Destined Martial God

Chapter 1831: Worry

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Qing Yunfeng, No. 9 in the courtyard!

"Brother, the master's affairs will be left to me to handle, you go back and prepare for tomorrow's calendar!"

Since there were no thoughts, Yu Haoran decided to use Fuxi's gossip figure to predict the safety and whereabouts of the master using the a priori numerology. At the same time, it is not easy to get too distracted, considering that the brothers will take several brothers to the dangerous woods for a dangerous experience tomorrow.

Therefore, after re-stretching his frown, Yu Haoran smiled and told Chu Zhongyu.

"That line, brother Nine, I'll go back first!"

Already accustomed to obeying Yu Haoran's orders, Chu Zhongyu stood up and gave a hand, and turned to leave the No. 9 other courtyard.

Just as Chu Zhongyu had just left the No. 9 courtyard, Yu Haoran emerged in the hidden moon pavilion where the master lived, and then examined it with divine thought, and finally found a piece of clothes that the master had changed.

Put away the clothes and quickly return to the No. 9 courtyard, then use the secret method to collect the remaining breath on the clothes, Yu Haoran bended his knees and sat on the grass in the courtyard, and began to use the inferior destiny of Fuxi Bagua map to calculate The breath just collected started to calculate the safety and whereabouts of Feng Qingyun.

"The fierce danger contains the chance of transformation, and there is a faint vitality hidden in the dead end, which cannot be specifically positioned in the misty!"

Even though Shu Dao Xiu has been promoted to the Grand Master's realm, even with the help of Feng Qingyun's remaining breath, the inferred picture is still shrouded in white mist, and the master's safety and specific whereabouts cannot be calculated.

In desperation, Yu Haoran could only use the holy scripture I Ching obtained from the only discerning Buddha serpent to estimate the master's fate with the breath of causality contained in the I Ching, and finally got the above three sentences.

According to the three sentences deduced from the Book of Changes, the master was trapped in a dangerous situation of nine lives and death, and at the same time, the real situation could not be estimated.

Although it is a fierce death, it has a glimmer of vitality!

If we can seize the vitality in the dead end, we will not only be able to get out of danger, but also be able to get a reincarnation and change opportunities, and achieve great changes in our cultivation and strength.

Dissipate the collected breath, stop the calculation of Yi Jing, Yu Haoran looks up at the direction of the Western Regions, a look of thought flashes in his eyes!


Since the battle of Xianlian three years ago, all fifth-order imperial beasts in the depths of the Baichimen Mountains have fallen behind, and there has been no royal level hegemony for a long time.

However, with the return of the heaven and earth aura, the rules of the heavens and heavens retreated, and in the mountains that regained their vitality, kings and king-level beasts began to appear again.

Considering that most of the disciples of the Qingyun Division have been promoted to the level of Wuhuang, Gongsun Yuting is a strong player in Wusheng.

Even if the strength of the strange beasts deep in the mountains was restored to the peak, it could not pose any threat to Baijimen. Yu Haoran, who hurried to the virgin forest, ignored the strange beasts who had not been promoted to the fifth-order imperial realm. .

However, as he passed the cave that the Black Bear had previously hidden, the picture that suddenly appeared in his mind made him couldn't help but stop and landed in front of the cave entrance.

Looking at the blue rock in front of the cave, I recalled the little white fox that was about fifty or six centimeters tall but less than ten centimeters long, and asked a little worried in Yu Haoran's eyes.

"Ta Ling, you said that the fox would not be in trouble!"

At first, using the negative side of the congenital Lingbao's yin and yang life and death to resist Bai Tong's peeping of the blood source secret method Ziyuan Shenguang, he accidentally peered into Bai Tong's miserable life.

As a result, Bai Tong completely relied on him and made him responsible for Bai Tong's life.

According to Bai Tong at the time, when she was successfully promoted to the fourth-order sanctuary, the special bloodline of Meihuo would give her a chance to become an adult.

At that time, she will come to find herself, and then let herself fulfill her promise to marry her.

Now, two years have passed since the time originally agreed, not only did Bai Tong not come to trouble him, but the entire Tianxuan continent did not have any news about Meihu.

This caused Yu Haoran to be a little worried, worried whether the extraordinary blood Bai Tong encountered any trouble.

After all, Bai Tong, who has become a human body, not only has a peerless appearance of misfortune, but also has an extreme constitution that is very suitable to become a furnace.

"probably not!"

Ta Ling understands the charming foxes who inherited the mutant blood of the ancient nine-tailed sky fox, and how they have life-saving means against the sky. They know that even if the gods in the realm of martial arts shot in person, they may not be able to hurt them, so he does not think that the character The cunning and changeable Bai Tong will be surprised.

"I hope so!"

The reply from Ta Ling reassured Yu Haoran a little, and then he mobilized the divine thoughts to condense an image, which was then printed into the bluestone.

In case Bai Tong comes back here again, he hopes that the other party can see the message he left her.

He then blasted straight into the virgin forest deep in the mountains.

"Somewhat wrong!" It was that Hao Ran had just landed on the edge of the cliff leading to the virgin forest, and the divine thought quickly swept over the towering spirit of the virgin forest, and frowned to remind.

In fact, even without the reminder of Ta Ling, Yu Haoran realized that the primitive forest under the cliff had changed.

Regardless of the scramble for Xianlian or the search for refining elixir, when the first two times entered the virgin forest, although the heaven and earth aura in the forest was very strong, the gap with the heaven and earth aura in the mountains was about ten times.

Today, in the virgin forests under the cliffs, the richness of the heaven and earth aura has been completely atomized, and the richness is hundreds of times higher than that in the mountains.

Fortunately, Xiu Wei's successive breakthroughs have made him now have the strength to enter the realm of Wu Shen. Even in the face of changes in the virgin forest, he does not have the slightest fear and worry.

The power of mobilizing the two-line law appeared directly below the cliff, and he stepped into the virgin forest without any hesitation.

"how can that be!"

But when he saw entering the virgin forest for the second time, because the year was less than 10,000 years, the grade was less than the fourth grade, and a blood ginseng was not taken for the time being.

Now it is already more than 100,000 years, when the grade is promoted to the second-order nine-grade limit of the blood king ginseng, Yu Haoran reveals an incredible look.

It has been less than two years since the last entry into the virgin forest. Even if the concentration of heaven and earth aura in the virgin forest has increased by a hundredfold, it can accelerate the rate and year of medicinal materials production. Blood King Ginseng to 100,000 years.

"Yu Haoran, be alert, I feel a very dangerous breath hidden in this forest."

The towering spirit, who did not notice the changes in blood ginseng, thoroughly examined every inch of land and space in the forest with the divine spirit of the top three states of the martial arts, looking for a chaotic mark inferred by Hao Ran.

As a result, the mark of chaos was not found, but he felt a danger in the forest hiding even his fear.

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