Destined Martial God

Chapter 1881: Gorefiend

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Above the Blood Mist Mountains!

If it were not for Yu Haoran's slaughter of the eighteen Valkyrie ancestors of Zhongli's family with the help of special secret methods, the family would temporarily lose their profound heritage and temporarily be unable to resolve the crisis of extermination.

If it weren't for Yu Haoran who had brought out nine rare treasures such as ginseng fruit and Shengxiandan, it would not only allow him to be promoted to the immortal deity, but also to improve part of the family ’s heritage.

With Wu Zhengjun's modest background, ordinary appearance, and unknown status, he simply couldn't agree to the marriage contract between Wu Zhengjun and Zhong Lishuiqin.

Therefore, in the face of Ming Jing's ancestors saying that the conditions of Zhong Lishuiqin did not fit Wu Zhengjun, the combination of the two was exactly when Zhong Li's family was climbing high, Zhong Li Qingyang couldn't help but chuckle, an expression that he didn't believe.

Fearing that Zhong Li Qingyang despised Wu Zhengjun's attitude and incurred Yu Haoran's dissatisfaction, Zhong Limingjing quickly reminded.

"Qingyang, the third floor of the Family Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, details some notable big names in ancient times. Do you still have the impression of the Gorefiend?"

"Is it the Blood Demon Supreme who incarnates the sea of ​​blood and devours the starry sky!" A little recall, Zhong Li Qingyang's tone revealed a trace of admiration.


While nodding to confirm, Zhong Liming's eyes recounted in his eyes.

"Blood Demon debuted only two years before me. We can say that we are competitors of the same era."

"Because I have the bloodline of the ancestors who have everlasting supreme ancestors, but the blood demon possesses only the bloodthirsty physique that ranks 199th among thousands of special constitutions, so I have an absolute advantage in the competition before the Emperor Wudi . "

"However, when I was about to impact the immortal realm of Wushen, the blood demon who was only the peak of the third emperor of the Emperor suddenly suffered a change. Not only did his mind suffer an unimaginable damage, but even the sea space was completely collapsed. Basically, It can be said that ordinary people have fallen into the power of chickens. "

"But no one thought that the blood demon who was about to be transformed into an ordinary person, but ushered in a life-changing opportunity, and the bloodthirsty constitution unexpectedly advanced to a higher ranking bloodthirsty constitution."

"At the same time, during the promotion of blood-biting physique, the talent and potential, the perseverance and understanding have been greatly improved, and the crazy engulfing of pure blood energy between heaven and earth has allowed the blood demon to break through the martial arts realm and rush ahead of me to achieve the gods. Strong. "

"Since then, my competition with the blood demon has fallen completely, and the blood demon has become the most outstanding man of our time and the only evil genius who has been promoted to the supreme realm."

Hearing Ming Jing's ancestor's account of the growth of the blood demon, he thought of the bloodthirsty and blood phasing constitution mentioned by Yu Haoran. He wanted to understand the associated Zhongli Qingyang, and looked back at Wu Zhengjun. There was a look of shock in his eyes.

If Wu Zhengjun's bloodthirsty constitution was successfully promoted to bloodthirsty constitution, then like the original blood demon and Mingjing ancestor, he would rush to advance to the realm of gods.

In addition, during the promotion of Blood Eater's constitution, his talent and potential, perseverance and understanding have greatly improved, which also gives him the potential and hope to impact Supreme Supreme in a short time.

If everything went well in the promotion process of blood-thirsty physiques, then as the ancestor Ming Jing said just now, Zhong Li Shuiqin really is not worthy of Wu Zhengjun. The combination of the two people is indeed a bit high for the Zhong Li family.

"I didn't expect Senior Mingjing to meet the Blood Demon Supreme!" Yu Haoran, who also heard Zhong Limingjing's story about the growth of Blood Demon, sighed with a look of envy and longing.

After all, on the road to the peak of martial arts, there can be a strong opponent, as a goal to keep up with, whether it is for self-cultivation and improvement of strength, or for persistence in martial arts beliefs, there are unimaginable incentives.

If in reality there can be such an opponent to motivate himself, Yu Haoran believes that he has long been promoted to the immortal realm of God and will do his best to impact the supreme realm of Supreme Being.

"Acquaintance, I don't know well!" Added Zhong Limingjing with a pity in his eyes.

In fact, the origins of the Blood Demon are similar to those of Wu Zhengjun. They are only small people from remote areas.

Although he made some fame with his brave efforts, for Zhong Liming, who is the head of the five major hidden families, the identity gap between them is like the firefly and Haoyue. He simply looks down on the low-blooded goblins.

However, when the Gorefiend showed special talent and strength due to his special constitution promotion, causing him to want to associate, the sudden change of identity and status made him no longer qualified and able to associate with each other and obtain True friendship with each other.

Therefore, Zhongli Mingjing's life regrets that he cannot get the friendship of the blood demon.

After a moment's thinking, you know why Zhong Limingjing feels sorry. After a scornful taunt in Yu Haoran's eyes, he turned and continued to pay attention to the promotion process of Wu Zhengjun's special constitution.

During this period of time when Zhong Limingjing described the growth experience of the Blood Demon, the traction force of the black hole formation has been covered by thousands of miles and spread to the core of the Blood Mist Mountains.

At the same time, the omnidirectional nature of the traction force has also shocked countless warriors, demigods, and evil warriors and powerful monsters in the realm of the mountain.

Watching the pulling force formed by the black hole above Wu Zhengjun's head not only swallowed the thick blood mist covering the entire mountain range, but even all the creatures would not let it go.

A young man with red robes and white robes who had just woke up and reached the pinnacle of the Three Kinds of War Gods commanded to the thousands of evil warriors gathered around him.

"Immediately set up the evil spirit engulfing array and directly swallow the black hole above the human head."

At the same time, the few beasts who have just awakened recently have also forcibly forced tens of thousands of powerful beasts through the roaring sounds of fierce murderous force and the oppression of powerful blood and momentum, and arranged a simple array that also has the ability to devour To counter and counteract the traction of black holes.

The thick blood mist within thousands of miles, the flesh and blood essence of hundreds of thousands of strange beasts and evil warriors, the power of the traction formed by the black hole has reached the peak of the sixth rank of Valkyrie.

The evil enemies arrayed by the evil warriors, and the simple engulfing arrays of tens of thousands of powerful alien beasts, have also reached the peak of the Valkyrie Six Pins.

Therefore, in the case of equal power, the black hole gradually began to fall under the wind against the two array methods.

As a consequence of falling into the downwind, the black hole cannot continue to devour the thick blood mist, as well as the strange beasts and evil warriors containing the essence of huge life, and then affect the promotion of blood-biting physique.

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