Destined Martial God

Chapter 1922: Intentional flaws

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In the Qinghu Mountains!

The unspoken cold hum of the elder Nalan Purple Marriage made Yu Haoran very uncomfortable, but he did not show it clearly.

After all, the other person's gaze alone can infer that the fact that Qingfeng reshaped the body with Yunhun Dan is enough to prove that the other person's practice has been promoted to a state that he cannot reach for the time being.

In order to continue to conceal the identity of the destiny's son and to hide the fate of the destiny stone and the murderous spirit rat in front of the advancing enemy, he can only try to avoid irritating each other and not turning his face completely.

"Master, three thousand kilometers in the north of the Qinghu Mountains hides three strong aliens!"

It is that when Hao Ran adjusts his unhappy mood through deep breathing, the sound of a terrifying spirit rat reminds in the heart space.


After hearing the reminder of the murderous spirit rat, Yu Haoran's eyes showed a look of doubt.

Because according to the title of all creatures in the memory and inheritance of the destiny stone monument, only powerful races such as ancient monsters and ancient gods and demons can qualify for the title of alien.

Nowadays, the strong people of the ancient demons and the ancient gods and demons have appeared. The remaining powerful races have either been completely extinct or hidden in an endless void.

So, who is the alien who can stand by them!

"Master, these three alien powerhouses are Amao Hao who owns the peak of Emperor Wu Jiupin, An Chao who owns the three-death demigod realm, and Buffalo who is the highest realm.

Just because Haoran doubted the origin of the alien race, the slaying spirit rat went on to introduce the identity and cultivation of the powerful man in the void.


But just before the voice of the Murderous Rat introduced, he immediately said in a self-denial.

"There is also an alien companion monster, a **** **** dog who has been repaired to reach the heights of the Supreme Summit."

Originally, he was still wondering about the origins of the three alien powerhouses, but when he heard the murderous spirit rat mention the **** **** dog, Yu Haoran suddenly thought of the encounter in the auction held in Youniushan in Youniushan. The child and the old man in Tsing Yi, holding the black puppy, but not afraid of any strong man.

Now that he has guessed the origin of the other party, and can continue to delay time by means of conversation, Yu Haoran retracted his eyes on Nalan Purple Marriage and her elders, and then appeared on the north side of the reward energy of the fairy penalty, and then arched his hands to the north The void greeted.

"The prince of the Ming tribe is here, and I am deeply honored by Yu Haoran!"

Yu Haoran suddenly appeared on the north side of the reward of Xianjie Thunder and Thunder Penalty, and immediately caught everyone's attention at the scene.

And when they heard Yu Haoran pointed out that the strong man hidden in the void turned out to be the prince from the ancient Hades, they couldn't help but change their faces.

Although the ancient Hades have never really dominated the ancient continents, but there is no power of a hegemonic level, and no strong person in the supreme realm dares to underestimate the ancient Hades.

Because the ancient Ming people ’s understanding of the soul and spirits, and the control of the soul consciousness and soul, are unavoidable even at the supreme peak level. Therefore, when they heard that the ancient Ming family ’s prince also descended on the Qinghu Mountains, The two old men, Black Dragon, Bailing Tiger, and Demon Clan in the Second Realm of Supreme Rebirth, showed dread in their eyes.

Even the two beauties of Wuyougu could not help but frowned.

"I didn't expect Ye Ma to remember the prince."

Just three seconds after the voice of Hao Ran was over, Xianjie Lei punished the empty space 10,000 meters north of the north side, and suddenly a slightly tender laugh came.

With the tender laughter, a child hugging a black puppy, with an old man in a Tsing Yi, and a middle-aged man in a gray robe, walked out slowly from the void.

Among them, the middle-aged man in the gray robe looked at Yu Siqi, who was receiving the reward of Xianjie's thunder and punishment, with a sharp murderous look in his eyes.

"Ben Ma has kept the gift from the prince, how could he forget you!" Yu Haoran, who did not notice the middle-aged man in the gray robe, took out a token with a devil image engraved from the storage ring using his idea, and then Replied with a smile.

After seeing the token taken out by Yu Haoran, a flash of cold light flashed in the eyes of A Yihao, with a hint of complaint in his tone.

"Master Ma, it's been nearly two years since the prince gave you the token, but you haven't given any reply to the prince. It's a bit unkind!"

"His Royal Highness, you're wrong."

Communication is the best way to delay time. Therefore, in the face of Aihao's complaints, while Yu Haoran immediately fought back, she slowed down as much as possible and talked nonsense as much as possible.

"At the time in Yiyuan Pavilion in Youniu, Ben Ma received a token from the senior ..."

Using memories, exclamations, statements, and interpretations, it took a full three-and-a-half minutes to delay, and Yu Haoran was able to explain why he did not respond to the other party.

At this time, the time agreed with Taling was less than three minutes.

Yu Haoran's intentional delay was just too obvious. Everyone at the scene could see it at a glance, but no one deliberately exposed him, nor interrupted him with words or shots.

In the eyes of everyone at the scene, the reason why Yu Haoran did this was definitely to get enough time for Yu Qiqi to receive the reward of the penalty of Xianjie robbery punishment, so that she could successfully break through with the repair of the pinnacle realm.

Although Tai Xuan's mental method is very powerful, and the supporting martial arts and secret methods are also very strong, but limited by the influence of Si Qi's own cultivation, even if she successfully accepts all the rewards of fairy thunder and lightning punishment, she can finally get more High achievement.

For the two Nalan Purple Marriages who don't know much about Taixuan Xinjing, Yu Siqi believes that he has achieved the highest accomplishment of the Seven Pins of Valkyrie.

For the ancient demons and demons who have had conflicts with the Supreme Supreme for several times, Yu Siqi believes that he has achieved the highest accomplishment of Wu Pin Eight Pins.

As for Hao Hao and Buffel, who had studied Taishang Supreme and Taishang Mind, they thought that, like Qingfeng's speculation, Yu Siqi might accomplish the initial cultivation of Wushen Jiupin.

Therefore, in the presence of a strong man with six semi-robbers in the realm of the scene, even if Yu Siqi successfully accepted all the rewards of the immortal bully penalty, he could not escape in the end.

This is why they did not interrupt Yu Haoran's delay plan, and did not immediately attack Yu Siqi.

Yu Haoran, who is good at figuring out the minds of others, is using the advantage of the other party to make wrong judgments in the absence of information, so he will deliberately show the flaws of delaying time.

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