Destined Martial God

Chapter 1845: Hidden dangers in the Destiny Stele

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Qingfengfeng, in the No. 9 courtyard!

"Yu Haoran, even the nine-turn Jindan, which is known as the first god, and Fengleiguo, the head of the three spiritual roots, cannot achieve the effect of directly upgrading to a great realm."

Combined with the nine-turn Jindan and Fengleiguo mentioned by Haoran, Ta Ling asked with a sneer.

"Then, the destiny stele that has not been together for a period of time, why can it do this."

"Ta Ling, you can directly tell what's going on!" Ta Ling used the contrast between the elixir and spirit fruit and the Tianming Stone Tablet to make Yu Haoran feel more uneasy in the heart, and he urged a little impatiently.

"In fact, the five gases condensed by the Destiny Stone Tablet are not used to enhance the pure energy that assists the breakthrough of the realm, but to overdraw your full potential, at the cost of burying the immortal realm that impacts eternity in a short time. Cultivation that impacted the highest realm of Supreme Nine Pins. "Ta Ling explained in an angry tone.

For more than three years, he fully promoted Hao Ran's foundation, and let him consume a lot of time and resources to impact the legendary Shipin perfection. The purpose is to hope that he can use the vitality contained in the immense amount of robbery to immortalize the impact Immortality.

The Destiny Stele is secretly buried in Hao Ran's hope of impacting the immortal realm, how can he not let the tower be inspired by anger.

"This is impossible!"

After hearing Taling's explanation, Yu Haoran's first reaction was impossible.

Because of how strong his own potential limit is, he can be said to be the one who knows best.

Even if the full potential of the physical body and the spirit is overdrawn now, even the long life span of more than 10,000 years is directly burned. At most, only 50 to 60% of the hope to impact the realm of martial arts is possessed.

It is impossible to be promoted to the top of Valkyrie Jiupin in a short time, and it is impossible to impact the supreme existence of Supreme Peak in the next one to two years.

"Yu Haoran, you too underestimate your potential."

After hearing the reason for refutation given by Yu Haoran, Ta Ling took a deep breath and gave examples one by one.

"The rebirth of preserving the memories of the past century will give you the potential of a peerless genius."

"The auspicious support of the tomb of the demon **** allows you to have the peerless potential to upgrade to the level of evildoers."

"The shelter of the rules of heaven and earth, the blessing of heaven and earth, let the potential of the evil spirits you have reach the peak."

"Your own attention to the foundation of martial arts, and the foundation that I laid for you in the earlier stage, have made your potential reach the limit of evildoers."

"Samurai, warrior, vassal, warrior, warrior, warrior, warrior, warrior, and emperor's ten-grade promotion to the perfect realm have given you the potential to surpass the evildoers, reach a level that is unprecedented, and have the hope to impact the immortal realm . "

"At the same time, the adventures of more than three years, as well as your own hard work and desperation, give you the hope of impacting the immortal realm, not losing to the king of the gods and beasts in ancient times, and not losing to the supreme nine-pin peak of the Middle Ages. By."

Speaking of which, the towering spirit directly mobilizes the time and space energy of the domain tower, and then through the layers of space barriers, looks at the destiny stone tablet integrated into Hao Ran's body, and the desperate soul practicing on the stone tablet, eyes full of strong hatred Reminded.

"Yu Haoran, if it was not because you have such powerful potential, how could the Destiny Stone Tablet pick you to become the Son of Destiny, and how could the Desperate Spirit Rat willingly recognize you as the Lord."

Ta Ling's examples and reminders made Yu Haoran's heart instantly burst into infinite anger, and immediately remembered that he had used the white gas to shock the state of Wushen, and he couldn't help worrying.

"Yu Haoran, why did I say that you are fortunate to be on the cliff in a timely manner? It is mainly because of your breakthrough in mentality. Although there is a reason for overdraft potential, it is more due to your own deep accumulation."

After hearing Yu Haoran's worry, Ta Ling's face was finally relieved with a happy smile.

"So you don't have to worry about a breakthrough in mindset that will have any bad effect on your potential."


The relief of the towering spirit let Yu Haoran breathe a sigh of relief, but also intended to use the destiny of the Son of Destiny to release the subordinate relationship with the Destiny Stone Tablet and completely eliminate the hidden dangers of his own existence.

But it was stopped by Ta Ling.

According to Taling's understanding of the Destiny Stele, he spent a day and a night of inspection just before, and found that in addition to the five gases in the space of the stele, there are hidden dangers that pit him in the dark. The Destiny Stele is very beneficial to him as a whole.

As long as it can restrain the temptation of the five gases in the space of the stele, the destiny stele is still a rare anti-sky auxiliary treasure.

Ta Ling's persuasion combined with the cruel situation in reality, although Yu Haoran finally retained the Destiny Stele, he also made a decision to avoid using the Destiny Stele as much as possible in the future.


The summons issued by the Son of Destiny personally was supported by the consciousness of the heavens, which caused countless sects, clan forces, and strong powers in the Tianxuan Continent to rush to Yuxu Palace.

Although the underground palace of Yuxu Palace was temporarily expanded, it is clear that the palace cannot accommodate so many people in the face of the powerful who arrives at all times.

In desperation, Ji Xing can only open the palace of the third house, and let all the strong men in casual repair enter the palace.

In a loft deep in the palace of the people's palace, looking at the vocal plaza through the windows of the attic, looking at the houses and lofts that are already full of people, the face of the master of the palace is gloomy and watery.

The reason for his somber complexion, in addition to the fact that he likes to be disturbed by the quiet environment, is that he has already guessed the true purpose of Tianzun Jixing and Cangtian consciousness to issue a summons.

That is to completely obliterate the four guardian families and the five hidden world families.

Originally, it was because he chose to be the enemy of Yu Haoran, who had a great future, that made him worry about the future of Yuxu Palace.

Now, challenge the four guardian families and the five hidden world families with their eggs to strike the stones, isn't it that they seek to perish, which makes him totally unaware of the reasons why Tianzun and Cangtian consciousness did so.

Although he had the intention to go to the face-to-face interview with Tian Gong, he thought of the series of precautionary measures that Ji Xing recently made against the People's Palace. He thought that some of the disciples and strong men who had been carefully trained were transferred to the Palace. It is an adventurous questioning, and the result will not only get no answer, but will also hit the anger and change of temperament, which may bring death to yourself.

Unless he wakes up in advance that has a blood relationship with Ji Xing, at the moment of awakening, he can directly control the Yuxong Palace, which is nearly 80% of the power, and is just a patriarch.

Thinking of this, after a flash of determination flashed in Ren Zun's eyes, he took a painting from the independent space he had opened up, and a painting that opened to present the entire Tiangong palace.

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