Destined Martial God

Chapter 1900: Transformation of returning ancestors

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Void in the Blood Mist Mountains!

After obtaining Zhongli Mingjing's nod consent, Yu Haoran instructed Wu Zhengjun and Zhong Lishuiqin to extract a part of the god's thoughts and soul power into the contract, and then threw the contract into the air.


When the thrown contract reached a height of 1,314 meters, it suddenly broke into 36 invitations with purple light, and each invitation clearly showed a force on it, or Origin and name of a strong man.

Then, thirty-six purple invitations flew in all directions to Tianxuan continent at the speed of time and space.

After the 36 invitations disappeared without a trace, Yu Haoran retracted his attention, and then walked towards Zhong Liming Jing and Zhong Li Qingyang.

After Wu Zhengjun and Zhong Lishuiqin glanced at each other, they quickly followed each other hand in hand.

"Predecessor Mingjing, patriarch Qingyang, since the marriage contract between Zhengjun and Shuiqin girl has been concluded, and the invitation to marry has been sent, then the mission of the younger generation can be considered to be over, so the younger generation leaves first!"

Whether it is the rule power that can assist the promotion of the law and mystery, or the seven-tenths of the first-order inferiority veins, they are all anti-sky treasures that can quickly promote cultivation and strength.

However, if you want to use these two treasures to turn into cultivation and strength, you need to meditate and retreat, so Yu Haoran doesn't want to continue the delay, and wants to return to the horse house as soon as possible.

"Yu Danshen, don't worry!"

Facing Hao Ran's resignation, Zhong Limingjing shook his head and smiled.

"According to the custom of engagement in Tianxuan mainland, the woman who accepted the gift from the man's marriage proposal should give back a part of the gift to the man, so Yu Danshen will return to Luoxia Lake temporarily with Mingjing!"


Although I want to return to Fengrun City with my heart in my heart, considering the tension that has just eased with the Zhongli family, it would be very rude to leave, but it would also affect the close cooperation between each other.

At the same time, thinking of Zhongli's long-standing heritage and the mystery of the ancestors' everlasting supremacy, Yu Haoran was looking forward to the gift from the other party.

Therefore, he did not hesitate too much and nodded in agreement.


Just when Haoran nodded to accept Zhong Limingjing's invitation, the gibbons that were moved to the edge of the mountain suddenly roared to the sky.

Along with the roaring sound of thunder, the trunk of the gibbons started to grow rapidly, and a thick evil spirit emerged from the body that even the breeze and Zhong Limingjing could not approach.

"Yu Haoran, this is the transformation of blood and physique back to the ancestors!"

The towering spirit, who was clearing the three-dead spirit with the slaying squirrel in the regular power, was also shocked by the roar of the telescopic ape through the clouds.

As he watched the gibbons that soon exceeded 10,000 meters in height, watching the gibbons' black hairs gradually replaced by purple hairs, he reminded him with a look of surprise.

"Talling, through the blood veins and physical transformation of the ancestor, can the gibbons be completely transformed into gibbons?" Ta Ling reminded Yu Haoran to immediately think of the blood veins of the gibbons, and he was full of expectations Asked.


As he nodded to confirm, Taling's eyes also explained the expectation.

"As long as there are no articulated apes in the world, articulated apes with more than half of their ancestors' blood will eventually successfully transform into articulated apes and possess the supreme strength of the highest level."

The interpretation of the towering spirit made Yu Haoran immediately think of the introduction of the ancient four spirit monkeys in the heritage memory of the Destiny Stone Stele. He knew that the spirits born like this have unique characteristics.

Therefore, immediately mobilize Shennian to collect the black hair that fell on the gibbons, and a bit of evil spirit in the process of metamorphosis, and then use the calculation of the master of the peak of the path to start to calculate whether there are still gibbons in the world.

The result of the final calculation made Yu Haoran very satisfied.

Because on the Tianxuan continent, not only does the gibbons exist, but even the number of offspring who pass on the bloodlines of the gibbons is very rare.

This also fully proves that the gibbons have a great chance that they can eventually transform into the gibbons that possess the sun and the moon, shrink thousands of mountains, discern blame, Qiankun Molong.

Since the result of the calculation was very successful and satisfactory, Yu Haoran no longer worried about the metamorphosis of the gibbons.

After shattering the black hair in his hand and dispersing to collect the evil spirits of the gibbons, when he was about to end the calculation of numerology, he suddenly thought of promising Taling's promise to find the mark of chaos.

Considering that it takes a certain time for the metamorphosis of the gibbons to return to their ancestors, and the environment at the scene is not suitable for cultivation, Yu Haoran thought that anyway, idle is also idle, it is better to take this opportunity to calculate the whereabouts of the remaining chaotic marks.

Collect a breath of chaotic imprints from the spirit, and then use the numerological deduction of Fuxi's gossip chart to start the estimation of the remaining thirty-four chaotic imprints.

But when the technique of numerology inference just started to drive, the rapid increase in the breath of Chaos Mark made him unable to bear it for a moment.

Later, combined with the successful calculation of the breath change of the first Chaos Mark, Yu Haoran quickly realized that the Blood Mist Mountains under his feet not only concealed the chaotic mark that the spirit of the Tower was chasing, but the number was far more than one.

Continue to maintain the change of the breath of Chaos Mark, Yu Haoran looked up and told the breeze and Zhong Limingjing.

"Brother Qingfeng, Mingjing senior, please trouble me for the first time for the gibbons seniors. I have a very important private matter to deal with immediately."


"no problem!"

Qingfeng and Zhong Limingjing nodded in agreement at the same time.

According to the breath change guidelines of the Mark of Chaos, Yu Haoran turned and went straight to the depths of the Blood Mist Mountains.

"Yu Haoran, what are you doing?" Ta Ling inquired.

Although the blood veins and physical transformation of the Gibbon's return to ancestors could not give him any inspiration, as an object worth trying to attract, Yu Haoran left at the crucial moment of the other's transformation. I am afraid that the Gibbon would feel very afterwards Disappointment is more likely to affect close cooperation between each other.

"Ta Ling, I just used the numerology of Fuxi Bagua diagram to calculate that there are at least two or more chaotic imprints hidden in the Bleeding Mist Mountains." As he accelerated towards the depths of the mountains, Yu Haoran explained casually.

"Yu Haoran, what did you just say?" The towering spirit of the spirit and body trembled suddenly, and asked with an incredible look in his eyes.

"Ta Ling, I said just now that at least two chaotic marks are hidden in the Blood Mist Mountains." The reason for Ta Ling's emotional out of control can be understood, so Yu Haoran explained it again.

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