Destined Martial God

Chapter 1923: Contest

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In the Qinghu Mountains!

Utilizing the method of divine power parcel, Yu Haoran directly sent the token to Aihao, and then signaled apologeticly.

"His Royal Highness, I'm really sorry, Ben Ma's affairs have been too busy in the recent period. I really can't spare time to participate in the trials organized by your Hades royal family, so I can only live up to your good intentions!"

Looking at the token floating in front of his eyes, A Yihao waved his sleeve gently, a special soul power wave, returned the token directly to Haoran, and said with a chuckle.

"Master Ma, this token is not only a voucher to participate in the trial of the Hades, but it also has the effect of nourishing the soul. It can be regarded as a gift from the prince!"

Looking at the token that returned to him, there was a sharp attack of spirits. After a sneer in Yu Haoran's heart, he also gently waved his sleeves, a powerful physical force penetrated the token, and re-sent After arriving in front of A Yihao, his tone was slightly dismissive.

"His Royal Highness, anyone who is familiar with this horse should know that I am short of everything, that is, there are no shortage of various precious treasures that nourish the soul and body, so this token is too ordinary for me. Keeping space is also a waste of storage rings. "

Looking at the tokens that were sent back as fast as lightning, listening to Yu Haoran's evaluation of ridicule and humiliation, the spirit felt the powerful physical power contained in the token, and did not pay attention to the physical training of Aohao, his face instantly At the same time, two clear rays of gray were immediately sprayed into the clear and naive eyes.

Utilizing the gray light emitted from his eyes, after instantly destroying the physical force forcibly penetrated in the token, Ah Yanhao threatened with a dark tone when he continued to return the token to Haoran.

"Master Ma, no one has dared to refuse the gift in person. I hope you will not compromise my face, otherwise, the prince will be very unhappy and the consequences will be very serious."

Feeling the token that was sent back, there was a hint of mysterious power that could shake his mind. Hearing the threat of Ah Yanhao's eerie tone in his ear, Yu Haoran slightly raised his lips and laughed slightly.

Later, he immediately mobilized the pure physical power of the ancestral witch into the token, forcibly crushed that trace of mysterious power, and continued to return the token to the front of A Yihao, and retorted sharply.

"His Royal Highness, Grandma Ben is too arrogant and prefers overbearing. Since debut, facing all opponents who dare to threaten me, he will immediately give thunderous **** revenge. I hope His Royal Highness will not make mistakes, otherwise, Ben Ma It will also be very unhappy, and the consequences will also be very serious. "

Feeling the token that was sent back, there was a horrible force that could directly destroy his own body and spirit. Listening to Hao Ran's fierce attack in his ear, his face was instantly gloomy and watery, and Aohao reached out and stroked the black Puppy smooth hair.

The black puppy that originally gave a gentle and cute feeling, his black hair exploded immediately, and turned to look at the token and Yu Haoran's eyes, igniting a flame like blood.

As soon as my eyes were closed and opened, two blood-red flames spewed out of my eyes like lightning.

Then, a flame forcibly penetrated into the token, quickly burning away the pure ancestral physical power in the token.

The other flame was directed at Hao Ran, a posture that would completely burn him to ashes.

The black puppy is a companion beast of the Hades royal family. Not only has a special blood lineage inheritance, but the grade has also reached a state of supremacy.

Therefore, in the face of the blood-red flame swiftly smashed, Yu Haoran took a deep breath and took a deep breath. The Yuantu Divine Sword that appeared in his hand instantly, in conjunction with the destiny stone monument memory heritage specifically for the **** **** dog, quickly cut out. A fierce sword like the blood-red flame.

At the same time, he also secretly mobilized four innate five-element flags into the flesh, at any time to guard against the defense of the sword after the failure.

The confrontation between Lingli Jianqi and the red flame did not form a deafening roar, nor did it have a close stalemate. Instead, Hao Ran and Ah Yihao expected that Lingli Jianqi directly swallowed the blood-red flame.

Seeing Yu Haoran's sword technique used by the Excalibur, he could devour the infernal flames of the Hell God Dog using the Bloodline Inheritance Mystery, and the eyes of Ah Hao and Buffalo immediately turned to the Excalibur held in the hands of Hao Ran And shouted at the same time.

"This is the Underworld Supreme Baoyuan Tu Excalibur!"

"Yuan Tu Excalibur!"

When the original mighty **** **** dog saw the Yuantu Divine Sword exuding a peculiar breath, he looked trembling and showed a look of fear in his eyes.

"Buried soul!"

The Yuan Tu Excalibur, which is the treasure of the Hades, has physical and blood restraints against the Hades, and can at least weaken the strength of the Hades by at least half when confronting each other.

At the same time, after devouring the infernal flames of the Hell God Dog using the bloodline secret method, the power will be increased by at least three to five times, which is no longer able to be resisted by Amao Hao, who is only the peak of the nine emperors of Wudi.

Therefore, Buffalo, who appeared in front of Ao Hao, mobilized all his powers in an instant, and then cooperated with the cane at the peak level of the **** state to perform the secret method of the highest level of the underworld.


After the blood-red sword gas collided with the gray energy emitted by the cane, the entire Qinghu Mountains suddenly sounded a deafening roar.

With the deafening roar, Yu Haoran holding the Yuantu Divine Sword trembled slightly, while Buffalo holding the wand was a three-step back step with blood flowing from the corner of his mouth, his face paled instantly.

Seeing that Buffalo, who had reached the peak of a horror, was hit hard by the restrained swordsmanship of Yuan Tu's Excalibur, Yu Haoran was shocked, and looked at the black puppy in the arms of Ao Hao, revealing Give a strong desire to get the look.

If he can be assisted by the mysterious method of the bloodline inheritance of the **** **** dog, and then cooperate with the Heibaoyuantu Excalibur and the Abi Excalibur of the Hades, then the ancient Hades will threaten him by at least 50 to 60%.

This allows him not only to be afraid of the threat of any strong person in the future, but also to drive ancient ancient people out of the Tianxuan continent before the world is rebuilt.

Immediately, he took out an elixir with a strange aroma and fed it directly into the buffalo's mouth, which was severely damaged. Then Aohao asked excitedly.

"Master Ma, in addition to Yuan Tu's Excalibur, do you still have an Abi Excalibur?"

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