Destined Martial God

Chapter 1830: Drink it

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Qing Yunfeng, No. 9 in the courtyard!


Seeing Chu Zhongyu and others walking into the other courtyard, Yu Haoran quickly got up and smiled.

"Sister Nine, when are you coming back?"

From the gentle smile of Yu Haoran, he clearly felt the enthusiasm before each other did not produce a knot, Chu Zhongyu's heart warmed up slightly and walked into the wind pavilion.


After a brief response, Yu Haoran signaled that the elder brother and the second elder brother were seated, and then began to use divine thoughts to carefully check the progress of the repairs of several elder brothers and Gongsun Yuting.

"Yuting, with Qingyun Peak that I personally transformed and not lost in Wonderland, and at the same time has the assistance of top special physiques, why your cultivation is just to reach the beginning of Wusheng Yipin."

After checking the progress of everyone's repairs, Yu Haoran's gaze went directly to Gongsun Yuting, ignoring the tear marks left in the corner of her eyes, and quickly retracting the gentle smile on his face, he asked seriously.

"Brother, now I'm not only the only martial arts strongman in Zongmen, but also the recorder and holder of Zongmen martial arts' minimum age breakthrough. Is it still slow for such a cultivation!"

Faced with Hao Ran's questioning, Gongsun Yuting, who was flattered by the elder Zongmen to immortal, felt very unconvinced.

"Yunxiang, Brother's first disciple, because her mother was hurt by ghost poisoning when she was pregnant with her, resulting in her being unable to set foot on the path of spiritual practice."

Facing Gongsun Yuting's refusal to refute, Yu Haoran did not show the slightest look of anger, but only calmly described Yun Xiang's growth experience.

"Two years ago, I met Yunxiang's Heaven and Earth Chamber of Commerce in Guangling City. After helping her solve the problem of being unable to cultivate, she accepted her as a disciple because of special reasons."

"In more than two years, in addition to giving her a better practice mentality, I have neither instructed her practice nor gave her too much practice resources."

"A month ago, Yunxiang was successfully promoted to the top practice of the top Wuzun Yipin."

Having said this, Yu Haoran suddenly stood up and asked, raising his tone.

"Yuting, her physique and cultivation environment are not as good as your Yunxiang. In just two years, she can achieve the peerless power of the top Wu Zun realm, and you!"

Facing Hao Ran's shouting, Gongsun Yuting exited the pavilion in a panic.

Ignoring Gongsun Yuting, who had withdrawn from the pavilion, Yu Haoran glanced at the eight people in the pavilion, and his face returned to calm and began to tell Wu Zhengjun's experience.

"If you don't know Yun Xiang and her growth experience is not too touching for you, then your tenth division brother Wu Zhengjun must be very familiar."

"Since we left Qingfeng Peak, Zhengjun has spent most of his time practicing and experiencing alone, basically without my guidance and help."

"But just half a month ago, Zhengjun broke through the realm of the third emperor of Wudi and became one of the top powerful men in the Tianxuan continent."

Having said that, Yu Haoran's eyes turned to Chu Zhongyu, Huang Zonghua and Gongsun Yiming, and a disappointment of hating iron and steel was revealed in his eyes.

"Big brother, five brothers, Yiming, your talents and potential are not lost to Zhengjun. Look at the Zhengjun who is brave in fighting, and look at you who are eager for ease."

"Don't you feel a little embarrassed in your heart!"

In the face of Hao Ran's interrogation, whether Chu Zhongyu, Huang Zonghua, and Gongsun Yiming, who were named, or Liu Guangwei, Dong Mingyu, Cheng Yun, Pan Yuhai, and Xiao Nan were all called, their heads bowed in shame.

With the Qingfeng Peak being transformed into a blessed land not lost to the wonderland, and Yu Haoran's rising reputation, disciples of the Qingfeng Peak family are at Baijimen, among the forces affiliated to Baifengmen, and within a range of thousands of miles. In the end, he was given top treatment not to be lost to the second-class sect master.

This caused them to sink into vanity and enjoyment, and unconsciously relaxed their requirements for themselves, and the mentality of hard work and practice gradually relaxed.

Now, faced with Hao Ran's head-on drink, faced with a world apart from Wu Zhengjun, Chu Zhongyu, who was aware of his mistakes, took the lead in expressing his stance.

"Sister Nine, tomorrow morning I will rush to the dead wood forest at the junction of the Southern and Western Regions to find a louver that can be used to stimulate my potential."

"Brother, I'll go with you!"

"Brother, I will go too!"

"Brother ...!"

Except for Gongsun Yuting, the remaining brothers and Gongsun Yiming both volunteered to go to the dead wood forest together.

In this regard, Yu Haoran nodded comfortingly, and then set his sights on Gongsun Yuting, who returned to Fengting.

After careful consideration, he took out a blank jade bamboo slip from the storage ring, marked a clear route, and threw it directly into the hands of Gongsun Yuting.

"Yuting, tomorrow morning, you will follow the route marked in Yujian to Fengrun City in the Eastern Region, and then follow your two disciples and practice together."

"Yes, Brother Nine!" Yu Jian, shaking hands, Gongsun Yuting responded excitedly.

Nodded Gongsun Yuting to step down, Yu Haoran took out a large number of spirit stones and veins, mind and martial arts, spiritual books and jade slips, as well as top elixir and magic instruments from the storage ring and the domain tower.

These spiritual resources are put into different storage rings, and then delivered to Chu Zhongyu.

In this regard, Chu Zhongyu did not postpone too much, after arching a thank you, directly put away all the storage rings.

"The big brother stays for a while, some big brothers, Yiming and Yuting go back for the time being!" After Chu Zhongyu stowed all the storage rings, Yu Haoran instructed the second big brother and others.

"Brother Nine, let's go back first!"

Knowing that Yu Haoran had important matters to discuss with his elder brother, Liu Guangwei nodded with interest, and took the others away from the No. 9 hospital.

"Brother, is there any news from the master?" After Liu Guangwei and others left the No. 9 other courtyard, Yu Haoran turned and looked at Chu Zhongyu and asked.


Shaking his head, Chu Zhongyu said with a hint of worry in his eyes.

"Nine teachers, although the master used to travel around the Quartet often, he rarely traveled for more than a year."

"Only a few trips over a year, the master will also use Chuan Xunyufu to tell us that it will not let us worry about him."

"But this time it's completely different."

After hearing Chu Zhongyu's reply, while Yu Haoran frowned slightly, his left finger was quickly hitting the table of the stone table, considering the reason why the master hadn't returned for a long time.

But after thinking about it, there was no thought in the end.

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