Destined Martial God

Chapter 1725: Death cohesion

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Wolong Lake, mid-air!

"Zhao Jinglin, immediately stared to death with the blood-lined taboo secret method!"

The potential of the top evildoers, the strength of the challenge beyond the level, Yu Haoran's means are not what Jun Jun is most worried about.

What really frightened him now was that the sword with the scabbard in the opponent's hand vaguely gave him a sense of extreme danger.

The sinister and selfish nature of the snake made Jun Jun plan to consume nearly half of his subordinates' life and use the blood taboo method to test the true power of the sword weapon with a scabbard in order to determine the next action.

After hearing Jun Jun's orders, a gloomy look flashed in the eyes of the blue-haired beauty snake Zhao Jinglin, but thinking of the cruel means of destroying human nature by Jun Jun, the look of terror in her eyes was firmly replaced instantly.

Immediately after, Zhao Jinglin closed his eyes slowly, and a strange breath quickly rose from him.

Whether it is the power of the dual law of speed or the power of the flashing dual law, both can allow Yu Haoran to interrupt the opposing taboo's secret law.

But he did not do so.

Because he wanted to really see how powerful the condensed power of death, which is known as touching death, the taboo secret method of touching must die.

After all, the mystery of death cohesion in the bloodline heritage of the merman snake is ranked ninth among the top ten mysteries of the Celestial Continent.

While inspiring the physical defense of Zuzu, while mobilizing the Ruyi Bell that has not been used for a long time, after forming a double defense, he agreed to try to ban the Taling, the cohesive power of Death, and laid a layer of defense on him.

Just when Hao Ran had just prepared the strongest three-layer defense method, Zhao Jinglin opened his eyes suddenly.

"Death gathers!"

Along with Zhao Jinglin's violent drinking, the second line contained a gaze that made people feel heartbroken, directly across the distance of time and space, and instantly banged on the defensive array method arranged by the tower spirit.

One second!

The defensive array method laid out by Ta Ling himself only persisted for one second, and was torn by the two special eyes formed by the death of the taboo secret method, and then banged heavily on Ruyi Bell.

"this is!"

Because Ruyi Bell is a magical instrument refined by spirit, when Ruyi Bell was bombarded by the eyes of the condensed death of the Forbidden Secret Law, the power of the dual laws of life and death, which was realized and controlled by the Spirit, suddenly began to boil.

With his own strength getting stronger and stronger, Yu Haoran's understanding of the power of the dual law of life and death has become more and more profound.

With his current control and understanding of the power of the dual system of life and death, he can be easily integrated into the physical body and soul, allowing Xiu to be easily promoted to the level of Emperor Wudi.

However, affected by the condensed eyes of the taboo secret law, he suddenly found that not only he lost control of the power of the dual law of life and death, but also that the power of the dual law of life and death was undergoing some kind of transformation, which made him frightened in a hurry. Taling asked for help.

"Obvious chance!"

After hearing Hao Ran's remarks about the change of the power of life and death, Ta Ling couldn't help but sighed in surprise and reminded him quickly.

"Yu Haoran, the current situation is not convenient to explain in detail, but I tell you that this change in the power of life and death is a good thing, it is an anti-sky opportunity that can help you break through the realm of Wu Shen as soon as possible."

After hearing the brief reminder from Ta Ling, surprise quickly replaced the frightened Yu Haoran, and immediately removed Ruyi Zhong's defense so that death could gather his eyes and bring more transformational energy to the power of the dual law of life and death.

Unfortunately, Zhao Jinglin was limited by his own grade and blood purity, and the time for taboo death to condense and adhere was very short.

Just five seconds.

After five seconds, Zhao Jinglin closed her eyes again, and her elegant blue hair was instantly replaced by white hair, and her original vitality fell to the twilight.

The moment Zhao Jinglin closed his eyes, the power of the boiling duality law quickly calmed down, allowing Yu Haoran to regain control of the power of the major law.

But he doesn't like the feeling of control now, so the power of flashing rules made him appear in front of Zhao Jinglin instantly. After a fist bombarded Zhao Jinglin's spirit, he stared directly at Jun Jun, hoping for a stronger strength. Jun can also use the taboo secret to die and condense.

The taboo secret method inherited in the blood of the beautiful snake not only failed to force the opponent to use the sword with a scabbard, but also did not bring the slightest pressure to the opponent, which made Pan Chun's heart panic.

Especially when he saw Yu Haoran's gaze sharply, the retreat that instantly appeared in his heart made him immediately turn to the lake.


But just before he was three or four meters away from the lake, a huge fist slammed into the air and blasted him directly into the air.

Flashing the power of the two-line rule, Yu Haoran instantly appeared in front of the stunned Jun Jun. The imprint of the ten fingers immediately sealed the opponent ’s soul, which was considered a complete capture.

"Brother Yu, did you kill the other person's nest?" Hong Fei Jun's red hated beast, holding the hilt of the Sword of Immortal Sword in his left hand, asked aggressively.

"Brother, don't panic!"

While shaking his head to reject the proposal of the Red-Beasted Beast, Yu Haoran took out a long purple hair of Jun Jun and a drop of blood exuding strong spiritual power, and quickly formed the magic seal of the magical fingers.

When the resulting seven-way mark is incorporated into the purple hair and blood, the purple hair and blood quickly condense into the appearance of Jun Jun.

Put out a finger and point on the forehead of the confluence of purple hair and blood, leaving a sentence full of provocation and humiliation, the confluence of the confusion of purple hair and blood disappeared instantly.

Just less than thirty seconds later, a powerful and terrifying breath quickly emerged from the bottom of Wolong Lake.

After feeling a strong breath far better than his own, the red hated beast standing on the lake's face changed slightly, and then quickly lifted off to Yu Haoran's side.

"One Emperor Wupi has seven peaks, two Emperor Wudi have six peaks, and eleven Emperor Wudi has three elite peaks."

After the divine thought quickly swept across the bottom of the lake, Taling introduced in detail the number and strength of the opponents to be faced next.

As long as the pseudo-god not in the demigod state appeared, even the top powerful man at the peak of Wudi Jiupin, Yu Haoran didn't have the slightest worry, so after hearing the introduction of Ta Ling, he looked at the lake indifferently.

"Young man, please let go of Jun Jun." Among the fourteen beautiful snakes that quickly rushed out of the lake, one had the same purple long hair as Jun Jun, and was repaired to reach the peak of the seventh emperor of Wudi. More politely asked.

"Senior, letting him go without any problems, but you must let go of my two friends."

Since the other party's requested attitude was kind, Yu Haoran would not treat each other with bad words.

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