Destined Martial God

Chapter 1907: Advent

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Zhongli family, in the hall!

At the beginning of the Qinglian Cave Mansion in the depths of the Qinling Mountains, when facing the friend Qinglianzhen Banner at the beginning of the heaven and earth, Taling once introduced him the grade and power of the Innate Lingbao Five Elements Banner in detail.

A single banner has the defensive power of the top quality in the divine realm.

If the two battle flags are united together, the defense power will reach the peak of the **** state, the defense power of the three battle flags will reach the highest quality, and the defense power of the four battle flags will reach the supreme quality.

When the five five-element flags are united together, not only the defensive power formed can reach the supreme top quality, but also an independent space for strangling opponents.

More importantly, the defense power of the supreme top grade is achieved by the innate Five Elements Banner without losing its spirit.

If all five array flags can give birth to unique instrumental spirits, then the combined defense will reach the extreme peak, which is comparable to the horrible defense of Chaos Clock and the space-time tower.

"That's right, it's the Xuanyuan Control Water Array Flag in the Innate Lingbao Five Elements Array Banner."

While nodding to confirm, Zhong Limingjing looked at Yu Haoran's gaze, showing a hint of envy.

Because Zhong Lishui Ze, the heir of the family who participated in the Zhenyuan cemetery expedition, used the secret method of water mirror to restore the picture of Yu Haoran's ferocity at that time, which clearly showed the Qinglian sapphire flag array, off-ground flame light array flag, and plain cloud Circle flag.

As long as he finds the last Wuxingxing Banner, he can get together the innate Five Elements Banner with the strongest defense, thus being invincible in the treatment of the three destroyers and Yuxu Palace.

"Mingjing, thank you!"

After folding up the Xuanyuan Controlled Water Array flag on the jade plate, Yu Haoran arched and thanked, while his heart rose a little helplessly.

Whether it is the first-order third-grade gold grass for Lu Yuan, the demon stone of the red hated beast and the gibbous ape, Yu Siqi's relic rosary, the breeze of the Jiulong Shenhuo, or the first-order first-grade purple heart broken magic dan for you , First-order and first-grade Yuling Ronghun Dan and Xuanyuan Control Fire Banner.

The value of Zhong Liming's gift of seven treasures has far exceeded the nine gifts he prepared for his relatives, which makes him feel forced to take advantage.

Yu Haoran's helplessness at this time was exactly what Zhong Limingjing hoped to achieve, so while secretly proud of himself, he turned his head and nodded to the last peerless woman holding a jade plate.

"Predecessor Mingjing, what is this?" When looking at a delicate jade pendant with a beautifully carved beauty on the jade plate held by the ninth peerless beauty, Yu Haoran was in a state of horror, and immediately asked with vigilance.

In this regard, Zhong Limingjing just took out the jade pendant with a smile and said nothing, then mobilized a trace of divine power and soul force into the jade pendant.

Immediately afterwards, there were sounds of falling objects and shattering of items in the hall.

"Bang, bang, slap, slap!"

With the sound of falling and smashing objects, nine peerless beauties like water were turned into a white light into the jade pendant.

"Yu Danshen, the nine flesh owls with peerless looks are the ninth gift that Mingjing gives you."

Passing Yu Pei, who is part of the nine peerless beauties, to Yu Haoran, Zhong Liming said with a smile.

"These nine peerless meat crickets can not only take care of your life in an all-round way, but also form a Jiu Gong Jiu Yi lore array of the lower ranks of the gods, to resist and kill your opponents below the peak of the Wushen Qipin."

"Mingjing, thank you!"

Facing the nine seemingly enjoyable flesh, Yu Haoran bowed the jade pendant without saying a hesitation and thankfully, which made Zhong Li sitting on a wide chair flash a look of disappointment.

However, Zhong Li Qingyang himself did not know the disappointment just now. Is it that Yu Haoran was disappointed to have fun, or was disappointed that he could not get nine peerless meat dumplings.

Regardless of the eight important gifts just accepted, or the regular power and five innate spar harvested by the Blood Mist Mountain, they need to be cultivated to transform into their own cultivation and strength.

Therefore, when Yu Haoran, who did not want to continue the delay, was slightly rude and wanted to leave, the palace where the parliament hall was located was suddenly shaken.

With the violent shaking of the palace, there was a continuous roar of noise outside the hall.

"Yu Haoran, the Zhoutian Star Seal Array that traverses the mountains, and the Sun and Moon Star Seal Array of the Ancient God Trial Field and the Demon Secret Realm were simultaneously broken. The ancient demons and ancient gods and demons were completely born!" At the scene, when everyone was confused about the sudden roar, the voice of Taling's interpretation immediately sounded in the sea space.

After all, Taling left the mind-mapping method in the three seal formations at the beginning, and was able to feel the changes of the seal formations for the first time.

Therefore, even if he is now immersed in the fusion of Chaos Mark and Ruyi Bell, the change of the seal array method can shock him at the first time.

"Predecessors Mingjing, Qingyang patriarch, ancient demons and ancient gods and demons have returned to the Tianxuan continent!" After being reminded by Ta Ling, Yu Haoran flashed out of the conference hall, facing Zhong Liming Jing and Zhong Liqing Yang reminded.

Zhong Limingjing and Zhong Liqingyang with shocked expressions rushed out without hesitation.

The Luoxia Lake where Zhongli's family is located is about 1.7 million kilometers away from Xianyang City and Hengduan Mountains in the southern region, far beyond the scope covered by his deities.

Therefore, Yu Haoran, who rushed out of the congress hall quickly, immediately approached the southern region by tearing the void without stopping.

Although the range extended by Zhongli Mingjing and Qingfeng Shennian was barely able to reach Xianyang City and Hengduan Mountains in the southern region, the safety of Hao Ran was the most important, so they also used the method of tearing the void to catch up. .

After breaking through the void seven times, he reached the summit of a 10,000-meter mountain peak less than a thousand miles away from the southern region. After Yu Haoran stopped his approach, he immediately mobilized God's thoughts to take the lead to check the condition of Hengduan Mountains.

When the divine thought could only reach the edge of the Hengduan Mountains because of too strong evil spirit and murderous power, it was reflected in the divine thought.

At this point, the entire Hengduan Mountains was standing, crawling, or flying countless monsters of all kinds.

At this moment, the emptiness above the Hengduan Mountains was shattered by the terror and evil spirits emerging from the mountains. It was constantly washed away by time and space, but was forcibly devoured by some powerful special monsters.

Although I really want to find out how ancient the ancient demons that have escaped from the seal possessed, how powerful they are, and the number of top powerful men, but the danger that God ’s mind was almost destroyed just after crossing the edge of the mountain range, and finally made Hao Ran cautious. Dive into Hengduan Mountains without risk.

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