Destined Martial God

Chapter 1899: Anti-Sky Power

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The edge of the Blood Mist Mountains!

"Booming ...!"

It was because Hao Ran thought about what San Mi Ling would ultimately choose, and there was a sudden thunderous sound behind him like a tsunami.

After shaking his head vigorously to dispel the thoughts in his mind, when he turned to look at the source of the violent rumbling, he found that in the dark clouds above the mountains, countless milky energy was washed down like a waterfall, and finally all fell into the blood sea of ​​Wu Zhengjun's incarnation.

When looking at the milky white energy of God's Calamity and Thunder Penalty Reward, both in quantity and quality, far surpassed the second Thunder Calamity reward he had encountered, Yu Haoran's eyes showed a look of envy and expectation.

Envious of Wu Zhengjun's ability to rely on the reward of God ’s Thunder and Lightning Penalty, he can completely realize his transformation and strength transformation, while at the same time looking forward to his own God ’s Thunder and Lightning Penalty.

"Yu Haoran, I just checked the rule power of the seal just now and found that the original energy contained in the five rule powers can not only make you aware of the dual laws of life and death, but also promote the realization of mysticism, and also cooperate with the void fruit to enhance your perception. The power of the law of nothing, the power of the law of the west, the power of the law of the north, the power of the laws of both sides. "

Just when he was envious and looking forward to the reward of God's thunder and lightning punishment received by Wu Zhengjun, the voice of Ta Ling's excitement reminded suddenly in the sea of ​​knowledge.

"Really!" After hearing Ta Ling's reminder, the look of envy and anticipation in his eyes was instantly replaced by surprise, Yu Haoran asked with great excitement.


While nodding to confirm, Taling continued to add excitement further.

"Also, as long as you can successfully perceive the power of the twelve auxiliary laws, then with the pure space energy contained in the space spar, and the guidance of my purple spirit, you can try to hit the third force of thousands of laws. The law of space. "

Ta Ling further added the space law mentioned in the above, which made Yu Haoran feel ecstatic, while holding his fists firmly, his breathing gradually increased.

The law of space not only possesses the world's first-rate instantaneous movement, but also the means of attack by law such as space cutting and space smashing. The quality and power are not lost to the supreme level of martial arts.

If you can successfully perceive and control the power of space law, and further promote to the mystery of space law.

Even the San Mi Ling finally chose to carefully cultivate the false Destiny's son, and chose to be his enemy.

Then, he can also use the law of space to protect his loved ones and fight back fiercely.

"Talling, Brother Black Mouse, thank you!"

It was because of the selfless actions of the murderous spirit rat and tower spirit that he gained such an opportunistic opportunity, so no matter how emotional he was, Yu Haoran did not forget to thank the other person.

"Master, this is what I should do." Facing Haoran's gratitude, the savage rat quickly explained.

However, judging from his narrow eyes, he still cares about Hao Ran's attitude.

"Brother Yu, what's the matter with you?" Returning to the breeze on the edge of the mountain, when he felt the violent mood in Yu Haoran's body, he could not help but frowned slightly, questioning.

"Brother Qingfeng, I'm fine."

Taking a deep breath for three full breaths can be regarded as reluctantly calming the ecstatic mood.

After shaking his head to the breeze, Yu Haoran used his thoughts to inform the 81 elite soldiers on the edge of the mountain, and ordered them to immediately return to Fengrun City while removing Jiugong Jiuqu Xuansha array.

Subsequently, while watching the sea of ​​blood devouring the reward of God's thunder and punishment, he continued to consolidate the state after the breakthrough.

Half an hour!

The dark clouds of milky white energy washed down like a waterfall lasted for almost half an hour, then gradually began to weaken, and eventually disappeared completely.

"Break me!"

And at the moment when the reward of God ’s thunder and lightning punishment was over, Wu Zhengjun suddenly burst into arrogant applause in the sea of ​​blood.

Along with the arrogant applause, a horror momentum that directly shattered the void, while rapidly climbing from the sea of ​​blood, directly dissipated the dark clouds gathered above the mountains, and continued to climb upwards.

"The initial repairs of Valkyrie Shipin!"

Watching the horrifying momentum rising to the sky, Zhong Limingjing, who was back to the edge of the mountain, also showed a look of utter shock and envy.

After all, Wu Zhengjun's cultivation before the impact on the realm of Wu Shen was just breaking through the early period of Wu Di Sipin.

With the dual promotion of special constitution and realm, to achieve a breakthrough in a whole realm, anyone who sees this situation will probably be envious and jealous.

When the rising momentum in the sea of ​​blood reached its peak and gradually began to fall, while Yu Haoran stepped towards the sea of ​​blood, he beckoned to signal Zhong Li to come over.


When the momentum of realm breakthrough completely disappeared, Wu Zhengjun had no time to consolidate the realm of breakthrough, immediately put away the secret method of incarnation, and then respectfully saluted Hao Ran.

Nodded to Wu Zhengjun, Yu Haoran quickly condensed nine imprints with his ten fingers, and then used thoughts to control five imprints into Wu Zhengjun's body, and four imprints into Zhong Lishuiqin's body.

"Hmm ...!"

"Hmm ...!"

After the nine imprints were incorporated into the bodies of Wu Zhengjun and Zhong Lishuiqin, the pure dragon phoenix phoenix sounded from them.

Accompanied by the sound of pure dragon phoenix and phoenix, a mini version of purple Shenlong and purple Shenfeng rushed out from the positions of Wu Zhengjun and Zhongli Shuiqin.

Later, as the Purple Dragon and Purple Dragon rose to the sky, their bodies began to grow rapidly.

When the Purple Dragon and Purple Dragon rushed to a height of 1,314 meters, their bodies had recovered to 9,999 meters.

Looking up at the purple dragon and purple dragon entwined in the air, Yu Haoran took a deep breath, and the ten fingers continued to condense the nineteen marks, and then he controlled the eighteen marks into the dragon and the phoenix with his mind.



At the moment when the eighteen marks were incorporated into the purple dragon and purple dragon, respectively, after the dragons and dragons roared, they began to embrace and entangle with each other, and the numerous purple gases that appeared out of nowhere began to surround them.


After the purple gas completely envelops the purple dragon and purple dragon, Yu Haoran used his thoughts to control the remaining imprint into the purple gas, and drank softly.

Subsequently, the purple gas quickly gathered and solidified, and eventually became a contract for marriage.

After reaching out to recall the contract book floating in the air, and then using ideas to add the names of three distinguished guests to the contract book, Yu Haoran turned his head and looked at Zhong Limingjing and Zhong Liqingyang.

Faced with Hao Ran's gaze, Zhong Liming Jing and Zhong Li Qingyang communicated through divine thoughts. After the final opinions reached agreement, Zhong Limingjing nodded in response.

"Yu Danshen, let's go!"

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