Destined Martial God

Chapter 1910: Kill a hundred

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Yuxu Palace, in the meeting hall of Tiangong Palace!

"Who wants to leave Sky Alliance?"

Just when Ji Xing didn't know how to deal with the threat from the crowd at the scene, an indifferent voice suddenly sounded in the entire hall.

The moment he heard the voice of indifference like ice questioning, Ji Xing immediately calmed down from his flustered emotions, and a confident smile appeared on his face.

But the people in the hall couldn't help changing their faces, especially Lan Junhao, who was the leader threatening Ji Xing, with a look of terror and fear in his eyes.

"Lan Junhao, do you want to actively give up the elders' position and lead the entire Lan family to withdraw from the heavenly alliance formed by the son of destiny?"

With a fierce and energetic questioning voice, a white-haired old man in a starry robe appeared out of nowhere in the parliamentary hall.

"The son of destiny has traveled, and I have seen the stars!"

Ji Xing suddenly stood up, quickly walked to the old man in the starry robe, and then bowed respectfully and respectfully.


After a cold nodded response, Starry Daojun stared directly at Lan Junhao in panic, without concealing the dissatisfaction in his eyes, and his severe murderous power.

"Mr. Daojun, the Qingbo Lake where my Lan family is located is too close to the southern region, and his subordinates are really worried that the ancient demons threatened the safety of the family. Therefore, the offended son of the destiny for a while is also hoped that Daojun can forgive his sins. Faced with the murderous question of the starry Dao Jun, Lan Junhao quickly stood up to explain and ask for help.

"Lan Junhao, is the safety of your Lan clan important now? Or is the order issued by the Son of Destiny important?" Lan Junhao's explanation and request did not eliminate the strong murderous spirit in the eyes of the starry Daojun. He still looked indifferent. Continued questioning.


If you answer in accordance with your own heart, then the safety of the Lan family is definitely important. Otherwise, Xiu Xiu is the only traveler in the early days of Emperor Qipin of the Emperor. How is he qualified to lead the lineage patriarchs and denominations in front of him.

What these people really fancy is not the identity of the destiny, and the full support of the three devil spirits.

But if you follow your inner will to answer, you will not only offend the star prince severely, but also give him an excuse to kill himself, so as to achieve a deterrent purpose.

Therefore, facing the two choices given by the starry Dao Jun, Lan Junhao suddenly didn't know how to answer.

"Lan Junhao, answer me!" Suddenly took a step forward, Stars Road Jun asked loudly.

"Lan Junhao, answer Daojun's question immediately!"

At the same time, there is a journey supported by the starry Daojun. Thinking of the various difficulties and oppressions of Lan Junhao when he formed the Tianmeng, the thought of Lan Junhao's leading threat from Chi Guoguo, the anger that erupted in his heart made him the same. Asked a step forward.

If it was just a question from the stars, Lan Junhao might make a concessionary step to answer the order of the Son of Heaven.

But in the face of Ji Xing's inquiries, as the head of the Hidden Family, Lan Junhao has always looked down on Ji Xing. The anger and arrogance that erupted in his heart made him immediately make a lifelong answer to regret.

"Crap, of course, the safety of my Lan family is important."


After hearing the reply from Lan Junhao, a happy smile instantly replaced the indifference, and Star Xingdao Jun smiled and said something very good, then flashed in front of him.

The position of being able to temporarily take over the clan patriarch, in addition to the support of several **** ancestors behind, is also directly related to Lan Junhao's own powerful cultivation and strength.

Therefore, at the moment when he saw the starry Daojun's shot, Lan Junhao quickly took out the sword weapon in the **** realm, and immediately mobilized the strength of the peak of the Three Deities and Deities, and then directly attacked the opponent's eyebrow.

Facing Lan Junhao's rapid attack, Star Fangdao Jun extended his right hand without any panic, quickly and accurately clamped the sword tip pierced to the center of his eyebrow, and then stunned gently.


With a crisp sound of breaking in the hall, the sword tip of the sword that reached the first grade in the **** realm was directly interrupted by the **** of the starry Dao.

This made Lan Junhao's face suddenly change at the same time, and immediately thought that the other party could use the power of the rules to control the heavenly consciousness.

Without the slightest hesitation, Lan Junhao immediately inspired the top note taken out instantly, intending to temporarily escape from Yuxu Palace, and then returned to the family to discuss with the ancestors how to deal with the threat of the three destroyers and the son of fate.

Facing the top rune inspired by Lan Junhao, the starry Daojun who did not change his look at all, reached out and pinched the broken sword's tip, and then lost it gently.

After being given the regular strength of the sword tip, he immediately broke through the brow of Lan Junhao after breaking through the defense condensed by the rune.

Subsequently, the ruled power given to the sword tip, while destroying the defense of the sea, also directly strangling the spirits in the space of the sea.

The top rune that was successfully stimulated finally only took away a dead body.

Full of strong murderous eyes, after glancing at the people in the hall, he finally stayed on Ji Xing's body. After staring at the smile on his face, the starry Daojun reminded coldly.

"Son of fate, I have done what I can do and what I can do. If you still can't control Tianmeng completely, and then follow our command line, then the position of Tianmeng's leader should be wise!"

"Stars Road King please rest assured that Ji Xing must send troops to fight the four guardian families within the required time!" After hearing the starry Road King's full of threatening reminders, a flash of panic flashed in his eyes, and he immediately patted his chest to ensure.

"I hope so!"

Looking at the journey that has been reduced to a chess piece, Fanxingdaojun could not help but sighed and disappeared in front of everyone.

The journey of regaining confidence is to stride back to the dragon chair, and then turn back to sit down again, and then solemnly ordered.

"Three days later, they sent troops to fight the Qinglong family of the four guardian families!"

"Observe!" With the **** lesson just now, even if everyone at the scene was dissatisfied, they finally got up and responded obediently.


Manma House, practice room!

Five hours!

With five chaotic auras transformed by innate crystals and formations, Yu Haoran only spent five hours, and his mental state, physical grade, divine power, and soul power were all promoted to the top of the eight goddess of martial arts.

However, when he wanted to use Chaos Aura to continue to hit the auxiliary realm of the initial stage of Valkyrie Jiupin, he found that his potential to enhance his realm and strength had reached the limit.

If we continue to forcibly break through the auxiliary realm, then at the beginning of the mental state, physical grade, divine power, and soul power being promoted to the first rank of Wushen Jiupin, the cultivation will lead to the uncontrollable temptation of God, thus being forced to impact Wushen realm.

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