Destined Martial God

Chapter 1908: Powerful Chaos Aura

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Southern domain!

After the Shennian quietly walked away from the Hengduan Mountains, Yu Haoran re-mobilized the Shennian to the ancient city of Xianyang.

At this point, the entire city of Xianyang has been completely shrouded in rich and holy milky light.

At this moment, Xianyang City, which had been evacuated for a long time, is full of ancient gods with extraordinary appearance, handsomeness and grandeur.

The horrible atmosphere from the imperial palace of Xianyang City made Yu Haoran enter the city for inspection without taking a risk, and after quietly away from Xianyang City, the divine thought went straight to the sealed magic secret thousands of miles away.

The valley in front of the mysterious realm is exactly the same as Xianyang City, completely covered by the rich and evil black light, and at the entrance to the secret realm, there are several evil and powerful horrors.

According to the breath and turbulence emitted by Breeze when he broke through the hall, Yu Haoran knew that the powerful masters in Xianyang City and the valley were all powerful terrorists who possessed the semi-robbery state.

After instantly retrieving the thoughts he viewed, Yu Haoran used his consciousness to talk with the savage spirit rat that lived in his heart.

"Brother Black Mouse, can you use the Destiny Stone Tablet to find out the true details of the ancient demons and ancient demons? Have the specific numbers of the semi-robbers and supreme powers?"

"Master, I'm afraid not now!"

The desperate squirrel shook his head and explained.

"Before my cultivation was not promoted to the supreme realm, it was impossible to use the secret destiny to collect information about the semi-robbers of the supreme and supreme realm, nor was it possible to use the destiny stele to manipulate the destiny of these powerful men."

After hearing the explanation of the desperate spirit rat, Yu Haoran had a deep disappointment in his heart, and he looked up and continued to pay attention to the direction of the southern region. He looked forward to the ancient demons and the ancient gods and demons as he and Taling planned. In that way, because of the hatred of life and death accumulated in ancient times, endless battles broke out, and eventually ended in defeat.

But unfortunately.

After waiting for almost three hours, the ancient demons and ancient demons did not have any conflicts. Instead, they stayed quietly in a place out of difficulty. A picture of a camp ready to camp for a long time. Looks like this, letting Hao Ran know that his plan with Ta Ling is probably unsuccessful.

Because the ancient gods and demons that have experienced painful lessons, before the hidden dangers that can threaten the ethnic group are completely eliminated, I am afraid that there will not be a more intense conflict.

And there is the Qingling Fox clan who fears that the world is not chaotic, and is famous for its schemes. I am afraid that the ancient demon clan will not rashly launch a war in a short time.

Ancient monsters and ancient demon soldiers will not move, it will be an unpredictable disaster for the billions of lives of the Tianxuan continent.

But for Yu Haoran, it was the best time for him to use this time to accumulate strength.

After all, with the help of regular forces and congenital spar, he can achieve cultivation and strength transformation in a short time. At the same time, relatives and friends around him can also use it to impact the immortal realm of Valkyrie.

Thinking of this, Yu Haoran turned to Zhongli Mingjing and Zhongli Qingyang, who followed, said goodbye.

"Mingjing's predecessor, the Qingyang patriarch, it seems that the ancient demons and the ancient gods and demons should not harm the Tianxuan continent in a short period of time, so the juniors plan to return to the mansion for repair for a while."

"Okay! It just happens that we also need to make some preparations in advance to guard against the attacks of the ancient demons and the ancient gods and demons." Understanding Yu Haoran's eagerness to improve the cultivation and strength, Zhong Liming nodded and replied.


In the horse house!

After handing over Jade Pei, who was able to control nine stunning meat loaves, to Qin Lingfei, Yu Haoran returned directly to the practice room in his courtyard.

Consciously informed the second avatar in the domain tower, allowing him to use the five congenital crystals and the first-order subordinate spirit veins to arrange the chaos aura array, while Yu Haoran was sitting in the corner of the practice room with a bent knee. , While using the first-order and first-order purple heart to break the soul Dan, restore the potential potential of overdraft, while fully adjusting his emotions and state.

The matrix method capable of transforming Chaos Aura is not complicated. It only takes less than ten minutes and the second avatar has been successfully arranged.

After getting up to signal the second avatar to return to the domain tower, Yu Haoran looked at the gray air mass condensed from the front array, with a look of expectation in his eyes.

Take a deep breath, use the method to open a gap in the formation, and then step into the gray air mass condensed by the formation.

But when the right leg had just stepped into the gray air mass, an unimaginable horror pressure made him immediately feel that the meridians of his right leg were almost broken and the bones were almost crushed.

Fortunately, the damage and pain caused by the horror pressure is still within his tolerance and tolerance, so he gritted his teeth and stepped out of his left leg to enter the formation.

Under the pressure of the horror pressure on the physical body and the soul, Yu Haoran sat down with his knees bent, and then began to run the destiny mental method to attract the formation. The color showed a light gray chaotic aura.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

After only absorbing a few light gray chaotic auras, four deep dark thunder sounded in his body.

Along with the four low-level thunder, the mental state of Wushen has just been promoted, physical grade, divine power and soul power, reaching the peak of the first grade of Wushen in an instant, and all of them are promoted to the early stage of the second grade of Wushen simultaneously.

According to the detailed description of Chaos Reiki by the Destiny Stone Tablet, although Yu Haoran knew that Chaos Reiki was the most suitable energy to enhance his realm and strength, he never expected that the effect of Chaos Reiki's promotion would be so bad.

This made him feel ecstatic, and at the same time he was full of confidence in resolving the crisis between the ancient demons and the ancient gods and demons.

Even the three extinct spirits who can manipulate the heavenly consciousness also have the confidence to face it frankly.

After shaking his head vigorously to dispel the thoughts emerging from his mind, Yu Haoran was fully absorbed in the practice.

And his own cultivation and strength, just like sitting on a rocket, began to make rapid progress.


The news of the sudden emergence of the ancient demons and the ancient gods and demons spread quickly across the corners of the Tianxuan continent at lightning speed.

For ordinary forces and meditations, this news is as scary as the end of the world. In order to be able to escape the savage ancient demons and ancient demons, countless ordinary forces and meditation warriors, or collectively take refuge in top forces Or take the family with a mouth to find the remote mountain old forest to avoid the world.

As for the top forces and the Sanxiu strong, the early birth of the ancient demons and the ancient gods and demons also caught them by surprise, which made them change their original plans while also knowing the Tianxuan mainland. Real turmoil has arrived.

Therefore, dozens of ancestors of the top forces have begun to use secrets to summon the semi-robbers and supreme ancestors in the endless void.

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