Destined Martial God

Chapter 1884: The Rise of the Qingqiu Fox

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The edge of the Blood Mist Mountains!

After hearing Zhong Limingjing's sigh, Yu Haoran suddenly felt a very strange feeling in her heart. She always felt that she had overlooked important details, but she couldn't remember it for a moment.

However, when the traction force formed by the black hole completely covered the Blood Mist Mountains, and devoured the thick blood mist, and the flesh essence of countless strange beasts and evil warriors, the quantitative changes caused qualitative changes, which eventually caused Wu Zhengjun's body to begin to expand rapidly. Hao Ran quickly dispelled the strange feeling that came out of her heart, and then looked nervously at Wu Zhengjun.

Because according to Ta Ling's account of blood phasing constitution, when the pure blood energy swallowed by Wu Zhengjun reaches the limit, he will forcibly change his physical body, his bones, his internal organs, his blood, his soul, and even eventually change him. Fate and luck.

And this change from the inside to the outside is the final juncture of blood-biting physique promotion, and it is also the most dangerous time. With a little careless consequences, Wu Zhengjun is likely to end in a dead body.

"Brother Yu, what's wrong with Zhengjun?"

Just when the promotion of blood-biting physique reached the most critical moment, Zhong Li Shuiqin, who ended his breakthrough, immediately rushed to the edge of the Blood Mist Mountains.

When she saw Wu Zhengjun, which was inflated like a balloon, she was very worried and asked.

"Girl hydrophone, don't be nervous, Zheng Jun is undergoing a process of metamorphosis at this time, as long as the special physique can finally ...!"

It was when Haoran turned and relieved Zhong Lishuiqin that there was a sudden explosion roaring through the clouds behind him.


Immediately shut up and turned around, Yu Haoran clenched his fists and looked over the mountain stream spring, a blood river formed after Wu Zhengjun exploded.

"Xiaojun ..." Zhongli Shuiqin, who saw Wu Zhengjun explode in advance, stunned for an unbelievable few seconds, and then screamed in a sigh of exhaustion.


Zhong Lishuiqin's screaming and exhausting cries made her emotionally nervous, Hao Ran, even more panicked, so that he couldn't continue to pay close attention to the blood river and the small changes in the blood river.

In desperation, he could only stun her when Zhong Lishuiqin was unprepared, and then sent her to Zhong Li Qingyang's hand.

"Taling, how's it going?"

Back to where he was just now, while Yu Haoran continued to pay attention to the changes in the Blood River, he also hurriedly asked the results of Taryn's observation.

"So far, everything is normal, and it is developing in a good direction." Ta Ling replied, always watching the changes in the blood river.

"Taling, what do I need now?"

After hearing Ta Ling's reply, Yu Haoran's nervousness eased a little, but he didn't want to just sit back and watch. He wanted to use his own ability to help Wu Zhengjun complete the promotion of blood-biting physique as soon as possible.

"Yu Haoran, you have already done what you need to do, and the rest can only be seen as the boy's own good fortune." Ta Ling shook his head and reminded.


In the southern region, in the Hengduan Mountains, in front of the deep pit!

Just when Wu Zhengjun used the method of incarnation of the blood river to launch a final impact on the promotion of blood-biting physiques, two women suddenly appeared in front of the ancient pits of the Hengduan Mountains that sealed the demons. Two had a temperament to confuse sentient beings. Coquettish woman.

"Siyan, ancestors, according to the calculations of Xuefeng ancestors, the seal of the ancient demons of the Zhoutian Star Array will be completely unsealed in a maximum of two to three days. Why don't we wait until the day of unsealing? Looking at the bottomless pit, one of the peerless women with a slightly inferior appearance and temperament asked with a look of doubt.

"As overlords who have ruled the ancient continent for hundreds of millions of years, these ancient demons who were sealed by Zhou Tianxing array not only have a more violent and addictive temperament, but also retain their own arrogance and ignorance in their bones."

The stunning woman with better looks and temperament had nine-colored explanations in her eyes, and interrogated.

"Wanru, after the seal of Zhou Tianxing array is broken, do you feel that those powerful demons and demons will obey the arrangements and orders of our Qingqiu Fox clan?"

"Certainly not!"

After thinking about it for a while, Su Wanru, who had had a conflict with Yu Haoran in the battle for Qianlong standings in the Southern Region, shook her head and replied.

"And, in turn, they will rule our Qingqiu fox tribe and all the strange beasts."

"So, I need to take advantage of the mysterious method to contact the sealed ancestors in advance when the seal of the Zhou Tianxing Formation appears to be loose, and to know some of the ancient demon tribe ’s development in advance, and then determine our Qingqiu Fox tribe ’s The final attitude of the demon tribe. "

After a brief reply, the peerless woman known as the ancestor of Siyan stepped forward to a flag that was about to be scrapped next to the deep pit, and then sat down with her knees bent.

First, from the independent space she opened up, she took out a banner that also exudes the power of strong stars and a green mysterious fox tail.

Secondly, she replaced the original seal of the deep pit with the banner that radiated the power of the stars, and then used a special secret method to extract a drop of golden blood from the cyan foxtail, and incorporated the golden blood into the banner. .

Finally, she closed her eyes slowly.

Su Wanru immediately sent out the thought of the three extremes of the halves of the gods, guarding against the movements in the entire traversing mountain range, to prevent anyone from disturbing the relationship and communication between the ancestors of Siyan and her ancestors.

The time for contact and conversation was not very long, and in less than ten minutes, the ancestor of Siyan who opened her eyes suddenly opened her eyes with a very surprised look.

"Siyan, ancestors, how is the situation of the ancestors?" Seeing Su Siyan, who ended the connection and communication, Su Wanru hurried forward and asked.

"Okay, good, totally better than you and I imagine!"

Su Siyan, who can hardly suppress her inner joy, said three words in succession, took a deep breath, and began to introduce the sealed ancestors in detail.

After hearing Su Siyan's introduction, Su Wanru's breathing gradually increased, and her eyes also expressed an unquenchable joy.

"Siyan, ancestors, is it that God is caring for our Qingqiu fox tribe, so that the three ancestors broke through the limit of the nine tails, and eventually advanced to the supreme state of supreme existence, and nine ancestors broke through the semi-robbery state . "

"Wanru, is God visiting our Qingqiu Fox clan? I do not know Su Siyan, but I know this is the time when Qingqiu Fox clan really rises and it is the best time to be able to rule Tianxuan Continent."

Su Siyan, who had reached the pinnacle of Divine Realm, quickly calmed down her inner joy, and began to formulate the next plan based on the information revealed by the ancestors in advance.

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