Destined Martial God

Chapter 1911: Actually helpless

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Manma House, practice room!

Relying on the spiritual state cultivation, physical grade, divine power, and soul power of the top level of Wushen Eight Pins, then with the baptism of divine punishment and the reward of divine punishment, Yu Haoran has sufficient confidence to be able to put himself Xiu Xiu broke through to the peak of Wushen Jiupin in one fell swoop, and possessed infinite strength close to the realm of the Supreme Masterpiece.

But such a result was obviously not what he wanted.

Because he has experienced breakthroughs by Wu Sheng, Wu Zun, and Emperor Wu Xi, he is very aware of the difficulty of breaking through the realm of Wu Shi.

If you don't use the opportunity of Xiu as a breakthrough and the help of God's thunder and thunder and punishment, it will take at least ten or eight years to impact the complete state of Valkyrie by purely hard work.

Although you can gain the immortal long life by upgrading to the Valkyrie realm, in the face of the complex and changing situation of the Tianxuan Continent, the potential pressure brought by the ancient demons and the ancient gods and demons, and the three extinct spirits at any time There may be threats.

Not to mention ten or eight years, even for three or five months, he was too long.

Therefore, after careful consideration and weighing, Yu Haoran finally decided to give up the idea of ​​assisting the realm to break through the peak of Valkyrie Nine Pins, intending to continue to enhance his own potential and accumulation through other methods, and to break through the complete state of Valkyrie Ten Pins in the next move. Make sufficient preparations to lay the foundation for the future of the supreme state of impact.

After having a decision in his heart, Yu Haoran was planning to withdraw the array of transforming Chaos Aura and reduce the consumption of five congenital spar, and suddenly a thrilling shout came from his mind.

"Yu Haoran, this is the highest energy level between heaven and earth, and it is also the most suitable chaos aura for improving cultivation and strength!"


While confirming his nod, Yu Haoran also explained in detail the specific cause of the chaotic aura.

After all, the five congenital crystals that can transform the chaotic aura, thanks to the millions of spirit-phasing ants that Taling found and slaughtered in time, must be frank and clear to him.

Chaos Reiki turned out to be a congenital spar that was born in the queen eater.

After hearing Yu Haoran's explanation, Ta Ling was grateful for his cautious approach, and quickly made his request.

"Yu Haoran, when you met me for the first time, I once told you that in order to restore the injuries between me and the ontology domain tower, a lot of pure life essence is needed. I wonder if you still remember?"

"Of course I remember." Yu Haoran nodded back.

After all, when the acquaintance met, Taling directly exchanged for the essence of his three-month life with the acceleration of three months. How could he forget this unforgettable thing!

"Actually! For the congenital and congenital spiritual treasures born out of our chaos, it is only helpless to use pure essence of life to heal."

"The best way to truly heal our wounds is Chaos Reiki, because a trace of the original energy contained in Chaos Reiki can reach us as ..."

"Ta Ling, then you can directly heal with Chaos Reiki!"

Yu Haoran, who suddenly stood up, stepped out of the array space and directly interrupted Ta Ling's detailed introduction to Chaos Aura, and showed his attitude.

"Yu Haoran, I ...!"

Yu Haoran, who has already practiced with Chaos Aura, should be very aware of the powerful effects of Chaos Aura on cultivation and strength enhancement.

Faced with such precious treasures, he was able to send them to him without any hesitation, which made Tarling suddenly impressed and didn't know what to say.

He may not be able to make such a choice right away if he thinks in other words.

"Ta Ling, you and I have known each other for almost four years. It can be said that this person in the world is most familiar with and understands me Hao Ran."

Seeing Ta Ling who couldn't even speak, Yu Haoran was able to understand his inner excitement at this time, but too excited emotion would affect the recovery of the injury and waste precious chaos aura, so he immediately pretended to be Glad gesture criticized.

"With the relationship and feelings between you and me, in the face of the chaotic aura that allows you and the ontology domain tower to quickly recover from injuries, you only need to order it, and you don't have to test me around the corners."

"Yu Haoran, sorry, I know!"

After expressing a deep apology, Ta Ling took a deep breath, calmed down his inner emotions quickly, and then landed in the matrix space with the tower of the ontology field.

"Yu Haoran, based on the number of chaotic auras transformed by the five congenital crystals, can at least restore about 70% of the damage of the body space-time tower spirit, and also allow me to return to the state of supreme top three."

Although Yu Haoran didn't give up the chaos aura selfishly, the tower spirit couldn't be selfish without any expression, so before absorbing the chaos aura in the matrix space, he solemnly assured Yu Haoran.

"At that time, whether it ’s the three exterminators who can control the heavenly consciousness, or the supreme strongman who returns from the endless void to the Celestial Continent, and the supreme beasts of the ancient demons and the ancient gods and demons, they will never hurt you One cent. "

After hearing the assurance given by Ta Ling, Yu Haoran's face did not change at all, but he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Because, just as Ta Ling thought, he had personally experienced the effect of chaos aura on cultivation and strength, and he was more aware of the preciousness and importance of chaos aura.

From the perspective of his true thoughts, in fact, he was unwilling to selflessly transfer all chaotic auras to Taling, but intended to be used as an important auxiliary means to impact the perfect state of the Ten Gods of the Wushu in the future, and even the supreme state of supreme.

But Taring has been guarded and cared for by his father, corrected and taught like a teacher over the years, making him unable to act in accordance with his true heart.

In the end, he could only endure his heart's perseverance and make a helpless move that made Ta Ling's heart grateful.

Fortunately, the final guarantee given by Ta Ling made him feel that he had selflessly given up Chaos Aura just now, and at least he had a good harvest, and he also had some time to improve his potential.

"Ta Ling, take your time and use Chaos Aura to heal yourself!"

Although the guarantee given by Ta Ling made him feel better, but thinking of the precious chaos being absorbed by Ta Ling little by little, there was still a trace of pain and perseverance in his heart.

So, holding on to the idea of ​​not seeing or worrying, Yu Haoran turned around and left the practice room.

"Yu Haoran, rest assured!"

Watching Yu Haoran stepping out of the practice room, Ta Ling sweared with a clenched fist.

"As long as my cultivation is able to restore the supreme state of the top three products, then with the Ruyi Bell and the space-time tower that incorporate six chaotic marks, no one in this world can easily hurt you."

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