Destined Martial God

Chapter 1909: Ancient Hades

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When all the creatures in the Tianxuan Continent turned their attention to the ancient demons and ancient gods born in the Southern Region, no one noticed a strong tornado in the center of a desolate desert at the junction of the Southern Region and the Western Region.

With the tornadoes that rolled up countless fine sand, one with dorsal wings, four eyes and four pupils, the beautiful and strange creatures flew out of the tornado one after another.

The appearance of tornadoes is not very long, that is, less than half an hour, but the number of strange creatures emerging from tornadoes has reached a staggering 100,000.

The moment the tornado completely disappeared, the void in the center of the desert was suddenly forcibly torn.

Then, out of the torn void, an old man in a blue robe and a child holding a black puppy were walking out.

After seeing the child holding the black puppy, the 100,000 strange creature immediately kneeled on both knees, saluting respectfully.

"Have seen His Royal Highness!"

He walked to the old man in the Tsing Yi robe, and was called the prince's child. He looked indifferently at the hundred thousand subordinates and said indifferently.

"Let's all get up!"

"Thank the Prince!" Said the 100,000 Hades strong man quickly.

"Subordinate Buffel, I have seen His Highness Hao Hao!" After the 100,000 Haotou strongs all got up, a middle-aged Haotou strong exuded with horror appeared in front of a child called the prince. See you again with your fists.

"General Ba, how is my father Huang recently?" Stroking the black puppy's silky hair with one hand, Wu Hao asked indifferently.

"His Royal Highness Emperor Plutonium is still asleep in the Holy Land, but according to the calculations of several magistrates, in a short period of three months and a long period of six months, Her Majesty the Pluto will wake up from her sleep, and Leading hundreds of millions of Hades army to the Tianxuan continent, reappearing the glory of our Hades ancient times. "Buffel replied with respect and excitement.

Wu Hao, holding the black puppy, nodded, and continued to ask indifferently.

"General Bar, how are my brothers and sisters doing?"

However, when referring to the four words of brother and sister, Xun Hao's eyes flashed a bit of hatred and murderousness.

"The five princes of Sheshan, Shejing, Shechu, Qiliang and Yiliang died in the alchemy three years ago."

Ignoring the hatred and murderousness that flashed through Hao Hao's eyes, Buffalo answered truthfully.

"The six princesses Qiu Yun, Qiu Hui, Qiu Lan, Qiu Fei, Qiushui and Qiu Yu are missing two years ago."

"It's exactly what I expected."

Hearing that five brothers and six sisters had an accident, Xun Hao not only did not have the slightest sorrow, but a happy smile appeared on his face.

Afterwards, he put a smile on his face, and regained his indifference, commanding to the one-hundred-strong Hades in front of him.

"Just two days ago, the ancient demons and the ancient gods and demons broke the seal at the same time and came to the Tianxuan continent. Until the exact whereabouts of the destiny's son and the destiny stone tablet are determined, we had better not have any conflict with these three races . "

"So, your next task is to set up camp in situ and destroy all living beings in this desert, so as not to expose the news that we are coming to Tianxuan Continent."

"Get orders!"

After receiving the order from the 100,000 Hades, the 50,000 warriors, demigods, and warriors in the realm of the 50,000 warriors were immediately separated and began to kill all living beings in all directions. The remaining 50,000 warriors and warriors were used to carry Carrying materials, the luxurious palaces and defenses started to be built in situ.

"General Ba, put away God Wings and God Pupils, followed me to the Eastern Realm to find the whereabouts of the destiny's son and the destiny stone tablet." Looking at the well-trained 100,000 Ning strong, Wu Hao nodded with satisfaction, then turned around. Step back into the void that hadn't been restored, and commanded Buffel.

"Subordinates obey!"

After his fist was heard, Buffel took out a token engraved with a **** **** dog, handed it to another half-robber general, and stepped into the void.


Inside the deliberative hall in Yuxu Palace, Tiangong Palace!

Sitting on the dragon chair in the main hall of the hall, looking at the clan patriarchs and denominations sitting on the wide chairs on both sides of the hall, a look of annoyance appeared in his eyes.

With the identity of the son of destiny and the strong support of the three devil spirits, it took almost five days to integrate the countless forces who reported in compliance with the convening order, and used the means of entitlement to completely conquer the leaders of these forces .

According to the original plan, his next step was to lead the army to fight the four guardian families to formally determine the supremacy of Yuxu Palace and consolidate his reputation as the first person in the Tianxuan continent.

But what he never expected was that the ancient demons and the ancient gods and demons would be born early, which had a great impact on his next battle plan.

Because the order of the three extinct spirits not only did not let him control the ancient demons and ancient demons, but he had to send troops to attack the residences of the four guardian families according to the original plan and time.

But in front of these inherited clan patriarchs and denominations, in the face of the potential threats of the ancient demons and ancient demons, they not only refused to send orders to attack the four guardian families, but strongly demanded that they join forces with the four guardian families. The siege of the ancient demons and the ancient gods, which engulfed Ji Xing into a dilemma.

If you obey the orders of the Three Extinct Spirits, then the alliance that has been hard to establish will probably fail.

But if they obey the suggestions of the clan patriarchs and denominations, the forces will offend the three extinct spirits who can manipulate the heavenly consciousness, thus losing their shelter and support.

"Master Ji, if you do not agree to join forces with the four guardian families to encircle the ancient demons and ancient gods and demons, then our Lan family will immediately withdraw from the alliance and give up the position of elder." When making a choice, Lan Junhao, the new head of the Lan family on the first seat on the right side of the hall, threatened with strong dissatisfaction in his eyes.

"The patriarch Blue is right, our Sima family also made the same request." Just as the threat of Lan Junhao's voice had just dropped, Sima Kai'an from the medieval inheritance family immediately responded.

"My Liu Yunzong agreed with the request of the Patriarchs of the Blue and Sima." Immediately afterwards, Huang Jianzhang, the ruler of the Liuyun Sect from one of the top seven denominations, also agreed.

"I agree with ..."

"My Zhao family ...!"


With the leadership of the Lan clan patriarch Lan Junhao, the family patriarchs and denominations on the wide chairs on both sides of the hall began to threaten, which made Ji Xing's face gloomy and watery, and at the same time he felt a sense of overwhelming Panic.

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