Destined Martial God

Chapter 1724: Kill two snakes in a row

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It is precisely because Fengrun City will not encounter any danger in a short period of time, Yu Haoran quietly left Fengrun City with the red hated beast, and rushed to Wolong Lake where the beauty snake group is located.

Purpose too!

It is to fulfill the promises once given to Ru Ru and Sister Ru Yun.

"Yu Haoran, based on my personal knowledge of the Mermaid Snake community, and combining the information revealed by the three little girls, I feel that you do not need to enter the Mermaid Snake's nest at all."

Facing Hao Ran's interrogation, Ta Ling proposed a countermeasure.

"You just need to attack them directly from the old nest, and then let them surrender Ruyan and Ruyun through deterrence."


Considering that Mermaids are also mysterious races from ancient times, it is too risky to break into their nests before they can understand their true details.

Therefore, in the face of Ta Ling's proposal, Yu Haoran nodded without hesitation in agreement, and turned his head and yelled at the Chiyanbei.

"Brother, wait a minute!"

Subsequently, he took off directly into the air and took off to the center of Wolong Lake, then inspired the ancestral body of the ancestral witch for nearly five kilometers, and took out the stick and magic weapon of the supreme state.

"Grow me up!" While tossing the white stick directly into the sky, Yu Haoran instructed the spirit of the stick.

Originally only two meters in length, under the control of Qi Ling, it quickly became a giant pillar with a length of seven kilometers.

Two giant palms like mountains were stretched out, holding one end of the stick tightly, and the other end was slammed heavily on the lake.


With the deafening roar, the surface of the lake hit by the stick immediately stirred up a wave of nearly a thousand meters.

At the same time, the slap force formed by the sticks and the lake surface quickly passed through the lake obstacle and reached the bottom of the lake.

"Who, who dares to spread wild on Wolong Lake!"

Just as the clubbing force formed by the stick penetrated the bottom of the lake, a majestic questioning sound came from a beautiful palace complex.

Accompanied by the majestic questioning, a man with a snake tail, a red fruit upper body, and a purple long-haired male mermaid appeared above the palace.

Immediately afterwards, there were three more powerful male venomous snakes with blue and blue hairs appearing above the palace.

"Jiang Zehui, Jiang Xinhong, Zhao Jinglin, immediately follow me to kill the strong one in this human!" The powerful divine thought locked and waved the white giant pillar, and continued to hit the Optimus Giant on the lake. The purple-haired beauty snake face was gloomy and watery. Commanded.

"Observe, Elder Xun Jun!"

Two blue-haired beauty snakes and one blue-haired beauty snake gave respectful orders, and swayed the long snake tail and rushed to the lake quickly.

"Yu Haoran, here is the peak of three emperors in the imperial realm and three beautiful snakes who have just entered the realm of the imperial realm!" Just as Haoran waved the white giant pillars to continue to hit the lake, Ta Ling in the sea space reminded.

At the same time as quickly lifting up the white giant pillar, Yu Haoran immediately restored his original appearance, and then quietly floated in the air watching the lake.

"Boy, who are you? Do you know where this is?"

Yu Haoran, who transformed into the ancestral and witch body, broke through the limits of Wu Zun's realm and reached a height of five kilometers in Wu Di's realm.

Nearly five kilometers of Optimus Giant, while forming a strong visual impact, will also let others automatically ignore his own cultivation.

Therefore, with three subordinates who quickly rushed out of the lake, when they found that the young man who restored the human body was only the cultivation of the top Wu Zun and the 9th pinnacle, the cautious look was immediately replaced by arrogance, and the tone was even more incomparable. Asked arrogantly.

"You don't have the right to know who I am. Now you just need to surrender Ruyi and Ruyun immediately, otherwise, I will let your soul fly and your blood of your beauties will flow."

Since it was decided to use the means of attack to force the mermaid to leave the nest on its own initiative, I have never thought of solving the problem through peaceful communication.

Therefore, in the face of the purple-haired beauty snake's inquiries, taking out Hao Ran, who trapped the fairy sword, threatened equally.

"You are the two cheap friends."

When hearing Hao Ran and Ru Yun mentioned in the threat of Yu Haoran, at the same time that Jun Jun's face changed suddenly, a strong murderous spirit emerged from his body.

The three beauties behind him also looked at Yu Haoran aggressively.

"Little snakes, such as Marriage and Ruyun, are my friends, so naturally you are much more noble than you, so pay attention to the tone of your speech, otherwise, be careful I break your teeth and cut your tongue." Listen After the purple-haired beauty snake's humiliation to the sister-in-law, Yu Haoran's face suddenly became gloomy and threatened.

The encounters of Ruyan and Ruyun, as well as the dangerous situation they are facing now, he has learned from the rescued three beauties, which is also the main reason why he chooses a tough attitude to confront.

"Boy, even if you are the powerful Emperor Wudi who inherited the family in your humankind, you dare not say that to me, you just rely on the little cricket ants of Wuzun realm."

After disdainful taunts, Jun Jun turned his head and instructed the three subordinates.

"Caught him alive for me. I'm going to shatter the teeth in his mouth one by one and cut off his tongue one by one, so that he knows how to offend my Junjun."

"Yes, Elder Jun Jun!"

After the arch hand was called, two blue-haired mermaids and a blue-haired mermaid immediately dispersed, and then directly blocked all his escape routes in a zigzag orientation.

In this regard, after a sneer of sneer flashed in Yu Haoran's eyes, the power of the flashing law instantly made him appear in front of a blue-haired beauty snake, and the fairy sword in his hand was staring directly at the other person's incredible eyes My head was shaved.

Immediately afterwards, the fist clenched in the right hand directly smashed the raised head and the spirit in the sea.


Just a face-to-face effort, the brother who was born to death for nearly a thousand years was beheaded and killed, which immediately caused another green-haired beauty snake to fall into a state of rage.

But when he was going to follow Yu Haoran desperately, he suddenly felt a pain in his heart, and looked down to see a sword with a scabbard slowly being pulled out.

When he wanted to swing the tail of the snake into the counterattack, a huge fist directly smashed his head, and also completely killed the spirits in the sea.

The fighting time was less than a second. Yu Haoran beheaded and killed two subordinates who had entered the emperor's realm one after another, which made Jun Jun's complexion change.

Being able to use the top-level Wuzun nine-pin peak repair as an easy way to kill the subordinates who entered the realm of Emperor Wudi easily shows that the other party is a genius with the potential of top-level evils, and possesses the powerful strength of higher-level challenges.

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