Destined Martial God

Chapter 1882: Help each other

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In the Blood Mist Mountains!

As the saying goes, it's good to go all out, and then go down!

Whether it is a breakthrough in martial arts realm or the promotion of a special constitution, it will also require a direct drive to success.

The confrontation that fell into the downwind made the black hole temporarily unable to continue to devour the thick blood mist, and the beasts and evil warriors containing the essence of flesh and blood, and then affected the promotion of blood-biting physique.

Seeing that Wu Zhengjun couldn't get the pure blood energy supplement, when the flesh that had been plumped up finally started to dry out, he immediately took out Yu Haoran of the Yuantu Divine Sword, and appeared with the power of the dual system to appear at a speed close to teleport The heart of the Blood Mist Mountains.

"Destroy the soul!"

In one stroke of the world, the soul-destroying method in the sword-slaying method is directed at the red-haired white-haired old man who controls and manipulates the evil spirits to devour the array.


Originally, with the strength of the red robe white-haired old man Valkyrie Sanpin's realm, he could easily defeat the powerful sword energy condensed by the sword destroyer, but controlling and manipulating the evil engulfing array directly affected his strength of nearly 90%.

Therefore, in the face of the powerful sword spirit that can directly damage the spirit and reach the realm of martial arts, the selfish self-interested red-haired white-haired old man cursed secretly and immediately gave up control of the evil engulfing formation, and then quickly Defeat the sharp sword.

Under the control and manipulation of the formation by the old man with red robes and white hair, the evil engulfing formation was quickly torn apart in the face of the horrific traction of black holes.

And losing the defense and protection of the devouring array of evil spirits, thousands of Emperors, Emperors and demigods were quickly dragged into the black hole forcibly and became the pure energy of bloodthirsty promotion, Wu Zhengjun's dried up flesh was plumped again.

"Boy, the green hills will not change, the green water will flow, the hatred of today, my old man in red robes will never forget me!"

After quickly smashing the sharp sword gas, the old man with red robes and white hair wanted to immediately kill Yu Haoran, and then regained control and manipulation of the evil spirit engulfing formation to resist and counteract the black hole formed above Wu Zhengjun's head.

But at the moment when he was about to start, he accidentally sensed that there were two terrors like the deep sea hidden on the edge of the Blood Mist Mountain Range. He immediately knew that the young man in blue who dared to attack himself was secretly guarded by the top powerful man.

Therefore, the unfortunate red-haired white-haired old man didn't hesitate at all, leaving a threatening word, then he planned to escape the Blood Mist Mountains.

"Brother, do it!"

Seeing the red-haired white-haired old man who was about to run away, Yu Haoran hurried through the idea to instruct the looming spirit rat to operate, and continued to perform the soul-slaying sword to attack the red-haired white-haired old man who had risen in the air.

In fact, when Haoran chose to attack the white-haired old man in the red robe as a breakthrough point in cracking the devouring matrix of evil spirits, the murderous rat began to collect his breath, and through the collected breath, he found and locked the red-robe white Send the old man's name on the Destiny Stele.

Therefore, after hearing Yu Haoran's instructions, the slayer rattled out his black paws immediately according to the name of the white-haired old man in the red robe.

"court death!"

Temporarily escaping the Blood Mist Mountain Range is only because of the fear of the strongest of the two Wushen Jiu Pin peaks on the edge of the Mountain Range, not because of the fear of this young man who knows nothing about the heights and heights.

Therefore, when seeing that Hao Ran continued to attack himself without knowing his life, the old man in red robe and white hair screamed angrily, and immediately took out a sword that reached the level of God in the realm and showed blood red.

And when he wanted to mobilize all his divine and soul power, and then cut it into Haoran in accordance with the enlightened rules, the mysterious and soul power that suddenly disappeared out of nothing in his body, and the induction of the mystery and mystery that instantly lost the law, made the red robe white. The old man almost fell into the air.

Although I really want to use my mind to track down the cause of my own change, but in the face of the sharp sword slash, the old man with red robes and white hair can only temporarily deal with the sharp sword qi that can threaten his life.


With a fierce roar, the red-haired, white-haired old man whose strength has almost fallen to the realm of God, suffered a heavy blow at the same time, and the whole person was directly hit back to the blood below because of the strong rebound force formed when the Excalibur collided. In the misty mountains.

"Do not!"

Just as the old man in the red robe just dropped to the position where the evil spirit devouring array was laid out, the horrible traction force shrouded in him instantly dragged him into the black hole formed above Wu Zhengjun's head.

Although the murderous spirit rat was released from manipulating his destiny at the moment the red-haired white-haired old man fell into the Blood Mist Mountain Range, the red-haired white-haired old man was finally faced with the power that had already been promoted to the initial traction of Valkyrie Seventh Grade. After only issuing an unwilling roar, he completely disappeared into the black hole.

Instantly returned to the position on the edge of the mountain, Yu Haoran stared nervously at Wu Zhengjun, watching whether the essence of flesh and blood that had been cultivated to reach the peak of the three gods of the martial arts can complete the final promotion of blood-biting physique.

But as the result disappointed him, endless expectations emerged from his heart.

Although the flesh and blood essence of the Valkyrie III Pinnacle peak did not complete the process of upgrading its blood-biting physique in the end, the diameter of the black hole suddenly doubled, but the power of traction reached the peak of Valkyrie Nine Pins, and the enveloped range extended directly to The whole Blood Mist Mountains.

The thick blood mist covering the whole mountain range, the endless beasts and the essence of the evil warriors, faced with the huge and unimaginable pure blood energy, Wu Zhengjun who has finally completed the blood-eating physique promotion, how will the cultivation and strength reach? Realm of it!

"Brother Yu, although the mountain in front of me is covered by thick blood mist, I ca n’t use the divine mind to check the conditions in the mountain, but my keen sense of sixth tells me that the mountain is absolutely hidden from the strength that is not inferior to my top. The strong one. "When Hao Ran was full of infinite expectations for Wu Zhengjun's ultimate achievements, he suddenly took out the breeze of the destiny sword, and reminded him with a solemn look.

"Yu Danshen, Brother Breeze is right, there are indeed some beasts and human strongmen who have cultivated and reached the pinnacle of Wushen Nine Pins in the Bloodmist Mountains!" The voice reminded by the breeze just dropped, his look The same dignified Zhong Limingjing adhered to the road.

"Brother Qingfeng, senior Mingjing, you can rest assured that I have been prepared for a long time."

With a smile, while Feng Qing and Zhong Liming Jing were at ease, Yu Haoran took out a delicate elixir, and then poured out three elixir with strong aroma from it.

In fact, when discussing with Wu Lingjun as the energy source for Wu Zhengjun's promotion of blood consuming constitution, he was already considering the dangers of the Blood Wushan.

Based on previous understandings of death swamps and endless forests, combined with the changes in the current world environment, he believes that in the Blood Mist Mountains, which are also among the top ten forbidden grounds, there must be hidden beasts and human powers with top strength.

Therefore, when he was promoted to the realm of Dan Dao Dan, he also took advantage of the situation to refine the sleep of the **** who had once targeted the poisonous source.

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