Destined Martial God

Chapter 1758: Truth

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The edge of Huaiyu Mountain!

Although because of Zhong Lishuiqin's reason, Yu Haoran's attitude was more close and friendly, but thinking of his indifferent and brutal behavior and his lawless character, Zhong Lishuize did not dare to postpone it.

"Yu Zhendi, dare not!"

For Zhong Lishui Ze's caution and postponement, Yu Haoran smiled indifferently, then turned to the east Huaiyun who jumped off the white rocks.

In order to be able to protect himself and also to protect the Oriental family, Yu Haoran hesitated to fight against the four guardian families and the five hidden inheritance families, leaving Dongfang Huaiyun deeply touched, and his ever-changing love was stronger.

Looking at Yu Haoran stepping forward, a mist of water appeared in her eyes, and her voice shouted tenderly.

"Brother Yu!"

If it wasn't for the thin skin and shame of the girl herself, at this moment she would like to plunge directly into Haoran's arms, and then send her first kiss and sweet kiss.

Although she knew that she would take the initiative to bear all the sins committed by Dongfang Huaiyun, she would make the other party's misunderstanding deeper, but she really could not bear to see the water mist rising in her eyes and hear her tender voice like water. Lived a sigh.

Since possessing two women, Qin Lingfei and Jian Wujin, who made him love the bone marrow, he has no intention to provoke other women, nor does he continue to accept other women.

Therefore, at this moment in the face of Dongfang Huaiyun's strong love, he felt a headache.

Fortunately, Dongfang Zhixiang, who knew his mind, came out in time to help him.

"Master Ma, your great deeds today, my oriental wisdom will last forever!"

First, thank you with a hand, then Dongfang Zhixiang promised solemnly.

"At the same time, as the head of the Eastern family, I hereby make a solemn commitment that the Eastern family will always be your most trusted ally, now and in the future."

"Matriarch, you are so kind!" Although Dong Haoran's promise made him feel ecstatic, he was still hypocritical.

And Dongfang Zhixiang's solemn commitment also made the four strong guardians of the family, the five strong men of the Shangguan and Lan clan, and the five strong men of the Yuxu Palace unable to bear to change their faces.

Regardless of the number of top powerhouses or the overall strength of the family, although the Eastern family looks far less successful than the inherited families like Zhou and Shang, in some specific cases, the role that the Eastern family can play, Not only is it far better than the Zhou and Shang clan, but it is not even lost to the five hidden families.

This is also one of the main reasons why the Xuanwu family's strong formation is to stop the strongest of the White Tiger family from killing Dongfang Huaiyun.

Today, Yu Haoran, who is also proficient in the method of formation, forms an unbreakable alliance with the Eastern family, which not only makes the Eastern family more important, but also allows Yu Haoran to gain unimaginable benefits.

"Patriarch, Yuner, do you know what secrets are hidden in the Huaiyu Mountains in front of you?" The people who did not bother changing the face of the scene, adjusted their inner joy and emotion, Hao Ran, gesturing with a finger to the shroud of thick white mist Yushan asked.

Regardless of whether the Zhenyuan Great God has been promoted to the supreme existence of the Supreme Realm, or whether he has not died in the destruction of the Middle Ages, the method of auxiliary practice he has mastered, and the counterattack just formed by the formation, are enough to prove that the Huaiyu Mountains contain Fatal danger.

Xiu Huaiyun, which was only in the early days of Wuzun Yipin, and Dongfang Zhixiang, who had just broken through the realm of Wudi, had no self-protection strength to venture into the mountains and was not suitable to stay on the edge of the mountains.

Therefore, Yu Haoran intends to let the two people leave the Huaiyu Mountains as soon as possible by revealing the truth to facilitate his next actions.

"I don't know!" Dongfang Zhixiang shook his head first.

"Patriarch, Yun'er, you think about it carefully. Since the five-element five-element array method was from the hand of the Zhenyuan Great God in the Middle Ages, what was the real purpose he used to block the Huaiyu Mountains?" Yu Haoran further Reminded.

"Is the entire Huaiyu Mountain Range actually a hidden cave house left by Zhenyuan Great God!" Dongfang Zhixiang guessed with surprise.

In fact, as far back as Huaiyun in the east, it was seen that the blockade of the Huaiyu Mountains was the original five-element and five-element array created by Zhenyuan Great God. Dongfang Zhixiang was already suspecting that the Huaiyu Mountains might be the time when the Zhenyuan Great God became enlightened. Hidden cultivation.

However, Zhenyuan's great reputation in the Middle Ages is too strong. Although it is not the supreme existence of the supreme realm, it enjoys the reputation, strength, and quantity and quality of treasures. By.

At the same time, the cave houses that the Supreme Realm could repair were either built in an endless void or existed in an independent space of their own creation. It is difficult for the world to find the cave houses they have repaired.

Therefore, he couldn't believe it at the beginning, and wasn't sure whether the Huaiyu Mountains blocked by the five-element five-element formation method had a special relationship with the Zhenyuan Great God.

Looking back at the fog in the mountains, Yu Haoran looked back at Dongfang Zhixiang and Dongfang Huaiyun shaking their heads.

"Although the Huaiyu Mountains are the remains of the Great God of the Yuan Dynasty, they are not the cave blessings he buried, but the graves used to bury his deities."

Yu Haoran's reply made Dongzhi Zhixiang and Dongfang Huaiyun's faces suddenly changed. At the same time, the dozen guardians of the four guardian families and the five hidden hereditary families also had a shocking look in their eyes.

"Master Ma, can you be 100% sure?" Dongfang Zhixiang asked with a serious look after the shock.

"I can!" Nodded heavily, Yu Haoran replied affirmatively.

After receiving a positive reply from Yu Haoran, Dongfang Zhixiang took a deep breath, and resigned with his arms folded.

"Master Ma, I plan to take Yuner back to Chaoyang Peak now."

If the Huaiyu Mountain is a Dongfu blessing land buried by the Great God of Zhenyuan, then there is still a chance for adventure.

But if it is a cemetery where the extreme powers at the peak of Divine Realm are buried, the result of a risky invasion is nine deaths, or ten deaths.

"Patriarch, Yuner, this is why I tell you the hidden secrets of Huaiyu Mountain."

Dongfang Zhixiang's act of such interest made Yu Haoran feel a sigh of relief in secret, and also directly expressed his attitude.

"As a strong man of the peak limit of Valkyrie in the Middle Ages, and at the same time proficient in more than a dozen ways to assist in spiritual practice, you have no way of knowing how many fatal traps and methods are laid in the cemetery.

"Moreover, with my current cultivation and strength, as well as the hole cards and methods I have, I do not have 100% self-protection ability."

"If there is a deadly danger that can't be resisted, I have no time to take care of you and Yun'er. So it is wise to leave temporarily and it is also my powerless choice."

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