Destined Martial God

Chapter 1885: Transmutation

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The edge of the Blood Mist Mountains!

one day one Night!

The blood river floating above the stream has passed almost one day and one night without any change, as if it were an ordinary river.

If it was not for the blood in the blood river, there was no tendency to freeze, and the essence of life contained was not lost in the slightest. Yu Haoran even suspected that Wu Zhengjun had died in the self-detonation.

Fortunately, when his waiting patience reached the limit, and when he was planning to venture to use God's mind to check the condition of the blood river, the still blood river suddenly began to boil violently.

Along with the violent boiling of the blood of the river, a trace of liquid blood essence slowly lifted off, and then slowly gathered into a human in the air.

Although the human beings gathered by blood essences do not have completely clear features, but through the basic outline of the body shape, Yu Haoran also knows that the human beings reshaped by blood essences are Wu Zhengjun who is about to complete the promotion of blood phasing constitution.


Just as the blood essence began to condense Wu Zhengjun's body, the tower primate who knew the sea breathed a sigh of relief, and then explained in detail the reason why the blood river had just changed.

"The gradual remodeling of bones, blood vessels, meridians, internal organs, flesh and soul indicates that the promotion of blood-biting constitution has passed through the most dangerous process."

"Yu Haoran, the next step is the transformation of Zhengjun, a boy with a weathered dragon."


After hearing Ta Ling's reminders and introductions, Yu Haoran, who had been in a state of anxiety, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Later, he took out the memory jade Jane that was sorted and entered by Wu Zhengjun himself, and he also sorted out what happened in the last two days, and then entered a brand new jade Jane.

The promotion of blood-biting constitution is actually to break up everything and reshape a brand new Wu Zhengjun.

The reshaped soul, just like a newborn baby, is a blank piece of paper without any consciousness or memory.

Therefore, when Wu Zhengjun's soul is completely shaped, he needs to lose all his memories of his life to his soul.

In this way, he can not only change him back to the previous Wu Zhengjun, but also retain his previous spiritual insights.

The blood gore supreme in ancient times, before the bloodthirsty constitution had not been promoted to **** constitution, was a person with a cheerful personality, likes to help others, and behaved brightly.

The soul that was reshaped when he was promoted to bloodthirsty physique was affected by the physique and the environment when he could not get the previous memory inheritance, and eventually became a cruel, blood-thirsty, big devil. Siege.

"Yu Haoran, enter the memory immediately!"

When the human essences condensed in the essence of blood showed Wu Zhengjun's appearance thoroughly, the towering spirit in the sea knew immediately.

After hearing the instructions of Ta Ling, Yu Haoran directly crushed the two jade bamboo slips without hesitation, and then used the two gray energies formed by divine enveloping memory to forcibly penetrate into the soul just shaped by Wu Zhengjun.

"Yu Haoran prepared the spirit stone above the fourth order, the spirit veins of the fifth-order top grade, and the elixir used to enhance the cultivation of the third-order and above, and assisted Wu Zhengjun to completely realize the transformation of the dragon." While in the soul, Taling continued to command.

Ten thousand first-order first-order to nine-grade spirit stones, one thousand third-order first-order to nine-grade spirit stones, one hundred second-order first-order to nine-grade spirit stones.

Three fifth-order superior pulses, one fourth-order lower pulse.

Thirty-six third-order nine-pin zengqi dan, eighteen second-order nine-pin yangdandan, and nine first-order one-pin Qianyuan forged dan.

This is Yu Haoran, after hearing Ta Ling's order, withdrawing the practice resources prepared in advance from the storage ring.

Since the reshaped soul is a blank piece of paper without any memory, the reshaped body is also an ordinary person without any practice.

Therefore, the spirit stones, veins and elixir just taken out are all resources to assist Wu Zhengjun in recultivation.

"Brother Yu, is Xiaojun completely safe now?"

Not because Yu Haoran stunned himself, Zhong Lishuiqin had the slightest dissatisfaction and resentment inside.

After Zhong Limingjing's detailed explanation for the promotion of blood-biting physique, she returned to Yu Haoran's body, and then accompanied him quietly to watch the changes in Blood River.

When Wu Zhengjun's body was condensed in the blood essence in the blood river, she remained quiet and did not speak.

When Yu Haoran took out the two jade slips from her memory, she kept quiet without disturbing each other.

But when Yu Haoran took out a lot of resources for her practice, her strong desire for knowledge kept emerging, which eventually prevented her from keeping quiet and asking.


While nodding to confirm, Yu Haoran explained with a happy smile on his face.

"Breaking the body and physique of the original body and reshaping the perfect body and physique is the most dangerous place in the promotion process of blood-biting physique. If you are a little bit embarrassed, you will be destroyed and the bones will not exist."

"Now, the physical body and soul of Zhengjun have been successfully formed. The next step is to completely reincarnate and regenerate with the help of the reshaped physical body and soul.

"Brother Yu, I don't know what kind of transformation can be achieved by rebuilding the small army with perfect body and physique?"

After hearing Yu Haoran's explanation, Zhong Lishuiqin was really glad for Wu Zhengjun, but he couldn't help worrying.

Because Wu Zhengjun was able to accept her and only loved her, in addition to not knowing the personality of the girl who liked the girl, it was also because she could rely on her powerful strength and the shock of the hidden family behind her. Wu Zhengjun can also prevent him from falling in love with other women.

However, if Wu Zhengjun promotes his blood-thirsty physique to advance, and has the cultivation and strength he has, to get rid of her repression and ignore the family's deterrence, then he will like and accept other women in the future, but she has no way.

"The reshaped body and physique will allow Zhengjun to directly break through the immortal Wushen realm and possess the supreme realm that impacts supreme existence in a short time."

"In the future, the main army will be a protagonist in the calamity of heaven and earth, and a strong man who cannot be ignored."

Yu Haoran's truthful reply made Zhong Li Shuiqin's mood suddenly complicated.

At this time, she hoped that Wu Zhengjun could successfully complete the transformation.

At this moment, how much she hoped that Wu Zhengjun could make some mistakes in the process of transformation, so that she would not be in a situation beyond her control.

But regardless of Zhong Li Shuiqin's inner thoughts, Wu Zhengjun, who successfully integrated the memory heritage, slowly opened his eyes, kneeled in the air with both knees, and then rubbed three heads at Yu Haoran.

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