Destined Martial God

Chapter 1846: Peerless Mulberry

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Yuxu Palace, the palace of the people!

Looking at the portrait of the entire Tiangong in his hand, there was a look of determination in Ren Zun's eyes, and then he took a deep breath, biting the tip of his tongue, and spit out the blood of his heart.

The blood of the spirit splashed on the portrait quickly melted into the dozen or so palaces in the painting.

Subsequently, the dozens of palaces in the painting began to distort gradually, and gradually formed a strong suction, which directly sucked people into the portrait palace.

After carefully examining the layout of the surrounding palaces, Renzun appeared in front of a hidden door on the east side of one of the palaces, and then took out a heart-shaped pendant from the independent space and hung it directly on the door knocker of the hidden door.

Immediately, a tiny gap appeared between the pendant and the knocker.

Without the slightest hesitation, Renzun uses the secret method to shrink his body, and then enters the secret door through the small gap.

Behind the dark door is a dark room with an area of ​​about 30 square meters. Although the light in the dark room is bright, there is no trace of aura.

In the middle of the dark room, there is an ice bed exuding extremely low temperature. The low temperature emanating from the ice bed can even feel the chill of the powerful man who is the highest state of the Emperor Wu of Sanpin.

On the ice bed, a woman sits on her knees, a peerless face with the madness that all men in the world are crazy for, and all women are jealous of.

However, in the eyes of Ren Zun looking at the peerless woman, there was no trace of thought other than the respect from the heart.

"The 109th Yuxu Palace is the director of the People's Palace.

Stepped to a position three meters away from the peerless woman, then kneeled directly on the ground with both knees, respectful respect, and whispered to himself after three beatings.

"Master Sang Yu, Tian Xun did not intend to awaken the ancestor so early, but the Yuxu Palace is facing a critical moment of life and death, and the ancestor is urgently required to personally come to preside over the whole situation, so Tian Xuan can only offend Shi Qingxiu offensively. "

After talking to himself, Renzun continued to take out three dan bottles from the independent space, and then poured out three drops of blood stored in the dan bottles.

Three drops of blood, one drop is the blood of Tianzun's brows, one drop is the blood of Dizun's heart, and one drop is the natural blood of human respect.

After using three thoughts to control the three drops of sperm blood into the brow center, heart, and abdomen of Sang Yu, the person stared nervously at Sang Yu.

The waiting time is not very long, which is about one minute.

With a strong heartbeat in the dark room and the coldness in the room being replaced by warmth, Sang Yu, with her eyes closed, slowly opened her eyes.

If we say that the mulberry in the deep sleep is like a goddess above nine days, it gives people a sacred and inviolable holiness.

Then, Sang Yu, who opened her eyes, is the peerless demon girl who scourges the country and the people. She has a peerless appearance that sinks all living things and makes heaven and earth fall into it.

Even the respected person who has always maintained a respectful attitude has almost fallen into the appearance and temperament of Sang Yu.

Fortunately, people who had prepared in advance had immediately swallowed the elixir placed on the tip of the tongue, and then lowered their heads and did not stare at Sang Yu.

"Who are you?" Sang Yu asked with a gentle look at the middle-aged man with a gentle and elegant temperament in front of him.

"The 99th person of the Yuxu Palace is the director of the People's Palace. He is visiting the Master of Sang Yu!" After hearing Sang Yu's interrogation, Ren Zun quickly and respectfully revisited the ceremony.

"It turned out to be the descendant of Brother Gu Liang!"

There was a sorrow of mulberry in his eyes, and he sighed softly, signaled softer.

"Please respect me!"

"Thank you, Sang Yu!"

After getting up, Ren Tianxuan quickly took ten tenth-order spirit veins from the independent space, thirty-six second-order first-order spirits to nine-type elixir, and ninety-nine drops of thousand-medicine spirit milk to Sangyu.

"Master Sang Yu, please use these resources to restore some of your strength first, and afterwards Tian Tian will take you to the land of the palace to help you restore your full strength as soon as possible."

After slamming all the veins, elixir, and milk from the sleeves, Sang Yu asked for a gentle attitude while absorbing pure aura to restore strength.

"Respect, you awakened the palace at this time. Could it be that the immense amount of robbery has been officially opened, and those powerful people hidden in the endless void have returned."


Shaking his head to deny it, Ren Tianmao quickly hoeed his head to plead guilty, and then began to explain why he awakened Sang Yu ahead of time.

"The Lord of the Heavenly Palace turned out to be the Son of Destiny again!" After hearing Ren Tianxuan's explanation, Sang Yu murmured with surprise.

Later, she looked up at the south of the dark room, and the purple light that fascinated her eyes emerged.

Immediately after, the purple light directly penetrated the walls and the barriers of space, and saw the journey of sitting on the jade bed with curved knees.

"Although he has the fate of fate, but without the opportunity to manipulate fate, he is not the true son of fate." After examining the journey from beginning to end with the purple light in his eyes, Sang Yu's tone was full of puzzlement. Whispered to himself.

"Mr. Sang Yu, what did you say?" After hearing Sang Yu's self-spoken words, Ren Tianzheng asked incredibly.

"I said that the current Lord of the Heavens Palace is actually not the son of destiny who can start countless robberies!" Sang Yu replied affirmatively after taking his eyes off Ji Xing.

"This is impossible!"

Nine steps back with a sudden blow to his heart, Ren Tianzheng shook his head in shock and retorted.

"The ancestor of Sang Yu, the destiny's son, was calculated by the heavenly consciousness using the star board, and there is absolutely no possibility of miscalculation."

Hearing the identity of the destiny son of the Lord of the Heavenly Palace, it turned out to be the three extinct spirits of the heavenly consciousness, using the relationship between the trapped fruits contained in the star chessboard to make an inference, a look of doubt appeared in the eyes of Sang Yu.

After all, the reason why the Yuxu Palace can be passed down to the order and has always been the head of the Zongmen sect is precisely because of the identity of the destiny of the Lord of the Heavenly Palace in ancient times.

At that time, it was also the heavenly consciousness of the two incarnations. It was calculated using the star board condensed from the day after tomorrow and secretly supported. This allowed Yuxu Palace to grow from an ordinary sect to a top sect of sects. first.

Suspicion returns to doubt, the identity of the son of destiny is very wide, so Sang Yu did not dare to continue to mobilize the purple light, and re-examined the trip three times carefully with the help of part of the strength just restored.

But the end result is that Ji Xing is neither the destiny son who can manipulate the destiny of all living beings, nor the strength to start and end countless calamities.

After hearing Sang Yu's further inspection and confirmation, his face was as pale as paper, and his eyes showed despair.

Because he knew very clearly that the identity of the destiny's sons was not only the basis for whether the Yuxu Palace could continue to be inherited, but also whether they could continue to survive.

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