body."

"Not only does the leaf contain a trace of eternal spirituality, but this leaf can summon his illusion and cope with the danger that cannot be resisted."

"Zi ...!"

After hearing Ta Ling's introduction to the leaves in the jade box, Yu Haoran couldn't help taking a sigh of coolness, but couldn't help but feel a little confused and asked.

"Ta Ling, whether it is Wanqing Evergreen Supreme's spiritual practice or summoning his phantom, it needs a certain amount of energy support. Why don't I feel the slightest energy fluctuation from this leaf!"

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