Destined Martial God

Chapter 1759: Leave

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The edge of Huaiyu Mountain!

"Master Ma, you don't need to blame yourself, Yuner and I can appreciate your good intentions!"

Facing the self-blame revealed in Hao Ran's statement, Dongfang Zhixiang quickly sang comfort, and then signaled that Dongfang Huaiyun immediately followed him to leave the Huaiyu Mountains.

After signalling his father to wait for a while, Dongfang Huaiyun walked in front of Yu Haoran, raising his hand with a tenderness in his eyes with infinite tenderness, and slowly pressing it on his forehead. Then a complex message containing complex mystery merged into the soul.

Reverse the nine-style method of lifting the ban!

Probably glanced at the information integrated into the soul, Yu Haoran looked at the Huaiyun in the East with a slight look, and his eyes appeared with surprise.

"Brother Yu, pay attention to safety!"

After retracting the slim and delicate jade hand pressed on his forehead, Dongfang Huaiyun nodded to Dongfang Zhixiang after being tenderly tendered like water.

Afterwards, the two flew away from the Huaiyu Mountains at the same time.

After waiting for the figure of Huaiyun Dongfang to disappear completely, Yu Haoran retracted his attention and transmitted the method of reversing the nine-type lifting of the ban that had just been integrated into the soul to the towering spirit and the second avatar.

"It's true that it is the first strongest formation in the Middle Ages. I am convinced to take it by mouth!" After reading and calculating the principle of reversing the nine-style lifting of the ban, Ta Ling heartily praised it.

The method of reversing the nine-style lifting of the ban was not very powerful, and Yu Haoran didn't care so much. What he wanted to know now was whether Ta Ling could use the lifting of the ban to continue to accomplish things that Eastern Huaiyun did not finish.

"If we can fully grasp the essence of the method of reversing the nine-style lifting of the ban, and then cooperate with my method of formation, within half an hour, not only can the remaining two-thirds of the five-element five-element formation be lifted, but it can also be cleaned up. Trap. "After a little thought, Taling replied with confidence.

"Ta Ling, then you must seize the time to realize the essence of reversing the nine-style lifting of the ban." After hearing Ta Ling's reply, Yu Haoran quickly commanded in surprise.

In fact, it is helpless for Taling to take the risk to use the method of reversing the nine-type ban to continue cracking the five-element five-element array.

If Dongfang Huaiyun did not forcibly break the five-element five-element array at the beginning, then according to the operation of the stars and the changes in the terrain of the Tianxuan continent, the array will automatically open in the next one to three days.

Although the matrix method that opens automatically has great risks, it has at least hope of entering the cemetery.

It is a pity that Dongfang Huaiyun used the method of reversing the nine-style lifting of the ban to change the operation trajectory of the five-element five-element array method. As a result of the resumption of the matrix method, it may be possible to completely close the cemetery of Zhenyuan Great God.

When both Taling and the second avatar entered the time-accelerated space of Yuta, Yu Haoran stepped to the edge of the mountain and watched the white mist gradually begin to decrease and dim. A look of worry appeared in his eyes.

The three precious treasures left by Zhenyuan Great God, known as one of the three spiritual roots in ancient and ancient times, are the ginseng fruit trees, which can be said to be the key to whether close relatives and friends around him can escape from the fetus in a short time and achieve the immortal deity.

If you lose the opportunity to obtain ginseng fruit trees, whether it is the beloved Qin Lingfei and Jian Wuzhen, or your friends Wu Zhengjun and Lu Yuan, the process of achieving Valkyrie in the future will become very difficult.

Even if the chances and blessings are not enough, they may eventually be defeated by the heavenly danger of being promoted to the realm of martial arts, and eventually become a pile of dust and disappear between heaven and earth.

The changes in the white mist in the Huaiyu Mountains also attracted the attention of the remaining strongmen on the scene. Although they did not have the formation and insight of the Taling's formation, they could probably see the mountains with the formation experience accumulated over the years. Change of formation.

It's just that even the middle-aged battle formation **** Dongfang Yilan was very difficult to crack the five-element five-element formation method, not to mention that they were not very proficient, or people with ordinary formation ability.

Therefore, after taking a glance at each other at the scene, the strong men from the Xuanwu family and Zhong Lishui Ze from the Zhong Li family walked behind Yu Haoran.

"Yu Zhendi, I don't know your opinion on the changes of the formation method in the Huaiyu Mountains?" As a strong formation method who is about to advance to the realm of the formation, the strong formation method of the Xuanwu family asks with courage.

"In the process of self-repair, it takes only half a day, and a long day. Whether it is the graveyard of the Great God of Yuan Dynasty or the entire mountain in front of it, it will eventually sink completely in the ground. "Because of the grudges against the guardian family, he did not treat the Xuanwu family's strong formations differently, Yu Haoran replied calmly.

And Yu Haoran's reply made everyone at the scene nervous.

When the situation in the heavens and the earth changed drastically, when the top forces were preparing to carry out plans for countless years before the advent of immeasurable calamities, they extracted a large number of elites from the family to come, in the hope that they would have the legacy of the town. Arcane.

If not only do you not gain anything afterwards, but you also lose all the elite people, even if they have a very high status and power in the family, I am afraid that you will not be able to confess to the top of the family afterwards.

Therefore, the strong Xuanwu family who felt very nervous at once suddenly asked.

"Yu Zhendi, I wonder if you have a solution now?"

Shaking his head, Yu Haoran didn't say much.

Whether the five-element five-element matrix method can be successfully solved and the passage to the cemetery of the Great God of Zhenyuan is opened depends on whether Taling can master the essence of reversing the nine-type lifting of the ban in the shortest time.


Yu Haoran shook his head to silence, making the Xuanwu family's strong formations mistakenly think that there was nothing he could do. In the end, he could only sigh helplessly, then turned back to his companions to discuss the next action.

"Yu Zhendi, can't you really do nothing?"

Among the many treasures left by Zhenyuanzi, there is an ordinary treasure that seems inconspicuous.

This ordinary treasure is not very useful to others, but it has an unimaginable auxiliary role for the Zhongli family.

Otherwise, such a dangerous adventure as entering the cemetery of Zhenyuanzi would not allow him, the only son of the patriarch with family inheritance qualifications, to come in person.

Therefore, Zhong Lishui Ze asked impassively.

"Brother Mizusawa, the five-element five-element matrix method that incorporates more than a dozen methods of auxiliary practice. The grade exceeds the **** level to reach the supreme level, which is far beyond the matrix ability I have.

Zhong Lishui Ze is different from the Xuanwu family's formation force. Facing his immortal questioning, Yu Haoran retracted his attention to the mountains and replied directly into his eyes.

"In the end, whether the five-element five-element matrix method can be successfully solved, and whether the graveyard of Zhenyuan Great God can be truly opened, I can only say that it is a best effort."

"But in the end, I can't give you accurate answers."

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